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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Save kcsaff/6bc177f2531f43082d0b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Noisy threadpool implementation that automatically handles multiple attempts & such.
from __future__ import print_function
import queue
import threading
from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import Counter
import time
import traceback
class Warn(object):
Class to automatically elide repeated messages or warnings. Since this will store all
messages received in a set, this is best used for a small set of possible warning messages
-- but see below, it's at least smart enough that you can ignore parameterization if you want.
`Warn` can take any print function, in this example we'll just store the warnings in a list.
>>> warnings = list()
>>> warn = Warn(warnings.append)
We can tell `Warn` to print a message only once
>>> warn(1, 'This is a repeated message')
And we'll find that it's been printed (and `Warn` told us so, by responding `True`).
>>> warnings
['This is a repeated message']
If we tell it to print that again...
>>> warn(1, "This is a repeated message")
It won't be printed again -- only the once.
>>> warnings
['This is a repeated message']
So now let's print a parameterized warning message.
>>> del warnings[:]
>>> warn(1, 'Critical error {errno}!!!', errno=32451)
>>> warnings
['Critical error 32451!!!']
If we try this again with a different parameter, it will be ignored, because only the format string counts.
>>> warn(1, 'Critical error {errno}!!!', errno=77777)
>>> warnings
['Critical error 32451!!!']
If you want it to treat these cases differently, you just need to format before handing it over to `Warn`.
def __init__(self, print_function=print, final_warning_count_cutoff=2):
self._lock = threading.RLock()
self._final_warning_count_cutoff = final_warning_count_cutoff
self._warnings = Counter()
self._print = print_function
def __call__(self, count, warning, *args, **kwargs):
with self._lock:
self._warnings[warning] += 1
if self._warnings[warning] <= count:
if args or kwargs:
warning = warning.format(*args, **kwargs)
if self._warnings[warning] == count >= self._final_warning_count_cutoff:
self._print('{0}: FINAL WARNING'.format(warning))
return True
return False
class TaskSummary(object):
"""Keeps track of task status in a thread-safe way.
This verbosely prints task status including percentage complete and ETA in a thread-safe way,
so you know where your process is at in its long slog towards completion.
This can be configured to:
- log every N tasks submitted or completed
- log every N seconds
The name & message can be customized.
Here we see a `TaskSummary` with `milestone` set to 10, meaning it will only report every 10 submissions or completions.
>>> reports = list()
>>> ts = TaskSummary(milestone=10, maxtime=None, message='{finished}/{submitted}', print_function=reports.append)
>>> ts.submit(4)
>>> reports
>>> ts.submit(7)
>>> reports
>>> ts.submit(8)
>>> ts.finish(7)
>>> reports
>>> ts.finish(5)
>>> reports
['00/11', '12/19']
DEFAULT_MESSAGE = '{name} {finished}/{submitted} ({finish_percentage}%) in {elapsed}. ETA: T-{eta}'
def __init__(self, milestone=1000, maxtime=10.0, name='Processed', message=None, print_function=print, time_function=time.time, report_on_completion=True):
:param milestone: maximum number of submissions or completions between reports
:param maxtime: maximum number of seconds between reports
:param name: name to use in reports
:param message: report format: may include `name`, `finished`, `submitted`, `finish_percentage`, `elapsed`, `eta`,
`succeeded`, `failed`, `succeed_percentage`, `fail_percentage`
:param print_function: where to print this stuff
:param time_function: function returning number of elapsed seconds
self._lock = threading.RLock()
self._submitted = 0
self._finished = 0
self._succeeded = 0
self._failed = 0
self._milestone = milestone if milestone is not None else 1e12
self._time = time_function
self._first_time = self._time()
self._maxtime = maxtime if maxtime is not None else 1e9
self._name = name
self._message = message or self.DEFAULT_MESSAGE
self._print = print_function or _null_print
self._report_on_completion = report_on_completion
# Goals
# Created as `None` here, but corrected in `_update_goals()`
self._next_submit_milestone = None
self._next_finish_milestone = None
self._next_time = None
def quiet(cls, milestone=None, maxtime=None, name='Processed', message=None, print_function=None, time_function=time.time, report_on_completion=False):
"""Return a very quiet version of TaskSummary.
Use this if you don't want your VerboseThreadPool to be very verbose, after all.
return cls(
def submit(self, count=1):
"""Indicate additional task(s) added to queue.
:param count: rough number of tasks added. Alternatively, mark as > 1 to indicate addition of "harder" task.
with self._update_context():
self._submitted += count
def finish(self, count=1, success=True):
"""Indicate task(s) completed.
