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Last active July 3, 2021 07:12
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Estimate the mean and variance of a Normal distribution
from dataclasses import dataclass
import numpy as np
def bayesian_update(x: np.ndarray,
k: int, mu: float, alpha: float, beta: float):
Graphical model is like this:
tau ~ IGa(alpha, beta)
x_i ~ N(mu, tau)
Where IGa is the Inverse Gamma Distribution and N is the Normal
Refer to
"Conjugate Bayesian analysis of the Gaussian distribution" by
Kevin P. Murphy
Implemented by K.R. Zentner
x (np.ndarray): The samples to update the estimate with.
k (int): The number of samples encountered so far.
mu (float): The current estimate of the mean.
alpha (float): The "shape" parameter of the Inverse Gamma
distribution estimating the variance.
beta (float): The "scale" parameter of the Inverse Gamma
distribution estimating the variance.
x_bar = np.mean(x)
n = len(x)
mu_ = (n * x_bar + k * mu) / (n + k)
alpha_ = alpha + (n / 2.)
# The second term is zero when n == 1.
beta_ = (beta +
0.5 * np.sum((x - x_bar) ** 2) +
(k * n * (x_bar - mu) ** 2) /
(2 * (k + n)))
return n + k, mu_, alpha_, beta_
class NGEstimator:
# The number of samples encountered so far
k: int = 0
# The estimated mean
mu: float = 0.
# The parameters for computing the estimated variance
# Both increase continuously during sampling.
# Refer to the Wikipedia page on the Inverse Gamme distribution for help
# in setting starting values.
alpha: float = 1.
beta: float = 2.
def update(self, x):
n, mu, alpha, beta = bayesian_update(
x, self.k,, self.alpha, self.beta)
self.k = n = mu
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
def var(self, n=1):
# We use numpy's Gamma distribution instead of scipy.invgamma
# Note this requires taking the reciprocal (and taking the
# reciprocal of beta)
return 1 / (np.random.gamma(self.alpha,
def mean(self, n=1):
return np.repeat(, n)
def sample(self, n=1):
variances = self.var(n)
return np.random.normal(, np.sqrt(variances))
# Just a little test:
mu_star = 10 * np.random.uniform()
var_star = 10 * np.random.uniform()
# Use the same set of samples each time, so we should get the "exact" same
# result each time (except for floating point imprecision).
samples = np.random.normal(mu_star,
for j in [1, 10, 100]:
print('For samples of size', j)
estimator = NGEstimator()
for x in np.split(samples, int(len(samples) / j)):
print('\t', estimator, sep='')
print('\tetimated dist: \tN({}, {})'.format(estimator.mean(),
print('\ttrue dist: \tN({}, {})'.format(mu_star, var_star))
print('\tvariance of 100 true samples:',
np.var(np.random.normal(mu_star, np.sqrt(var_star), size=100)))
print('\tvariance of 100 estimator samples:',
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The first revision had a mistake in the second term of the beta_ calculation that I've now corrected. I also corrected the third term, which I had modified to attempt to correct for the first mistake, and I've made each of the three runs use the exact same samples, so that the results can be compared precisely.

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