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Created September 28, 2016 20:14
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Handmade CJK coverage util
CJK Radical Supplement ,2E80-2EFF
Kangxi Radicals ,2F00-2FDF
CJK symbols and punctuation ,3000-303F
Hiragana ,3040-309F
Katakana ,30A0-30FF
CJK strokes ,31C0-31EF
Katakana Common ,31F0-31FF
CJK compatibility ,3300-33FF
CJK Unified Ideographs ,4E00-9FFF
CJK compatibility ,F900-FAFF
Katakana halfwidth ,FF00-FFEF
Kana Supplement ,1B000-1B0FF
$ ls -1 font-repo/
ヒラギノ丸ゴ ProN W4.ttc
ヒラギノ角ゴシック W8.ttc
$ python
num desired: 23216
num unsupported: 6640
extras (supported by not desired): 6563
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
from itertools import chain
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
def hex_range_to_dec(hex_range):
lower, upper = map(lambda o: int(o, 16), hex_range.split('-'))
# hex ranges are inclusive, and python's range end is exclusive, so +1
return range(lower, upper+1)
def desired_chars(range_lines):
needed = set()
for line in range_lines:
needed |= set(hex_range_to_dec(line))
return needed
def supported_by(font_list):
provided = set()
for font_name in font_list:
ttf = TTFont(font_name, fontNumber=0)
provided |= set(chain.from_iterable([charCode for charCode in table.cmap.keys()] for table in ttf["cmap"].tables))
return provided
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open('handmade-cjk.txt', 'r') as f:
desired_ranges = [line[:-1].rsplit(',', 1)[1] for line in f.readlines()]
desired = desired_chars(desired_ranges)
repo_path = './font-repo/'
files = [os.path.join(repo_path, fn) for fn in os.listdir(repo_path)]
supported = supported_by(files)
unsupported = desired - supported
extra = supported - desired
print "num desired: %s" % len(desired)
print "num unsupported: %s" % len(unsupported)
print "extras (supported by not desired): %s" % len(extra)
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jdunck commented Sep 28, 2016

Strictly in "works for me" territory, but:
Requires fontTools, assumes your font repo dir is ./font-repo, assumes hex ranges are inclusive and in a specific file format.

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It looks like "num desired" is measured in bytes, and "num supported" is measured in characters

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