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Created May 14, 2011 01:40
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GCJ 2011 Qual-A さらにやり直し。今度こそ完璧な証明が書けたはずだ
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import List.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Inductive Robo : Set := Blue | Orange.
Inductive Order : Set := order : Robo -> Z -> Order.
Definition robo_inv (robo: Robo) :=
match robo with
| Blue => Orange
| Orange => Blue
Inductive Move (robo: Robo) : Set := Left | Right | Stay.
Inductive Moves : Set :=
| moves : Move Blue -> Move Orange -> Moves
| pushmove (roboPush: Robo) : Move (robo_inv roboPush) -> Moves.
Definition Robo_eq_dec (x y: Robo) : { x = y } + { x <> y }.
Proof. decide equality. Defined.
Definition Order_eq_dec (x y: Order) : { x = y } + { x <> y }.
Proof. decide equality. apply Z_eq_dec. apply Robo_eq_dec. Defined.
Record ZZ : Set := zz {
pB : Z;
pO : Z
Definition zz_cor (p : ZZ) (r: Robo) :=
match r with
| Blue => pB p
| Orange => pO p
Coercion zz_cor : ZZ >-> Funclass.
Definition setzz (r: Robo) (v: Z) (p: ZZ) :=
match r with
| Blue => zz v (pO p)
| Orange => zz (pB p) v
Definition makezz (r: Robo) (u v: Z) :=
match r with
| Blue => zz u v
| Orange => zz v u
Definition padd (p q: ZZ) :=
zz (pB p + pB q) (pO p + pO q).
Definition paddz (r: Robo) (p: ZZ) (x: Z) :=
setzz r (p r + x) p.
Definition do_move (r: Robo) (m: Move r) (p: ZZ) :=
match m with
| Left => paddz r p (-1)
| Stay => p
| Right => paddz r p 1
Definition do_moves (mb: Move Blue) (mo: Move Orange) (p: ZZ) :=
do_move mb (do_move mo p).
Inductive Correct (pfrom: ZZ) : ZZ -> list Order -> list Moves -> Prop :=
| c_nil:
Correct pfrom pfrom nil nil
| c_moves (mb : Move Blue) (mo : Move Orange) os ms pto:
Correct (do_moves mb mo pfrom) pto os ms ->
Correct pfrom pto os (moves mb mo::ms)
| c_pushmove (r : Robo) (mv: Move (robo_inv r)) os ms pto:
Correct (do_move mv pfrom) pto os ms ->
Correct pfrom pto (order r (pfrom r)::os) (pushmove mv::ms).
Lemma correct_app:
forall (ws ws': list Moves) (os os': list Order) pfrom pvia pto,
Correct pfrom pvia os ws ->
Correct pvia pto os' ws' ->
Correct pfrom pto (os++os') (ws++ws').
intros. revert pto H0.
induction H; [simpl;auto| | ]; repeat rewrite <- app_comm_cons; constructor; auto.
Inductive OrderRel : Set := orderRel : Robo -> Z -> OrderRel.
Fixpoint translateRel_aux (pfrom: ZZ) (os: list Order) : list OrderRel :=
match os with
| nil => nil
| order r pbutton::os' =>
orderRel r (Zabs (pfrom r - pbutton)) :: translateRel_aux (setzz r pbutton pfrom) os'
Definition Zmax0 := Zmax 0.
Definition cost_pu (pu: ZZ) (pbutton: Z) (r: Robo) :=
Zmax0 (pbutton - pu r) + 1.
Definition update_pu (pu: ZZ) (pbutton: Z) (r: Robo) :=
makezz r 0 (pu (robo_inv r) + cost_pu pu pbutton r).
Fixpoint min_movesRel_aux (pu: ZZ) (os: list OrderRel) :=
match os with
| nil => 0
| orderRel r pbutton::os' =>
cost_pu pu pbutton r + min_movesRel_aux (update_pu pu pbutton r) os'
Definition min_trans (pu pfrom: ZZ) (os: list Order) :=
min_movesRel_aux pu (translateRel_aux pfrom os).
