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Created January 23, 2012 00:20
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; VERSION 6 -- Increment version when this file is changed
; P4 Version: $Revision: #26 $
; Performance Analysis
; Set different performance profiling modes for the driver.
; Valid values:
; normal - (default) This is the only mode that actually renders the scene correctly.
; ifh - Infinitely fast hardware. This mode generates command buffers, but never
; submits them to the hardware.
; gslNull - ifh mode plus it skips most of the gsl driver work.
; ifd Infinitely fast driver. This mode simulates an infinitely fast driver by returning
; instantly from ES 2.0 API calls.
; es11ifd - Same as ifd but implemented at the ES 1.1 driver level.
; Disable EGL Swap Blits to help determine swap overhead.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) perform swap BLTs in EGL.
; 1 - do not perform swap BLTs in EGL.
; Ignore glFlush() calls.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not ignore glFlush calls.
; 1 - ignore glFlush calls.
; Binning
; Use hardware-assisted binning.
; Valid values:
; hw - (default) use hardware-assisted binning.
; sw - use software-only binning.
; Forces a binning guardband.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not force guardband on.
; 1 - force Guardband on, use the value in guardbandValue.
; Set the Guardband value. Only active if forceGuardband is set to 1.
; Valid values:
; 0..7 - Set this guardband value if forceGuardband is set to 1. Valid range on Yamato is 0 to
; 7.
; Force GMEM size reduction for testing purposes.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not reduce the GMEM size.
; 1 - force the GMEM size to the value specified by gmemSize.
; Set the new size of the reduced GMEM in KB. Only active if forceGmemSize is set to 1.
; Valid values:
; Int - Driver will clamp this between the minimum bin size for your hardware and the amount of
; GMEM the device has. Specified in KBytes.
; Varying Export Binning Optimization Value (VEBO) saves the position value from the binning pass
; and reuses it during the rendering pass.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) VEBO is turned off.
; Int - Optimization is only run if more than this number of instructions are used to compute
; the vertex position.
; Bins weight percentage.
; Valid values:
; 80 - (default) percentage is 80%.
; Int - Integer between 0 and 100: percentage is set to this value.
; Bin groups weight percentage.
; Valid values:
; 20 - (default) percentage is 20%
; Int - Integer between 0 and 100: percentage is set to this value.
; Logging
; Log resolve information.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not log Resolves.
; 1 - log Resolves.
; Log PM4 packets.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not log PM4 packets.
; 1 - log PM4 packets.
; Log Pm4 memory writes.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not log PM4 memory writes.
; 1 - log PM4 memory writes.
; Specify that a shader should be dumped.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not dump a shader.
; 1 - dump the shader specified in log.sc_dev_shader_name.
; Dump the SC_DEV log for the shader specified in log.sc_dev_shader_name.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not dump an SC_DEV log.
; 1 - dump an SC_DEV log for the shader specified in log.sc_dev_shader_name.
; Specify the name of the shader to be dumped.
; Valid values:
; string - If log.sc_dev is 1, this is the name of the shader to be dumped.
; Enable common file format dumps.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not use the CFF.
; 1 - use the CFF.
; Enable CFF dumping with ifh.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not enable.
; 1 - do enable.
; Enable no_memzero cff dumping.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not enable.
; 1 - do enable.
; Enable dumpx.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not enable.
; 1 - enable.
; Dump a bunch of the information about primitives being drawn to primdump.log.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not dump primitives.
; 1 - dump primitives.
; Debugging
; Wait for 3d idle after each draw. This is a GPU idle and not a GPU/CPU sync on timestamp.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not wait.
; 1 - do wait.
; Wait for 3d idle after each submit. This is a GPU idle plus a GPU/CPU sync on timestamp.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not wait.
; 1 - do wait.
; Disable GPU/CPU sync on timestamp after SwapBuffers. This will force concurrent CPU/GPU
; rendering, overriding synchronous swaps.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not disable.
; 1 - disable.
; Force uncached VBOs. Uncached VBOs is a slow path for debugging purposes.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) Use standard cached VBOs.
; 1 - Force uncached VBOs.
; Turn on clock gating. This value is automatically set to off if UseSafeMode is on.
; Valid values:
; off - (default) turn it off.
; on - turn it on.
; Use GSL safe mode.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not use GSL safe mode.
; 1 - use GSL safe mode.
; Redirect debug messages.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not redirect debug messages.
; 1 - do redirect debug messages.
; Force the chip hardware id.
; Valid values:
; Default - (default) do not force the chip id. This is the default value.
; YAMATODX_REV22 - force the chip id to YAMATO DX Rev 2.2.
; YAMATODX_REV23 - force the chip id to YAMATO DX Rev 2.3.
; YAMATODX_REV231 - force the chip id to YAMATO DX Rev 2.3.1.
; YAMATODX_REV24 - force the chip id to YAMATO DX Rev 2.4.
; YAMATODX_REV25 - force the chip id to YAMATO DX Rev 2.5.
