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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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ICFP 2014 Programming Contest Non-entry
C 2014 Jesse Millikan except for files provided by contest.
gcc-assembler.rkt translates from labeled to adressed assembly in S-expression format, and provides printing GCC S-expression format to GCC.
gcc-lisp.rkt compiles a small scheme-like language to labeled assembly.
main.rkt contains some testable samples and simple working LambdaMan AIs.
In main.rkt,
(compile-and-print follow-timed-switch)
to get a LambdaMan that will actually move about the maze a little.
#lang racket
(provide assemble assembly->gcc)
;; Labeled ASM -> ASM
(define (assemble prog)
(replace-labels (remove-labels prog) (gather-labels prog)))
;; Labeled ASM -> Hash of symbol to address (integer)
(define (gather-labels prog)
(define (g prog labels n)
(if (null? prog) labels
(let ((ins (first prog)))
(let ((new-labels
(if (pair? (first ins))
(hash-set labels (first (first ins)) n)
(g (rest prog) new-labels (+ n 1))))))
(g prog (hasheq) 0))
;; Unlabeled ASM * Hash of symbol to address -> ASM
(define (replace-labels prog labels)
(lambda (ins)
(cons (first ins)
(lambda (arg)
(if (symbol? arg)
(hash-ref labels arg)
(rest ins))))
;; Labeled ASM -> Unlabeled ASM
(define (remove-labels prog)
(map (lambda (ins)
(if (pair? (first ins))
(rest ins)
;; ASM -> GCC string
(define (assembly->gcc prog)
(apply string-append (map instruction->string prog)))
(define (instruction->string ins)
(string-append (string-upcase (symbol->string (first ins)))
(apply string-append (map (lambda (x) (string-append " " (number->string x))) (rest ins)))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (assemble '()) '())
(check-equal? (assemble '((ADD))) '((ADD)))
(check-equal? (assemble '(((a) ADD))) '((ADD)))
(check-equal? (assemble '(((a) LDF b)
((b) LDF a)))
'((LDF 1)
(LDF 0)))
(check-equal? (assemble GOTO-LABELED-ASM) GOTO-ASM)
(check-equal? (assembly->gcc '((ADD))) "ADD\n")
(check-equal? (assembly->gcc '((LDF 1)
(LDF 0)))
"LDF 1\nLDF 0\n")
(define down-ai
'((DUM 2)
(LDC 2)
(LDF step)
(LDF init)
(RAP 2)
((init) LDC 42)
(LD 0 1)
((step) LD 0 0)
(LDC 1)
(LD 1 0)
(define GOTO-ASM
'((DUM 2)
(LDF 16)
(LDF 10)
(LDF 6)
(RAP 2)
(LDC 1)
(LD 0 0)
(AP 1)
(LD 0 0)
(LDC 1)
(LD 1 0)
(AP 1)
(LD 0 0)
(LDC 1)
(LD 1 1)
(AP 1)
(DUM 2)
(LDF go)
(LDF to)
(LDF main)
(RAP 2)
((main) LDC 1)
(LD 0 0)
(AP 1)
((to) LD 0 0)
(LDC 1)
(LD 1 0)
(AP 1)
((go) LD 0 0)
(LDC 1)
(LD 1 1)
(AP 1)
#lang racket
(require racket/match)
(provide compile BUILTIN-LIB EMPTY-LIB)
;; Lisp -> Labeled ASM
(define (compile prog library)
;; Collect function names and establish an ordering...