Lemma Zabs_or: forall x y, Zabs x = y -> x = y \/ x = -y.
Proof. intros. destruct (Zabs_dec x); omega. Qed.
Lemma Z_simpl_0: forall x y, x + y - y = x.
Proof. auto with zarith. Qed.
Lemma Z_simpl_1: forall x y, x - y + y = x.
Proof. intros. omega. Qed.
Lemma Z_simpl_3: forall x y, x + - y = x - y.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Hint Rewrite
Zplus_0_l Zplus_0_r Zminus_diag Zminus_plus Zplus_opp_r Zplus_opp_l
: zs.
Ltac zsimpl := autorewrite with zs.
Lemma psimpl_1: forall r p x, (paddz r p x) r = p r + x.
Proof. destruct r; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma psimpl_2: forall r p x, (paddz r p x) (robo_inv r) = p (robo_inv r).
Proof. destruct r; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma psimpl_3: forall r p x y, setzz r x (paddz r p y) = setzz r x p.
Proof. destruct r; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma psimpl_4: forall p, zz (pB p) (pO p) = p.
Proof. destruct p; auto. Qed.
Lemma psimpl_5: forall r p (mv: Move r), do_move mv p (robo_inv r) = p (robo_inv r).
Proof. destruct r; destruct mv; destruct p; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma psimpl_6: forall r p (mv: Move r) x, setzz r x (do_move mv p) = setzz r x p.
Proof. destruct r; destruct mv; destruct p; simpl; auto. Qed.
Hint Rewrite
: zz.
Definition Robo_eq_decinv: forall (r r': Robo), { r = r' } + { r = robo_inv r' }.
Proof. destruct r; destruct r'; auto. Defined.
Ltac psimpl := autorewrite with zz.
Ltac zsolve :=
solve [ omega
| rewrite Zabs_eq; zsolve
| rewrite Zabs_non_eq; zsolve
| rewrite Zmax_left; zsolve
| rewrite Zmax_right; zsolve
Ltac zzsolve :=
unfold update_pu, cost_pu, padd, paddz, Zmax0 in *; simpl in *;
repeat match goal with
| [ r: Robo |- _ ] => destruct r; simpl in *
| [ |- zz _ _ = zz _ _ ] => f_equal
| [ |- _ ] => progress autorewrite with zz zs in *
| [ |- _ ] => zsolve
Lemma Zabs_lemma_1:
forall x y z d, (d = -1 \/ d = 0 \/ d = 1) ->
exists e, (e = -1 \/ e = 0 \/ e = 1) /\
Zabs (x + d - y) - z = Zabs (x - y) - (z + e).
destruct (Ztrichotomy x y) as [|[|]];
destruct H as [|[|]];
solve [ exists d; zsolve | exists (-d); zsolve ].
Lemma min_trans_u1:
forall (os: list Order) (pu pfrom: ZZ) (r: Robo) (mv: Move r),
exists mv': Move r,
min_trans pu (do_move mv pfrom) os = min_trans (do_move mv' pu) pfrom os.
induction os.
intros; unfold min_trans; simpl; exists (Stay _); auto.
destruct a as [r' pp]; simpl.
destruct (Robo_eq_decinv r' r); rewrite e; clear e r'.
set (dfrom := do_move mv (zz 0 0) r).
destruct (@Zabs_lemma_1 (pfrom r) pp (pu r) dfrom) as [du [Hdu Heq]]; auto.
destruct mv; unfold dfrom; zzsolve.
replace (pfrom r + dfrom) with (do_move mv pfrom r) in Heq.