; YAMATODX_REV251 - force the chip id to YAMATO DX Rev 2.5.1.
; YODA_REV10 - force the chip id to YODA Rev 1.0.
; LEIA_REV10 - force the chip id to LEIA Rev 1.0 (Z470).
; LEIA_REV20 - force the chip id to LEIA Rev 2.0 (Z475).
; OXILI_REV10 - force the chip id to OXILI Rev 1.0.
; YODA_REV106 - force the chip id to YODA Rev 1.0.6.
; Primitive Conversion.
; Force conversion of triangle strips to triangle lists.
; Valid values:
; default - (default) use the chip default for conversions of triangle strips to triangle lists.
; on - force conversion of triangle strips to triangle lists.
; off - do not convert triangle strips to triangle lists.
; Force conversion of triangle fans to triangle lists.
; Valid values:
; default - (default) use the chip default for conversions of triangle fans to triangle lists.
; on - force conversion of triangle fans to triangle lists.
; off - do not convert triangle fans to triangle lists.
; Force conversion of line loops to line lists.
; Valid values:
; default - (default) use the chip default for conversion of line loops to line lists.
; on - force conversion of line loops to line lists.
; off - do not convert line loops to line lists.
; Shader substitution: Write incoming shaders to individual files.
; Filenames in the format:
; <LANG>_[VS|FS]_<HASH>_Orig.txt
; Where <LANG> is GLSL, IL or HW. (Initial support is GLSL only.)
; <HASH> is a 32 bit hash of the shader text, same hash algorithm as shader logging.
; Files are written to the DRIVER_DEBUG_PATH.
; Valid values:
; 1 - Write files.
; 0 - Do not write files.
; Shader substitution: Read substitute shaders.
; If a file with a matching name is found, it is read and used in place of the shader with <HASH>.
; Filenames in the format:
; <LANG>_[VS|FS]_<HASH>_Subst.txt
; Where <LANG> is GLSL, IL or HW. (Initial support is GLSL only.)
; <HASH> is a 32 bit hash of the original text, same hash algorithm as shader logging.
; Files are read from DRIVER_DEBUG_PATH.
; Valid values:
; 1 - Read files.
; 0 - Do not read files.
; Shader substitution: Use trivial Fragment Shaders.
; Replace every fragment shader with one that outputs a constant color.
; A set of 24 colors are rotated through.
; NOTE: This option is applied BEFORE
; Valid values:
; 1 - Use trivial FS.
; 0 - Do not modify shaders.
; Features and Performance
; Turn on Faceness (front face/ back face) generation and culling.
; Valid values:;
; default - (default) use the chip default for Faceness generation and culling.
; on - turn on Faceness (Front Face / Back Face) generation and culling.
; off - turn off Faceness generation and culling.
; Specify data alignment for Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs).
; Valid values:
; natural - (default) use natural data alignment for Vertex Buffer Objects.
; dword - force double word alignment for Vertex Buffer Objects.
; Enable or disable optimzed texture updates.
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) enable optimized texture updates.
; 0 - disable optimized texture updates.
; Enable or disable optimzed vbo updates.
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) enable optimized vbo updates.
; 0 - disable optimized vbo updates.
; Force automatic texture compression (does not affect FBOs, EGLimage, or other user generated
; textures).
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not force.
; 1 - do force.
; Specify the Trijuice ratio. This is a ramping function between mip levels. Higher values
; reduce the cost of linear filtering between mipmaps.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) set to 0.
; 1 - set to 1/6.
; 2 - set to 1/4.
; 3 - set to 3/8.
; Enable inline constant updates. This is the default value.
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) enable inline constant updates.
; 0 - disable inline constant updates.
; Enable the memory pool optimization for client side vertex arrays.
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) enable the memory pool.
; 0 - disable the memory pool.
; Enable fast clears.
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) enable.
; 0 - disable.
; Restrict fast clears to dithering-safe cases (clears which use colors that are not affected by
; dithering)
; Valid values:
; 0 - disable (default).
; 1 - enable.
; Enable GSL shadowing of GMEM in the application's color and depth buffers.
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) enable.
; 0 - disable.
; Enable tiled textures. Tiled textures are faster to render, but slower to load.
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) enable.
; 0 - disable.
; Force a preserve of Z and Stencil on swap.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not preserve.
; 1 - preserve.
; Allow use of depth export (gl_FragDepth) from fragment shaders.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not allow.
; 1 - allow.
; Enable or disable untiling of dynamic textures
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) untile dynamic textures on the fly
; 0 - never untile dynamic textures
; Enable or disable the full surface update optimization path for dynamic textures
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) create new surface instead of using the update path
; 0 - use update path for full surface updates
; Use hints on whether or not to use GPU tiling BLT to update hw image during texture upload
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) use GPU tiling hints
; 0 - don't use GPU tiling hints
; MultiSampling Antialiasing (MSAA)
; Specify the multisampling antialiasing smoothing strategy.
; Valid values:
; Normal - (default) use normal MSAA smoothing. This is the default value.