(let ((fnames (append (collect-names prog) (library-fnames library))))
(let ((funs-asm (compile-funs prog fnames)))
`((DUM ,(length fnames))
(lambda (fname) `(LDF ,fname)) fnames)
(LDF -entry-)
(RAP ,(length fnames))
((-entry-) LDF main)
(AP 0)
,@(library-bodies library)))))
(define (collect-names prog)
(lambda (fundef)
(first (second fundef)))
(define (compile-funs prog fnames)
(apply append (map (lambda (f) (compile-fun f fnames)) prog)))
(define (compile-fun fundef fnames)
(match fundef
[`(define (,fname ,args ...) ,body)
(let ((compiled-body (compile-expr body (list args fnames))))
(label-function fname
`(,@(sect-body compiled-body)
,@(sect-rest compiled-body))))]))
(define (label-function fname asm)
`(((,fname) ,@(first asm))
,@(rest asm)))
(define -number- 0)
(define (numbered s)
(let ((numbered-sym
(symbol->string s) (number->string -number-)))))
(set! -number- (+ 1 -number-))
;; Labeled ASM * Labeled ASM
(struct sect (body rest))
;; Expr -> Sect
(define (compile-expr expr env)
[(number? expr) (sect `((LDC ,expr)) '())]
[(symbol? expr) (sect `((LD ,@(lexical-address expr env))) '())]
;; TODO: Special forms
[(and (list? expr) (equal? 'if (first expr)))
(let ((cond-expr (second expr)) (true-case (third expr)) (false-case (fourth expr))
(t-label (numbered '-if-t-)) (f-label (numbered '-if-f-)))
(let ((compiled-cond (compile-expr cond-expr env))
(compiled-t (compile-expr true-case env))
(compiled-f (compile-expr false-case env)))
(sect `(,@(sect-body compiled-cond)
(SEL ,t-label ,f-label))
(append (label-function t-label (sect-body compiled-t))
(label-function f-label (sect-body compiled-f))
(sect-rest compiled-cond)
(sect-rest compiled-t)
(sect-rest compiled-f)))))]
[(list? expr)
;; Cannot eval expressions to function position at the moment.
;; (Or rather, we don't have values "tagged" to do so.)
(let ((compiled-arg-sects (map (lambda (e) (compile-expr e env)) (rest expr)))
(compiled-fn (compile-expr (first expr) env)))
;; Hope this argument order is right.
(apply append (map sect-body compiled-arg-sects))
`(,@(sect-body compiled-fn)
(AP ,(length (rest expr)))))
(apply append
(map sect-rest (cons compiled-fn compiled-arg-sects)))))]
[#t (error "Unhandled")]))
(define (lexical-address expr env)
(define (la env env-branch env-depth branch-depth)
(if (null? env-branch)
(when (null? env) (error "Symbol not found"))
(la (rest env) (first env) (+ 1 env-depth) 0))
(if (equal? (first env-branch) expr)
(list env-depth branch-depth)
(la env (rest env-branch) env-depth (+ 1 branch-depth)))))
(la (rest env) (first env) 0 0))
;; A list of builtin functions - (name asm)
(define (builtin-2 s ins)
`(,s (((,s) LD 0 0) (LD 0 1) (,ins) (RTN))))
(define (builtin-1 s ins)
`(,s (((,s) LD 0 0) (,ins) (RTN))))
(define builtins
`(,(builtin-2 '+ 'ADD)
,(builtin-2 '* 'MUL)
,(builtin-2 '- 'SUB)
,(builtin-2 '% 'DIV)
,(builtin-2 'cons 'CONS)
,(builtin-2 '> 'CGT)
,(builtin-2 '>= 'CGTE)
,(builtin-2 '= 'CEQ)
,(builtin-1 'atom? 'ATOM)
,(builtin-1 'car 'CAR)
,(builtin-1 'cdr 'CDR)))
(struct library (fnames bodies))
(define BUILTIN-LIB (library (map first builtins) (apply append (map second builtins))))
(define EMPTY-LIB (library '() '()))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
Empty prog is broken, don't feel like rewriting
(compile-fun '(define (second-arg a b) b) '(main second-arg))
'(((second-arg) LD 0 1) (RTN)))
(compile-fun '(define (get-main a b) get-main) '(main get-main))
'(((get-main) LD 1 1) (RTN)))
(compile-fun '(define (call-g a b) (g b 5)) '(main call-g g))
'(((call-g) LD 0 1) (LDC 5) (LD 1 2) (AP 2) (RTN)))
(compile-fun '(define (f a b) (g 5 (h a b))) '(main f g h))
'(((f) LDC 5) (LD 0 0) (LD 0 1) (LD 1 3) (AP 2) (LD 1 2) (AP 2) (RTN)))
;; Hand check that this just has different gensyms
(compile-fun '(define (f) (if 0 1 2)) '(main f))