2:unfold do_move, dfrom; destruct mv; zzsolve.
destruct Hdu as [Hdu|[Hdu|Hdu]];
[ exists (Left _) | exists (Stay _) | exists (Right _) ];
unfold min_trans; simpl; unfold update_pu, cost_pu;
psimpl; rewrite Heq; rewrite Hdu; zsimpl; reflexivity.
unfold min_trans. simpl.
match goal with
| [ |- context[min_movesRel_aux ?X ?Y] ] =>
destruct (IHos X (setzz (robo_inv r) pp pfrom) r mv) as [mv' Heq]; auto
exists mv'.
f_equal. destruct mv; destruct mv'; unfold do_move; zzsolve.
unfold min_trans in Heq; destruct mv; destruct mv'; zzsolve; rewrite Heq; f_equal; zzsolve.
Lemma min_movesRel_aux_1_1:
forall (os: list OrderRel) (pu: ZZ) (pd: ZZ),
(forall r, 0 <= pd r <= 1) ->
min_movesRel_aux (padd pu pd) os <=
min_movesRel_aux pu os <=
min_movesRel_aux (padd pu pd) os + 1.
induction os; intros; simpl; try omega.
generalize (H Blue); generalize (H Orange); simpl; intros.
destruct a as [r pp].
unfold update_pu, cost_pu.
set (x := Zmax0 (pp - pu r) + 1).
set (y := Zmax0 (pp - padd pu pd r) + 1).
assert (Hxy: x = y \/ x = y + 1).
destruct (Ztrichotomy pp (pu r)) as [|[|]];
unfold x, y; zzsolve.
destruct Hxy as [Hxy|Hxy]; rewrite Hxy; clear x Hxy.
destruct (IHos (makezz r 0 (pu (robo_inv r) + y)) (setzz r 0 pd)).
intros; zzsolve.
replace (makezz r 0 (padd pu pd (robo_inv r) + y))
with (padd (makezz r 0 (pu (robo_inv r) + y)) (setzz r 0 pd));
set (od := pd (robo_inv r)).
assert (Hod: od = 0 \/ od = 1).
unfold od; zzsolve.
destruct Hod as [Hod|Hod]; unfold od in Hod; clear od.
destruct (IHos (makezz r 0 (pu (robo_inv r) + y)) (makezz r 0 1)).
intros; zzsolve.
replace (padd pu pd (robo_inv r) + y)
with (pu (robo_inv r) + y);
replace (makezz r 0 (pu (robo_inv r) + (y + 1)))
with (padd (makezz r 0 (pu (robo_inv r) + y)) (makezz r 0 1));
replace (pu (robo_inv r) + (y + 1))
with (padd pu pd (robo_inv r) + y); zzsolve.
Lemma min_movesRel_aux_1:
forall (os: list OrderRel) (pu: ZZ) (mb: Move Blue) (mo: Move Orange),
min_movesRel_aux pu os <= min_movesRel_aux (do_moves mb mo pu) os + 1.
set (bd := do_moves mb mo (zz 0 0) Blue).
set (od := do_moves mb mo (zz 0 0) Orange).
assert (Hb: bd = -1 \/ 0 <= bd <= 1).
destruct mb; destruct mo; unfold bd; simpl; auto with zarith.
assert (Ho: od = -1 \/ 0 <= od <= 1).
destruct mb; destruct mo; unfold od; simpl; auto with zarith.
replace (do_moves mb mo pu) with (padd pu (zz bd od)).
2:destruct mb; destruct mo; unfold bd, od; zzsolve; auto.
destruct Hb; destruct Ho.
destruct (@min_movesRel_aux_1_1 os (padd pu (zz bd od)) (zz (-bd) (-od)));
intros; zzsolve.
destruct (@min_movesRel_aux_1_1 os (padd pu (zz bd 0)) (zz (-bd) 0));
destruct (@min_movesRel_aux_1_1 os (padd pu (zz bd 0)) (zz 0 od));
intros; zzsolve.
destruct (@min_movesRel_aux_1_1 os (padd pu (zz 0 od)) (zz 0 (-od)));
destruct (@min_movesRel_aux_1_1 os (padd pu (zz 0 od)) (zz bd 0));
intros; zzsolve.
destruct (@min_movesRel_aux_1_1 os pu (zz bd od));
intros; zzsolve.
