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macOS 11.2 NSMB configuration
# /etc/nsmb.conf - macOS 11.3 - 2021-04-29
# SMB configuration for macOS 11.3 <-> Synology
# Additional information:
# -----------------------
# Use NTFS streams if supported
# Soft mount by default
# Disable signing due to macOS bug
# Disable directory caching
# Lock negotiation to SMB2/3 only
# 7 == 0111 SMB 1/2/3 should be enabled
# 6 == 0110 SMB 2/3 should be enabled
# 4 == 0100 SMB 3 should be enabled
# No SMB1, so we disable NetBIOS
# Turn off notifications
# SMB Multichannel behavior
# To disable multichannel support completely uncomment the next line
# mc_on=no
# Some Wi-Fi networks advertise faster speeds than the connected wired network.
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jbfriedrich commented Nov 28, 2023

I compiled the config file back in '21 based on the online resources I mention in the config file header. Sorry, no idea what is obsolete or not. I dont even use this file anymore, they got lost after an update and I never configured them again on newer macOS versions.

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Thank you for this nice config file. What has helped me in addition was to delete all ._-Files, all .DS_Store files', which have been left-over on the SMB share. They seem to confuse Mac OS X

find . -name "._*" -exec rm {} \;
find . -name ".DS_Store" -exec rm {} \;

But one question: Online I also found these additional options (see , ,



Are these all obsolete?

It needs to be taken into account, that some parameters of SMB config are used/work on macOS and some not (but all work on Linux), so for example port mapping does not work in macOS, so my all (I use it in both macOS and Linux) parameters config file:

# /etc/nsmb.conf

# On LINUX sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf


streams=yes  # Use NTFS streams if supported
soft=yes  # Soft mount by default
signing_required=no  # Disable signing due to macOS bug
dir_cache_off=yes  # Disable directory caching

# Lock negotiation to SMB2/3 only
# 7 == 0111  SMB 1/2/3 should be enabled
# 6 == 0110  SMB 2/3 should be enabled
# 4 == 0100  SMB 3 should be enabled

smb_port=445,2082,2095  # enable custom ports (just for Linux)
port445=no_netbios  # No SMB1, so we disable NetBIOS
notify_off=yes  # Turn off notifications
# mc_on=no  # SMB Multichannel behavior, To disable multichannel support completely uncomment the next line 

# partameter                             default value

# nbtimeout               + + -          1s             Timeout for resolving a NetBIOS name
# minauth                 + + -          NTLMv2         Minimum authentication level allowed
# streams                 + + +          yes            Use NTFS Streams if server supported
# soft                    + + +          no             Force all mounts to be soft
# notify_off              + + +          no             Turn off using notifications
# kloglevel               + - -          0              Turn on smb kernel logging
# protocol_vers_map       + - -          7              Bitmap of SMB Versions that are enabled
# signing_required        + - -          no             Turn on smb client signing
# signing_req_vers        + - -          6              Bitmap of SMB Versions that have signing required
# validate_neg_off        + - -          no             Turn off using validate negotiate
# max_resp_timeout        + + -          30s            Max time to wait for any response from server
# submounts_off           + + +          no             Turn off using submounts
# dir_cache_async_cnt     + + -          10             Max async queries to fill dir cache
# dir_cache_max           + + -          60s            Max time to cache for a dir
# dir_cache_min           + + -          30s            Min time to cache for a dir
# max_dirs_cached         + + -          Varies         Varies from 200-300 depending on RAM amount
# max_cached_per_dir      + + -          Varies         Varies from 2000-10000 depending on RAM amount
# netBIOS_before_DNS      + + +          no             Try NetBIOS resolution before DNS resolution
# mc_on                   + - -          yes            Turn on SMB multichannel (allow more than one channel per session)
# mc_prefer_wired         + - -          no             Prefer wired NIC's over wireless in multichannel mode - Some Wi-Fi networks advertise faster speeds than the connected wired network. 
# encrypt_cipher_map      + - -          15             Bitmap of SMB 3.1.1 encryption algorithms that are enabled
# force_sess_encrypt      + - -          no             Force session encryption for all mounts
# force_share_encrypt     + - -          no             Force share encryption for all mounts

  comment = user-name home folder
  path = /home/user-name
  browseable = yes
  valid users = jjaard
  create mask = 0775
  directory mask = 0775
  force user = sambauser
  force group = users
  read only = No
  guest ok = No


# reload SMB deamon/process
sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/  # restart the SMB service without stopping and starting it separately
sudo launchctl stop ; sudo launchctl start

# restart SMB service
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/  # stop the SMB service
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/  # start the SMB service


# remove all extended attributes of the shared directory. Either one by one using something like:
xattr /path/to/shared/dir

xattr -d /path/to/shared/dir
xattr -d purgeable-drecs-fixed /path/to/shared/dir
xattr -d /path/to/shared/dir

# or all directly:
$ xattr -c /path/to/shared/dir

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