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Last active March 24, 2018 02:43
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name = Tsutomu Kuroda
email =
ci = commit
cia = commit --amend
co = checkout
cop = checkout @{-1}
cp = cherry-pick
mf = merge --ff-only
mfp = merge --ff-only @{-1}
s = status
st = status -s
tip = log -1
bdm = !git branch --merged | grep -v \\* | xargs -I % git branch -d %
br = branch -v --sort=-committerdate
bra = branch -a -v --sort=-committerdate
brr = branch -r -v --sort=-committerdate
fe = fetch -p origin
lo = log --oneline
l = log --oneline -5 --graph --decorate
ll = log --oneline -20 --graph --decorate
lll = log --oneline -40 --graph --decorate
d = diff
dc = diff --cached
dn = diff --name-status
dh = diff HEAD^!
dt = diff-tree -p
fe = fetch -p
tags = show-ref --tags --abbrev
pf = push --force-with-lease
rc = rebase --continue
pull = pull --ff-only
excludesfile = /home/kuroda/.gitignore
editor = vim
pager = sed -r 's/\\\\(\\x1b[^ ]+ )/∖\\1/g'
status = auto
branch = auto
diff = auto
interactive = auto
ui = auto
postBuffer = 524288000
default = simple
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