Lemma min_trans_le:
forall (os: list Order) (pu pfrom: ZZ) (mb: Move Blue) (mo: Move Orange),
min_trans pu pfrom os <= min_trans pu (do_moves mb mo pfrom) os + 1.
pose (Hw := min_trans_u1 os).
unfold do_moves.
destruct (Hw pu (do_move mo pfrom) Blue mb) as [db' Hdbeq]; auto.
rewrite Hdbeq.
destruct (Hw (do_move db' pu) pfrom Orange mo) as [do' Hdoeq]; auto.
rewrite Hdoeq.
replace (do_move do' (do_move db' pu)) with (do_moves db' do' pu).
2:destruct db'; destruct do'; destruct pu; simpl; zzsolve.
apply min_movesRel_aux_1.
Lemma corrent_moves_min:
forall (ms: list Moves) (pfrom pto: ZZ) (os: list Order),
Correct pfrom pto os ms ->
min_trans (zz 0 0) pfrom os <= Z_of_nat (length ms).
induction H. unfold min_trans. simpl. omega.
simpl. rewrite Zpos_P_of_succ_nat.
specialize (@min_trans_le os (zz 0 0) pfrom mb mo).
unfold min_trans.
simpl. rewrite Zpos_P_of_succ_nat. unfold update_pu, cost_pu. zsimpl. simpl.
rewrite Zplus_comm.
destruct (@min_trans_u1 os (zz 0 0) pfrom (robo_inv r) mv) as [mv' Hdeq].
rewrite Hdeq in *.
replace (setzz r (pfrom r) pfrom) with pfrom by (destruct pfrom; zzsolve).
assert (Hmon: forall x, min_trans (makezz r 0 (x+1)) pfrom os <= min_trans (makezz r 0 x) pfrom os).
unfold min_trans.
destruct (@min_movesRel_aux_1_1 (translateRel_aux pfrom os) (makezz r 0 x) (makezz r 0 1)).
intros; zzsolve. zzsolve.
generalize (Hmon (-1)); generalize (Hmon 0); intros.
autorewrite with zs in *.
unfold min_trans in *.
destruct mv'; zzsolve.
Definition min_trans_find_fun (os: list Order) (pu pfrom: ZZ) (r: Robo) (pbutton: Z) :=
match Z_lt_le_dec pbutton (pfrom r) with
| left _ => Left r
| right _ =>
match Z_eq_dec pbutton (pfrom r) with
| left _ => Stay r
| right _ => Right r
Lemma min_trans_find:
forall (os: list Order) (pu pfrom: ZZ) (r: Robo) (pbutton: Z),
pu r >= 0 ->
let mv := min_trans_find_fun os pu pfrom r pbutton in
min_trans pu (do_move mv pfrom) (order r pbutton::os) =
min_trans (paddz r pu 1) pfrom (order r pbutton::os).
assert (Hdeq: cost_pu (paddz r pu 1) (Zabs (pfrom r - pbutton)) r =
cost_pu pu (Zabs (do_move mv pfrom r - pbutton)) r).
unfold mv, min_trans_find_fun.
destruct (Z_lt_le_dec pbutton (pfrom r));
[ | destruct (Z_eq_dec pbutton (pfrom r)) as [Heq|] ]; unfold cost_pu, do_move.
f_equal; f_equal; zzsolve.
rewrite Heq; zzsolve.
f_equal; f_equal; zzsolve.
unfold min_trans. simpl.
unfold update_pu.
rewrite Hdeq. psimpl. auto.
