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Created May 7, 2009 20:17
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Feature: Properties Tab
In order to change the binding type
As a lulu user
I want the radio button on the properties tab to change my binding type
Scenario: Binding Type Radio Button
Given I have started a photo book project
And I am on the properties tab
When I click <trimsize> trimsize
And I click <bindingtype> bindingtype
Then my print package should be <pod>
| trimsize | bindingtype | pod |
| landscapeRadioButton | hardcoverRadioButton | 90 |
| landscapeRadioButton | paperbackRadioButton | 82 |
| letterRadioButton | hardcoverRadioButton | 89 |
| letterRadioButton | paperbackRadioButton | 81 |
Given /^I have started a photo book project$/ do
sleep 5
@flex = BROWSER.flex_app('contentBuilder', 'contentBuilder')
Given /^I am on the properties tab$/ do
title_field = @flex.text_input({:id => 'titleField'})
@flex.button({:automationName => 'MetaDialog.saveAndContinueButton'}).click
sleep 10
When /^I click (.*) trimsize$/ do |trimsize|
@flex.button({:automationName => trimsize }).click
When /^I click (.*) bindingtype$/ do |bindingtype|
@flex.button({:automationName => bindingtype }).click
sleep 3
Then /^my print package should be (.*)$/ do |pod|
getPodPackage.to_s.should == pod
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