'(((f) LDC 0) (RTN) ((-if-t-x) LDC 1) (JOIN) ((-if-f-y) LDC 2) (JOIN)))
(define EMPTY-PROG
'((define (main) 0)))
(define EMPTY-ASM
'((DUM 1)
(LDF main)
(LDF main)
(RAP 1)
((main) LDC 0)
DUM 2 ; 2 top-level declarations
LDF 16 ; declare function go
LDF 10 ; declare function to
LDF 6 ; main function
RAP 2 ; load declarations into environment and run main
RTN ; final return
LD 0 0 ; var go
AP 1 ; call go(1)
LD 0 0 ; var n
LD 1 0 ; var go <-- HERE
AP 1 ; call go(n-1)
LD 0 0 ; var n
LD 1 1 ; var to <-- AND HERE
AP 1 ; call to(n+1)
LDC 21
LDF 4 ; load body
AP 1 ; call body with 1 variable in a new frame
LD 0 0 ; var x :body
LD 0 0 ; var x
#lang racket
(require "gcc-asm.rkt"
(define (compile-and-print prog)
(display (assembly->gcc (assemble (compile prog BUILTIN-LIB)))))
(define test-add
'((define (main)
(+ 1 2))))
(define test-cons
'((define (main)
(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 0))))))
(define test-defs
'((define (main)
(f (g 5)))
(define (f x) (+ x 1))
(define (g x) (* x 3))))
(define test-reenter
'((define (main) (f 5))
(define (f x) (g (+ x 1)))
(define (g x) (* x 3))))
(define test-sub
'((define (main) (- 10 2))))
(define test-if
`((define (main)
(if (f 0) (f 10) (f 25)))
(define (f x)
(+ x 1))))
(define test-item-at
`((define (main)
(item-at (test-list) 1))
(define (item-at-pos pos map)
(item-at map (cdr pos))
(car pos)))
(define (test-list)
(cons 15 (cons 16 (cons 17 0))))
(define (item-at lst index)
(if (= 0 index) (car lst)
(item-at (cdr lst) (- index 1))))
;; Expect 7...
(define test-conds
`((define (main)
(if (> 2 1) 1 0)
(if (>= 2 2) 2 0)
(if (= 2 2) 4 0)
(if (> 1 2) 100 0)
(if (>= 1 2) 200 0)
(if (= 2 3) 400 0)))))))))
(define RIGHT 1)
(define test-right
`((define (main) (cons 0 step))
(define (step ai-state world-state)
(cons ai-state ,RIGHT))))
(define functions
(define (left-of dir) (right-of (right-of (right-of dir))))
(define (right-of dir) (if (> (+ dir 1) 3) 0 (+ dir 1)))
(define (add-pos p1 p2)
(cons (+ (car p1) (car p2)) (+ (cdr p1) (cdr p2))))
(define (dir-offset dir)
;; "Flipped" Y
(if (= dir 0) (cons 0 -1)
(if (= dir 1) (cons 1 0)
(if (= dir 2) (cons 0 1)
(cons -1 0)))))
(define (item-at-pos pos map)
(item-at map (cdr pos))
(car pos)))
(define (item-at lst index)
(if (= 0 index) (car lst)
(item-at (cdr lst) (- index 1))))
(define (empty-space item)
(if (= item 0) 0 1))
(define (world-state-map ws)
(car ws))
(define (my-pos world-state)
(car (cdr ;; lambda-man's position
(car (cdr world-state)))))))
;; Step state is just current dir. Follow left wall, more or less.
(define test-follow-left
`((define (main) (cons 1 step))
(define (step dir world-state)
(try-dir (left-of dir) world-state))
;; Try direction, then direction to the right of it
(define (try-dir dir world-state)
(if (empty-space (item-at-pos (add-pos (my-pos world-state) (dir-offset dir))
(world-state-map world-state)))
(cons dir dir)
(try-dir (right-of dir) world-state)))
;; STATE is direction * following (0-9 = left, 10-19 = right)
(define follow-timed-switch
`((define (main) (cons (switch-state 1 0) step))
(define (step ss world-state)
((following-fn-op (ss-following ss)) (ss-dir ss))
(ss-following ss)))
;; Try direction, then direction to the right of it
(define (try-dir dir world-state following)
(if (empty-space (item-at-pos (add-pos (my-pos world-state) (dir-offset dir))
(world-state-map world-state)))
(cons (switch-state dir (bump-following following)) dir)
(try-dir ((following-fn following) dir) world-state following)))
(define (switch-state dir following)
(cons dir following))
(define (ss-dir ss) (car ss))
(define (following-fn f) (if (>= f 10)
(define (following-fn-op f) (if (>= f 10)
(define (ss-following ss) (cdr ss))
(define (bump-following f) (if (>= f 19) 0 (+ 1 f)))
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