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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Austin on Rails - play around with Docker

If you'd like a taste of Docker, here's how to get my silly Taco app running under Docker on your machine.

First, install docker-osx

... using instructions from

curl > /usr/local/bin/docker-osx
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-osx

Then start the docker VM

docker-osx shell
docker version

If everything works OK, keep going.....

Set a name for the database container

export DB_CONTAINER_NAME=test_app_db

Start the database container.

This pulls down the orchardup/postgresql container automatically.

docker run -d \
  -p 5432:5432 \
  -e POSTGRESQL_USER=docker_rails_app \
  -e POSTGRESQL_PASS=pa$$w0rd \
  -e POSTGRESQL_DB=docker_rails_app_production orchardup/postgresql

Create the database.

This will automatically pull down the lazyatom/docker-rails-app container I built and pushed for the talk

docker run -link $DB_CONTAINER_NAME:db lazyatom/docker-rails-app rake db:schema:load

Check everything works with the console

docker run -link $DB_CONTAINER_NAME:db -t -i lazyatom/docker-rails-app rails c

You should be able to run Taco.count and get 0.

Start the web server

docker run -d \
  -p 6789:5000 \
  -link $DB_CONTAINER_NAME:db \

Then visit http://localdocker:6789/tacos - and rejoice! (note it's localdocker, not localhost)

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