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Created April 19, 2022 21:05
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create 3 switch with 3 hosts config with networkx
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import collections
import networkx
class KindPort(object):
delimiter = "/"
def __init__(self, kind, name, port):
self.kind = kind = name
self.port = port
def __str__(self):
return '{}{}{}{}{}'.format(self.kind, self.delimiter,, self.delimiter,
def __hash__(self):
return hash( (self.kind,, self.port) )
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and \
self.kind == other.kind and == and self.port == other.port
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
class Port(object):
def __init__(self, name, number): = name
self.number = number
def __str__(self):
return '{}-{}'.format(, self.number)
def __hash__(self):
return hash( (, self.number) )
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and \ == and self.number == other.number
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
kindConfig = collections.namedtuple('KindConfig', ('kind', 'name', 'ports'))
kindPortConfig = [
kindConfig('Switch', 's1', 2),
kindConfig('Switch', 's2', 3),
kindConfig('Switch', 's3', 4),
kindConfig('Host', 'h1', 1),
kindConfig('Host', 'h2', 2),
kindConfig('Host', 'h3', 3),
kindPortMap = {}
maxPorts = 1
for config in kindPortConfig:
if config.ports > maxPorts:
maxPorts = config.ports
portFields = tuple(('p{}'.format(p) for p in range(1, maxPorts+1)))
ports = collections.namedtuple('Ports', portFields, defaults=('',) * len(portFields))
kindObjectFields = tuple(('port{}'.format(p) for p in range(1, maxPorts+1)))
kindObjects = collections.namedtuple('Kinds', kindObjectFields, defaults=(None,) * len(kindObjectFields))
for config in kindPortConfig:
key =
portList = ('{}-eth{}'.format(, p) for p in range(1, config.ports+1))
kindPortMap[key] = ports(*portList)._asdict()
kindObjectList = ()
for p in range(1, config.ports+1):
port = '{}-eth{}'.format(, p)
obj = KindPort(config.kind,, Port(port, p))
kindObjectList += (obj,)
kindPortMap[key] = kindObjects(*kindObjectList)._asdict()
g = networkx.Graph()
# connect the local ports
connections = []
for config in kindPortConfig:
key =
for p in range(1, config.ports+1):
k1 = kindPortMap[key]['port{}'.format(p)]
for p2 in range(p+1, config.ports+1):
k2 = kindPortMap[key]['port{}'.format(p2)]
connections.append((k1, k2, 1))
cross_connects = [
( ('h1', 'port1'), ('s1', 'port1'), 1 ),
( ('h2', 'port2'), ('s2', 'port2'), 1 ),
( ('s1', 'port2'), ('s2', 'port1'), 2 ),
( ('s2', 'port3'), ('s3', 'port1'), 3 ),
( ('s3', 'port3'), ('h3', 'port3'), 1 ),
cross_connections = []
for x1, x2, weight in cross_connects:
key, port = x1[0], x1[1]
k1 = kindPortMap[key][port]
key, port = x2[0], x2[1]
k2 = kindPortMap[key][port]
cross_connections.append( (k1, k2, weight) )
nodes = g.number_of_nodes()
print('Graph nodes: {}'.format(nodes))
edges = g.number_of_edges()
print('Graph edges: {}'.format(edges))
for n, neighbors in g.adjacency():
for neigh, attr in neighbors.items():
print('Node', n, 'Neighbor', neigh, 'Cost', attr['weight'])
source = KindPort('Host', 'h1', Port('h1-eth1', 1))
target = KindPort('Host', 'h3', Port('h3-eth3', 3))
path = networkx.shortest_path(g, source=source, target=target)
paths = list(map(lambda p: str(p), path))
print('Shortest path from', source, 'to', target, '=', '->'.join(paths))
#simplePaths = networkx.shortest_simple_paths(g, source=source, target=target)
#for index, path in enumerate(simplePaths):
# paths = list(map(lambda p: str(p), path))
# print('Shortest path index', index, 'from', source, 'to', target, '=', '->'.join(paths))
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