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Created January 15, 2022 00:16
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(defn iteration-op-map
"Iterates an op-map based step. Useful in aws-api and gcp-api. Returns a list
of results from each page after applying :itemsf. If an anomaly is returned
from invoke-fn, it will be included in the list."
[invoke-fn op-map {:keys [request-key response-key itemsf]}]
(fn [next-token]
(cond-> op-map
next-token (assoc-in [:request request-key] next-token))))
:kf (fn [ret]
(let [k (response-key ret)]
(when (and k (if (string? k) (not (str/blank? k)) true))
:vf (fn [ret]
(if (:cognitect.anomalies/category ret)
(itemsf ret)))))
#(aws/invoke client %)
{:op :ListObjectsV2
:request {:Bucket "my-bucket"}}
{:request-key :ContinuationToken
:response-key :ContinuationToken
:itemsf :Contents}))
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