Fixpoint min_trans_find_funr (os: list Order) (pu pfrom: ZZ) (r: Robo) :=
match os with
| nil => Stay r
| order r' pbutton::os' =>
if Robo_eq_decinv r' r then
min_trans_find_fun os' pu pfrom r pbutton
min_trans_find_funr os'
(update_pu pu (Zabs (pfrom r' - pbutton)) r')
(setzz r' pbutton pfrom)
Lemma min_trans_find2:
forall (os: list Order) (pu pfrom: ZZ) (r: Robo),
pu r >= 0 ->
let mv := min_trans_find_funr os pu pfrom r in
min_trans pu (do_move mv pfrom) os =
min_trans (paddz r pu 1) pfrom os.
induction os.
intros; unfold min_trans; simpl; omega.
destruct a as [r' pbutton'].
unfold min_trans_find_funr in mv.
destruct (Robo_eq_decinv r' r).
rewrite e in *.
apply min_trans_find; auto.
fold min_trans_find_funr in mv.
lapply (IHos (update_pu pu (Zabs (pfrom r' - pbutton')) r') (setzz r' pbutton' pfrom) r).
2:specialize (Zle_max_l 0 (Zabs (pfrom r' - pbutton') - pu r')); zzsolve.
unfold mv in *. clear mv.
rewrite e in *.
revert H0.
generalize (min_trans_find_funr os
(update_pu pu (Zabs (pfrom (robo_inv r) -pbutton')) (robo_inv r))
(setzz (robo_inv r) pbutton' pfrom)).
intros mv Heq.
unfold min_trans in *; simpl; f_equal;
unfold do_move in *; destruct mv; zzsolve;
rewrite Heq; f_equal; zzsolve.
Definition min_trans_find_fun2 (os: list Order) (pfrom: ZZ) :=
let mo := min_trans_find_funr os (zz 1 0) pfrom Orange in
let mb := min_trans_find_funr os (zz 0 0) (do_move mo pfrom) Blue in
(mb, mo).
Lemma min_trans_find3:
forall (os: list Order) (pfrom: ZZ),
let (mb, mo) := min_trans_find_fun2 os pfrom in
min_trans (zz 1 1) pfrom os = min_trans (zz 0 0) (do_moves mb mo pfrom) os.
unfold min_trans_find_fun2.
lapply (@min_trans_find2 os (zz 1 0) pfrom Orange).
set (mo := min_trans_find_funr os (zz 1 0) pfrom Orange).
lapply (@min_trans_find2 os (zz 0 0) (do_move mo pfrom) Blue).
simpl in *.
unfold do_moves.
Lemma min_trans_u11:
forall (os: list Order) (pfrom: ZZ) (r: Robo) (pbutton: Z),
let os' := order r pbutton::os in
pfrom r <> pbutton ->
min_trans (zz 1 1) pfrom os' + 1 = min_trans (zz 0 0) pfrom os'.
unfold os'.
unfold min_trans.
unfold update_pu.
set (pb := Zabs (pfrom r - pbutton)).
assert (pb > 0).
destruct (Ztrichotomy (pfrom r) pbutton); unfold pb; zsolve.
replace (cost_pu (zz 1 1) pb r) with (cost_pu (zz 0 0 ) pb r - 1).
f_equal. f_equal.
destruct r; unfold cost_pu; unfold makezz; f_equal;
rewrite Zplus_comm; zzsolve.
unfold cost_pu. zzsolve.
Lemma min_trans_find4:
forall (os: list Order) (pfrom: ZZ) (r: Robo) (pbutton: Z),
let os' := order r pbutton::os in
pfrom r <> pbutton ->
let (mb, mo) := min_trans_find_fun2 os' pfrom in
min_trans (zz 0 0) (do_moves mb mo pfrom) os' + 1 = min_trans (zz 0 0) pfrom os'.
specialize (min_trans_find3 os' pfrom).
intro Heq. unfold min_trans_find_fun2 in *.
rewrite <- Heq.
apply min_trans_u11; auto.
Lemma min_trans_u10:
forall (os: list Order) (pfrom: ZZ) (r: Robo) (pbutton: Z),
let os' := order r pbutton::os in
pfrom r = pbutton ->
min_trans (makezz r 0 1) pfrom os + 1 = min_trans (zz 0 0) pfrom os'.
unfold os'.
unfold min_trans.
rewrite H.
rewrite Zplus_comm.
rewrite <- H.
zzsolve; auto.
