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Created April 29, 2016 12:26
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CPS conversion
;; expression must already be expanded by expander
;; so it shall only have the following syntaxes:
;; - define
;; - lambda
;; - set!
;; - quote
;; - if
;; - begin
;; NB: by this point, all of the optimisation in Scheme level
;; must be done. (e.g. constant folding)
;; reference:
;; Programming Languages, Application and Interpretation
;; Chapter 14.2 Continuation-Passing Style
(define (cps e)
(if (pair? e)
(case (car e)
((define) `(define ,(cadr e) (,(cps (caddr e)) values)))
((quote) `(lambda (k) (k ',(cadr e))))
`(lambda (k) (,(cps (caddr e)) (lambda (ev) (k (set! ,(cadr e) ev))))))
`(lambda (k)
(,(cps (cadr e))
,(let loop ((e* (cddr e)))
(if (null? e*)
`(lambda (_) (,(cps (car e*)) ,(loop (cdr e*)))))))))
`(lambda (k)
(,(cps (cadr e))
(lambda (p)
(if p
(,(cps (caddr e)) k)
,(if (null? (cdddr e))
`(undefined/cps k)
`(,(cps (cadddr e)) k)))))))
(let ((formals (cadr e))
(body (cddr e)))
`(lambda (k)
(k (lambda (nk . ,formals)
(,(cps (cons 'begin body)) nk))))))
;; procedure call
`(lambda (k)
(,(cps (car e))
(lambda (fv)
,(let loop ((i 0) (args '()) (e* (cdr e)))
(if (null? e*)
;; if fv is one of the builtin procedures then
;; use the following
;;`(k (fv ,@(reverse args)))
`(fv k ,@(reverse args))
(let ((a (string->symbol
(string-append "a" (number->string i)))))
`(,(cps (car e*))
(lambda (,a)
,(loop (+ i 1) (cons a args) (cdr e*))))))))))))
`(lambda (k) (k ,e))))
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