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Created January 21, 2012 07:23
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// TemplateJS v3.1.1 MIT/GPL2 @jon_neal
(function (global) {
function escapeJS (str) {
return str.replace(/"/g, '\\"').replace(/\n/g, '\\n').replace(/\r/g, '\\r');
function TemplateWalk (str, chars, helpers, instance) {
// check for the opening delimiters and init our array buffer
var index = str.indexOf(chars.START_PROP), buffer = '', helper;
// if the opening delimiters are encountered
if (index > -1) {
// add to the buffer the contents before the opening delimiters
buffer += '__out__+="' + escapeJS(str.substr(0, index)) + '";';
// move the string to after the opening delimiters
str = str.substr(index + chars.START_PROP.length);
// get the helper character of the string
helper = str.substr(0, 1);
// get the index of the closing delimiters
index = str.indexOf(chars.END_PROP);
// if the closing delimiters are encountered
if (index > -1) {
// if the helper function does exist
if (helpers[helper]) {
// add to the buffer the return of the helper function
buffer += helpers[helper].call(instance, str.substr(helper.length, index - helper.length));
// move the string to after the closing delimiters
str = str.substr(index + chars.END_PROP.length);
// add to the buffer the return of this function
buffer += TemplateWalk(str, chars, helpers, instance);
// if the helper function does not exist
else {
// add to the buffer the contents before the closing delimiters
buffer += str.substr(0, index);
// add to the buffer the return of this function
buffer += TemplateWalk(str.substr(index + chars.END_PROP.length), chars, helpers, instance);
// if the opening delimiters are not encountered
else {
buffer += '__out__+="' + escapeJS(str) + '";';
// return the buffer
return buffer;
function Template (val) {
var instance = this, data = = {
template: '',
compiled: function () {},
cached: ''
}, delimiters = instance.delimiters = {
'START_PROP': '<%',
'END_PROP': '%>'
}, helpers = instance.helpers = {
'=': function (js) {
return '__out__+=' + js + ';';
'?': function (js) {
return '{if((' + js + ')){';
'!': function (js) {
return '{if(!(' + js + ')){';
'#': function (js) {
return 'for(var __property__ in ' + js + '){with(' + js + '[__property__]){';
'@': function (js) {
return '{with(' + js + '){';
'/': function (js) {
return '}}';
instance.template = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) {
return data.template;
} else {
if (val !== data.template) {
data.template = val;
data.compiled = Function((
'__out__="";with(this){' + TemplateWalk(val, delimiters, helpers, instance) + '}return __out__;'
).replace(/;__out__\+=/g, '+'));
delete data.cached;
return instance;
instance.context = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) {
return data.context;
} else {
if (val !== data.context) {
data.context = val;
delete data.cached;
return instance;
instance.render = function (val) {
if (val !== undefined) {
return data.cached !== undefined ? data.cached : data.cached =;
if (val) {
return instance;
global.Template = Template;
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Here is a template written in a <script>.

<script type="text/html" id="template">
    <%? share %>
            A few quotes.
        <%# phrases %>
                <%= quote %>
                <%= cite %>
        These things are true.

Here is some javascript to use the template.

var tpl = new Template();


    share: true,
    phrases: [{
        cite: 'Jonathan Neal',
        quote: '"I am a waffle."'
        cite: 'Christina Neal',
        quote: '"I am spagetti."'

document.write( tpl.render() );

Here is the resulting HTML.

    A few quotes.
    "I am a waffle."
    Jonathan Neal
    "I am spagetti."
    Christina Neal
    These things are true.

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