:param count: rough number of tasks completed. Alternatively, mark as > 1 to indicate completion of "harder" task.
with self._update_context():
self._finished += count
if success:
self._succeeded += count
self._failed += count
def report(self):
"""Print current status"""
with self._lock:
self._next_submit_milestone = self._submitted + self._milestone
self._next_finish_milestone = min((self._finished + self._milestone, self._submitted))
self._next_time = self._time() + self._maxtime
def get_status(self):
"""Get current formatted status as a string"""
with self._lock:
percentage = 100 * self._finished // self._submitted if self._submitted else 0
time_seconds = int(self._time() - self._first_time)
time_amount = '{0}:{1:02}'.format(time_seconds // 60, time_seconds % 60)
time_eta_seconds = time_seconds * self._submitted // self._finished - time_seconds if self._finished else 0
time_eta = '{0}:{1:02}'.format(time_eta_seconds // 60, time_eta_seconds % 60)
len_submitted = len(str(self._submitted))
formatted_finished = str(self._finished).zfill(len_submitted)
formatted_succeeded = str(self._succeeded).zfill(len_submitted)
formatted_failed = str(self._failed).zfill(len_submitted)
succeed_percentage = 100 * self._succeeded // self._submitted if self._submitted else 0
fail_percentage = 100 * self._failed // self._submitted if self._submitted else 0
return self._message.format(
def _update_goals(self):
"""Update targets for next report."""
self._next_submit_milestone = self._submitted + self._milestone
self._next_finish_milestone = min((self._finished + self._milestone, self._submitted))
self._next_time = self._time() + self._maxtime
def _update_context(self):
"""context manager to make sure we print reports when an update suggests we should."""
with self._lock:
old_finished = self._finished
old_submitted = self._submitted
if (old_finished < self._next_finish_milestone <= self._finished) \
or (old_submitted < self._next_submit_milestone <= self._submitted) \
or (self._report_on_completion and self._finished >= self._submitted) \
or (self._time() >= self._next_time):
class VerboseThreadPool(object):
"""Thread pool that very noisily keeps you updated on its progress.
This is intended to be used when you have a process that creates a number of tasks, and then waits for all those
tasks to be completed by a pool of worker threads. It keeps you updated on how much work it's done so far, and
how much it thinks it still needs to do.
As a bonus, it can automatically attempt tasks multiple times, failing them only after a maximum number of attempts
have been made.
This can be used as a contextmanager: if so, it will wait for all tasks to complete on exit.
>>> outputs = list()
>>> with VerboseThreadPool("test pool", 10, print_function=None) as pool:
... for i in range(100):
... pool.submit(3, outputs.append, i)
>>> len(outputs)
>>> sorted(outputs)[:10]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
def __init__(self, name, max_workers, worker_timeout=1.0, summary_milestone=1000, summary_time=10.0, summary='auto', print_function=print):
:param name: The name to be used in messages and for identifying threads.
:param max_workers: The maximum number of worker threads to create.
:param worker_timeout: Time after which a worker dies if no new tasks are available.
:param summary_milestone: Number of submissions or completions after which to report status
:param summary_time: Time in seconds after which to report status
:oaram summary: full `TaskSummary` object that if present, overrides convenience parameters `summary_milestone` and `summary_time`
self.lock = threading.RLock() = name
self.max_workers = max_workers
self.workers = set()
self.queue = queue.Queue()
self.warn = Warn()
if summary == 'auto':
self.summary = TaskSummary(, milestone=summary_milestone, maxtime=summary_time, print_function=print_function)
elif summary is None:
self.summary = TaskSummary.quiet()
self.summary = summary
self.worker_timeout = worker_timeout
self._is_shutdown = False
self._print = print_function or _null_print
self._workers_created = 0
def submit(self, max_attempts, fun, *args, **kwargs):
"""Submit a task to be completed on the threadpool.
:param max_attempts: Maximum number of times to attempt this task: can be just 1 if you don't want to reattempt on exceptions.
:param fun: Function to call
:param args: positional arguments to apply to function
:param kwargs: keyword arguments to apply to function
with self.lock:
if self._is_shutdown:
raise Exception('Cannot submit tasks to a shutdown threadpool.')
self._do_submit(0, max_attempts, fun, args, kwargs)
def __enter__(self):
"""Enter contextmanager."""
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
"""Exit contextmanager, shutting down the threadpool & waiting for all tasks to complete or fail."""
def shutdown(self, wait=True):
"""Shutdown threadpool & no longer accept any new tasks.
:param wait: This must be true and indicates that we wait for all tasks to complete before continuing.
if not wait:
raise NotImplementedError
with self.lock:
self._is_shutdown = True
self._print('Waiting for `{0}` to complete.'.format(
self._print('Tasks complete.')
def _do_submit(self, attempts, max_attempts, fun, args, kwargs):
"""Actually put a task on the task queue."""
with self.lock:
if (not self.workers or not self.queue.empty()) and len(self.workers) < self.max_workers:
self._workers_created += 1
name = '{0} Worker #{1}/{2}'.format(, self._workers_created, self.max_workers)
# Yes, we can have more workers created than max workers if some old workers have retired
new_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._worker, name=name)
new_thread.daemon = True
if not attempts:
self.queue.put((fun, args, kwargs, attempts, max_attempts))
def _worker(self):
"""Ye actual worker thread."""
while True:
# Get a task
fun, args, kwargs, attempts, max_attempts = self.queue.get(True, self.worker_timeout)
except queue.Empty:
# until we run out
if not fun:
try: # do the task
fun(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as err:
# warn and put back on queue unless max attempts exceeeded
self.warn(3, str(err))
attempts += 1
if attempts >= max_attempts:
self._print('Max attempts exceeded!')
else: # put back on queue
self._do_submit(attempts, max_attempts, fun, args, kwargs)
else: # The task is done forever
self.queue.task_done() # Tell the queue the task is done as well.
with self.lock: # Remove this from list of workers, so more could be created if necessary.
def _null_print(*args, **kwargs):
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
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