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Created October 27, 2011 17:15
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An example showing the benefits of FFT convolution vs. manual calculation
n = 10
n.sum = 2
# Simulate data
a =, n, replace=T)
df = data.frame(n=1:n, a)
# Precompute n-a
n.minus.a = with(df, n - a)
# Define a kernel for our sliding window
k = rep(0, n)
k[1:n.sum] = 1
# Instead of calculating the result of the sliding window manually, we can do
# the convolution quickly with fft
myConv <- function(x, k){
Fx = fft(x)
Fk = fft(k)
Fxk = Fx * Fk
xk = fft(Fxk, inverse=T)
(Re(xk) / n)[-(1:(n.sum-1))]
myConv(n.minus.a, k)
# Which is what happens under the hood when we do:
convolve(n.minus.a, k)[1:(length(n.minus.a)-n.sum+1)]
# Manual method
sliding = function(df, n, f)
ldply(1:(nrow(df) - n + 1), function(k)
f(df[k:(k + n - 1), ])
sliding(df, 2, function(df) with(df, data.frame(n = n[1], a = a[1], b = sum(n - a))))
# Reset n to something bigger like 10^4
system.time(myConv(n.minus.a, k))
system.time(convolve(n.minus.a, k, type='circ')[1:(length(n.minus.a)-n.sum+1)])
system.time(sliding(df, 2, function(df) with(df, data.frame(n = n[1], a = a[1], b = sum(n - a)))))
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