Lemma min_trans_find5:
forall (os: list Order) (pfrom: ZZ) (r: Robo) (pbutton: Z),
let os' := order r pbutton::os in
pfrom r = pbutton ->
let mv := min_trans_find_funr os (zz 0 0) pfrom (robo_inv r) in
min_trans (zz 0 0) (do_move mv pfrom) os + 1 = min_trans (zz 0 0) pfrom os'.
lapply (@min_trans_find2 os (zz 0 0) pfrom (robo_inv r)).
intros Heq. hnf in Heq.
unfold mv.
rewrite Heq.
replace (paddz (robo_inv r) (zz 0 0) 1) with (makezz r 0 1) by zzsolve.
apply min_trans_u10.
Definition clear_head_order (os: list Order) (mv: Moves) :=
match mv with
| moves _ _ => os
| pushmove _ _ => tail os
Definition correct_pushmove (os: list Order) (pfrom: ZZ) (mv: Moves) :=
match mv with
| moves _ _ => True
| pushmove r mv =>
match os with
| nil => False
| order r' pbutton::os => r = r' /\ pfrom r = pbutton
Definition do_moves' (mv: Moves) (pfrom: ZZ) :=
match mv with
| moves mb mo => do_moves mb mo pfrom
| pushmove r mv => do_move mv pfrom
Definition min_trans_find_f (os: list Order) (pfrom: ZZ) :=
match os with
| nil => moves (Stay _) (Stay _)
| order r pbutton::os' =>
if Z_eq_dec (pfrom r) pbutton then
let mv := min_trans_find_funr os' (zz 0 0) pfrom (robo_inv r) in
pushmove mv
let (mb, mo) := min_trans_find_fun2 os pfrom in
moves mb mo
Lemma min_trans_find6:
forall (os: list Order) (pfrom: ZZ),
os <> nil ->
let mv := min_trans_find_f os pfrom in
correct_pushmove os pfrom mv /\
min_trans (zz 0 0) (do_moves' mv pfrom) (clear_head_order os mv) + 1 =
min_trans (zz 0 0) pfrom os.
destruct os as [|[r pbutton]].
unfold min_trans_find_f in *.
unfold clear_head_order, mv.
destruct (Z_eq_dec (pfrom r) pbutton).
simpl; auto.
apply min_trans_find5; auto.
simpl; auto.
simpl; apply min_trans_find4; auto.
Lemma min_trans_noneg:
forall (os: list Order) (pu pfrom: ZZ),
0 <= min_trans pu pfrom os.
induction os as [|[r pb]].
intros. unfold min_trans. simpl. omega.
intros. unfold min_trans in *. simpl.
apply Zplus_le_0_compat; auto.
unfold cost_pu.
unfold Zmax0.
apply Zplus_le_0_compat; auto with zarith.
apply Zle_max_l.
Lemma min_trans_zero:
forall (os: list Order) (pu pfrom: ZZ),
os = nil <-> min_trans pu pfrom os = 0.
destruct os as [|[r pb]].
unfold min_trans. simpl. split; auto.
split. congruence.
intros. contradict H.
assert (0 < min_trans pu pfrom (order r pb :: os)).
unfold min_trans. simpl.
replace 0 with (0 + 0) by auto.
apply Zplus_lt_le_compat.
unfold cost_pu.
replace 0 with (0 + 0) by auto.
apply Zplus_le_lt_compat.
unfold Zmax0.
apply Zle_max_l.
apply min_trans_noneg.
