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Created May 27, 2021 06:30
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xinput list devices showing pointer locations
#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XInput.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XInput2.h>
int main()
Display *d = XOpenDisplay(":0");
if (d == NULL) {
printf("Display failed to open");
int device_count;
// Fetch the list of XInput devices.
// Store the "count" of these devices in `device_count`
XDeviceInfo *inputs = XListInputDevices(d, &device_count);
for (int i = 0; i < device_count; i++) {
// Only process pointer inputs
if (inputs[i].use == IsXPointer) {
double x, y;
// Create throw-away storage for saving things we don't want
Window _w;
double _d;
XIButtonState _xib;
XIModifierState _xim;
XIGroupState _xig;
XIQueryPointer(d, // display
inputs[i].id, // deviceid
DefaultRootWindow(d), // "win"
// The rest of the arguments are passed as pointers intended for XIQueryPointer
// to store data into
&_w, // root_return, we don't care for this example.
&_w, // child_return, we don't care for this example.
&x, // X coordinate
&y, // Y coordinate
&_d, // win_x_return, don't care for this example.
&_d, // win_y_return, don't care for this example.
&_xib, // buttons_return, don't care for this example.
&_xim, // modifiers_return, don't care for this example.
&_xig // group_return, don't care for this example.
printf("Pointer id:%lu at location %0.0f,%0.0f\n", inputs[i].id, x, y);
% gcc main.c $(pkg-config --libs x11 xi --cflags) -o xinput-example
% ./xinput-example
Pointer id:2 at location 1011,756
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