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Last active November 28, 2016 01:31
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# Physics Constants for electronic structure + stat physics
# defined as const to help with type stability
# 2016-07 - Updated accuracy from
const c = 2.99792458e8; # m / s # speed of light in this universe
#const G = 6.673e-11; # m^3 / kg s^2
const h= 6.62606896e-34; # kg m^2 / s
const hbar = const ħ = 1.05457162825e-34; # kg m^2 / s
const eV = const q = const ElectronVolt = 1.602176487e-19; # kg m^2 / s^2
const MassElectron = 9.10938188e-31; # kg
const MassMuon = 1.88353109e-28; # kg
const MassProton = 1.67262158e-27; # kg
const MassNeutron = 1.67492716e-27; # kg
const UnifiedAtomicMass = 1.660538782e-27; # kg
const ε_0 = const VacuumPermittivity = 8.854187817e-12; # A^2 s^4 / kg m^3
const VacuumPermeability = 1.25663706144e-6; # kg m / a^2 s^2
const Debye = 3.33564095198e-30; # A s^2 / m^2
const Gauss = 1e-4; # kg / A s^2
const Rydberg = 2.17987196968e-18; # kg m^2 / s^2
const Boltzmann = const kB = 1.3806504e-23; # kg m^2 / K s^2
# Define derivative types. Maybe I shouldn't use these? Useful sometimes though!
const hbareV = const ħeV = hbar/eV #eV energy units
const kBeV = kB/eV # in units of eV
# Units
const Å=1E-10 # Angstrom
const HartreeJ = 4.359744650e-18 # J
const HartreeeV = 27.21138602 # eV
# System specifics + derived quantities
#T=300 # Temperature; Kelvin
#β=1/(kB*T) # Thermodynamic Beta; units
# MAPI Specifics
r=6.29Å # Sensible figure for MA for consistency; AW
D1=2.18Debye #Methyl-Ammonia; b3lyp/6-31g*
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