Fixpoint min_trans_find_list_r (n: nat) (os: list Order) (pfrom: ZZ) :=
match n with
| O => nil
| S n' =>
let mv := min_trans_find_f os pfrom in
mv :: min_trans_find_list_r n' (clear_head_order os mv) (do_moves' mv pfrom)
Lemma min_trans_ex_aux:
forall (n: nat) (os: list Order) (pfrom: ZZ),
min_trans (zz 0 0) pfrom os = Z_of_nat n ->
let ws := min_trans_find_list_r n os pfrom in
exists pend, Correct pfrom pend os ws /\ n = length ws.
induction n.
exists pfrom.
destruct (min_trans_zero os (zz 0 0) pfrom).
unfold ws. simpl.
rewrite H1. split. constructor. auto. auto.
destruct os as [|[r pb]].
exfalso. contradict H. unfold min_trans. simpl. rewrite Zpos_P_of_succ_nat. omega.
hnf in ws.
destruct (@min_trans_find6 (order r pb::os) pfrom) as [Hc Heq].
set (mv := min_trans_find_f (order r pb :: os) pfrom) in *.
destruct (IHn (clear_head_order (order r pb :: os) mv) (do_moves' mv pfrom)) as [pend [Hcr Hlen]].
rewrite inj_S in H. omega.
exists pend.
destruct mv as [mb mo | r' m]; simpl in Hc, Hcr.
constructor. auto.
destruct Hc as [Hceq1 Hceq2].
unfold ws.
rewrite <- Hceq2 in *. rewrite <- Hceq1 in *.
constructor. auto.
unfold ws. simpl. congruence.
Definition min_trans_find_list (os: list Order) (pfrom: ZZ) :=
min_trans_find_list_r (Zabs_nat (min_trans (zz 0 0) pfrom os)) os pfrom.
Lemma min_trans_ex:
forall (os: list Order) (pfrom: ZZ),
let ws := min_trans_find_list os pfrom in
exists pend, Correct pfrom pend os ws /\
min_trans (zz 0 0) pfrom os = Z_of_nat (length ws).
set (n := min_trans (zz 0 0) pfrom os).
assert (n = Z_of_nat (Zabs_nat n)).
unfold n.
rewrite inj_Zabs_nat.
rewrite Zabs_eq; auto.
apply min_trans_noneg.
destruct (@min_trans_ex_aux (Zabs_nat n) os pfrom) as [pend []].
unfold n in *. auto.
exists pend;
split; auto.
unfold n in *.
unfold ws.
unfold min_trans_find_list in *.
Definition minimum_moves (os: list Order) : list Moves :=
min_trans_find_list os (zz 1 1).
Definition correct_moves (os: list Order) (ws: list Moves) :=
exists pend, Correct (zz 1 1) pend os ws.
Theorem minimum_moves_is_correct:
forall (os: list Order),
let ws := minimum_moves os in
correct_moves os ws.
unfold ws, minimum_moves, correct_moves.
destruct (min_trans_ex os (zz 1 1)) as [pend []].
exists pend; auto.
Theorem minimum_moves_is_minimum:
forall (os: list Order),
let ws := minimum_moves os in
forall ws', correct_moves os ws' ->
(length ws <= length ws')%nat.
unfold ws, minimum_moves, correct_moves.
destruct (min_trans_ex os (zz 1 1)) as [pend []].
apply inj_le_rev.
rewrite <- H1.
destruct H as [pend'].
apply corrent_moves_min with pend'.
Example sample_nil : list Order :=
Example sample_1 :=
order Orange 4::
Example sample_2 :=
order Orange 2::
order Blue 1::
order Blue 2::
order Orange 4::
Eval vm_compute in (min_trans (zz 0 0) (zz 1 1) sample_nil).
Eval vm_compute in (min_trans (zz 0 0) (zz 1 1) sample_1).
Eval vm_compute in (min_trans (zz 0 0) (zz 1 1) sample_2).
Eval vm_compute in (minimum_moves sample_1).
Eval vm_compute in (minimum_moves sample_2).
Extraction Language Ocaml.
Extract Inductive list => "list" [ "[]" "(::)" ].
Extraction "" minimum_moves sample_1.
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