; High - use high MSAA smoothing.
; Specify the allocation strategy for multisampling antialiasing buffers.
; Valid values:
; on_demand - allocate MSAA buffer on demand. This is the default value.
; always - always allocate MSAA buffer.
; never - never allocate an MSAA buffer.
; Force the MSAA antialiasing mode to the value in MSAAMode.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not force the MSAA antialiasing mode.
; 1 - force the MSAA antialiasing mode to the values in MSAAMode and MSAASmoothing.
; Specifiy the antialiasing mode to use if forceMSAAMode is enabled.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not antialias.
; 1 - use 2x antialiasing.
; 2 - use 4x antialiasing.
; VMem Allocation Error Stresser.
; Enable the VAES and log.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) disable.
; 1 - enable.
; Issue a generic error.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not issue.
; 1 - issue.
; Fail upon the Nth error.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not fail upon errors.
; N - (integer) fail upon the Nth error. Do not fail upon errors if value = 0.
; Do not fail the first N errors.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not fail errors.
; Int - (integer) do not fail the first N errors.
; Set the VAES Randomizer Seed.
; Valid values:
; Int - Use this value for the VAES randomizer seed.
; Set the failure percentage.
; Valid values:
; Int - set the failure percentage to this value.
; 2D Settings:
; Use 2D hardware BLTs.
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) use hw BLTs.
; 0 - do not use.
; Wait for chip to be idle before issuing SwapBuffers.
; Valid values:
; noidle - (default) do not wait for the chip to be idle before issuing a SwapBuffers.
; idle - wait for the chip to be idle before issuing a SwapBuffers.
; interrupt - do SwapBuffers in interrupt mode.
; Force the eglSwapBuffers interval to the value in 2D.eglSwapInterval.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not force.
; 1 - force.
; Set the eglSwapBuffers interval to be used if 2D.forceEglSwapinterval is set to 1.
; Valid values:
; Int - Set the eglSwapBuffers interval to this value if 2D.forceEglSwapInterval is set.
; LEIA Features:
; Enable z writes (and z testing) to the LRZ buffer during the binning pass.
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) enable LRZ writes.
; 0 - disable LRZ writes.
; Enable expansion of the LRZ buffer to the depth buffer prior to the rendering pass.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) disable LRZ expansion.
; 1 - enable LRZ expansion.
; Enable color export from the LRZ unresolve shader. If enabled, the depth value will be exported
; to both the color export and the expanded depth export.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) disable color export.
; 1 - enable color export.
; Enable fast LRZ unresolves.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) disable fast LRZ unresolves.
; 1 - enable fast LRZ unresolves.
; Oxili settings.
; Disable Oxili lazy updates. If lazy updates are not disabled, the HLSQ will defer any indirect
; state updates until the first non-killed batch is encounted.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not disable.
; 1 - disable lazy updates.
; Disable chunked updates. If chuncked updates are disabled, indirect state updates do not need
; to be chuck-aligned.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not disable.
; 1 - disable.
; Force shader direct updates. When enabled, the driver will write shader instructions inline
; into the PM4 command stream.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not force.
; 1 - do force.
; Force constant shader updates. When enabled, the driver will write shader constant values inline
; into the PM4 command stream.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not force.
; 1 - do force.
; Force Istore cache mode. Force indirect shader updates into cache mode. Normally, this will
; only occur for very large shaders.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not force.
; 1 - do force.
; Force Cstore Single Buffer. Force constant store into single buffer mode. In single buffer mode
; HW supports up to 512 total constants and FS constants are always written to the same address.
; Can be useful for debug.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not force.
; 1 - do force.
; Force shader single context.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not force.
; 1 - do force.
; Force superthread mode.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not force.
; 1 - do force.
Force VS Single Thread.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not force.
; 1 - do force.
; Force Fs Single Thread.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not disable.
; 1 - disable.
; Force Single Sp.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not force.
; 1 - do force
; Enable the skipping of clears. For debug. Every color/depth operation is ignored.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) perform clears.
; 1 - skip all the clears
; Enable direct rendering to system memory, bypassing GMEM. This is similar to READONLY_RENDER
; extension, but with depth test and blending enabled.
; 0 - (default) render to GMEM.
; 1 - render direct to system memory.
; Other settings.
; Cap value for frames per second. Do not cap if value < 0 or value > 1000.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not cap.
; Int - (integer) cap to this number of frames per second if N <=1000, do not cap if > 1000.
; Allow limited floating point FBOs on older hardware that can't fully support them.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not allow.
; 1 - allow.
; Suppress timestamp interrupts.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not suppress.
; 1 - suppress.
; Turn on detection of GPU timeouts: use GPUIdleTimeoutMsec for the timeout value.
; Valid values:
; off - turn off the detection of GPU timeouts.
; on - turn on detection of GPU timeouts and use GPUIdleTimeoutMsec for the timeout value.
; Set the GPU Idle Timeout value.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not time out.
; N - (integer) if GPUIdleTimeout is on, set the timeout value to this millicsecond value.
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