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Last active November 7, 2020 17:32
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package main
import (
func main () {
// First, we need a redis connection pool:
r := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: "localhost:6379", // use default Addr
Password: "", // no password set
DB: 0, // use default DB
// A memolock instance handles multiple resources of the same type,
// all united by the same tag name, which will be then used as a key
// prefix in Redis.
queryResourceTag := "likes"
queryMemoLock, _ := memolock.NewRedisMemoLock(r, queryResourceTag, 5 * time.Second)
// This instance has a 5 second default lock timeout:
// Later in the code you can use the memolock to cache the result of a function and
// make sure that multiple requests don't cause a stampede.
// Here I'm requesting a queryset (saved in Redis as a String) and providing
// a function that can be used if the value needs to be generated:
resourceID := "kristoff"
requestTimeout := 10 * time.Second
cachedQueryset, _ := queryMemoLock.GetResource(resourceID, requestTimeout,
func () (string, time.Duration, error) {
fmt.Println("Cache miss!\n")
// Sleeping to simulate work.
<- time.After(2 * time.Second)
result := fmt.Sprintf(`{"user":"%s", "likes": ["redis"]}`, resourceID)
// The function will return a value, a cache time-to-live, and an error.
// If the error is not nil, it will be returned to you by GetResource()
return result, 5 * time.Second, nil
fmt.Println("Launch the script multiple times, see what changes. Use redis-cli to see what happens in Redis.")
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