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Created November 2, 2023 11:38
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resolve item selector on page with list of items
var classes = {};
var cnt = 1;
function hashForClass(rawClassName) {
const className = rawClassName.trim();
if (className in classes) {
return classes[className].index;
} else {
classes[className] = {
index: cnt,
cnt: 1,
return classes[className].index;
function generateSelectors(node, selector = '') {
// Base case: if the node is not an element or doesn't have a parent, return an empty array
if (!node || node.nodeType !== 1 || !node.parentElement) return [];
if (
node.tagName === 'SVG' ||
node.tagName === 'SCRIPT' ||
node.tagName === 'NOSCRIPT' ||
node.tagName === 'STYLE'
return [];
if (typeof node.className !== 'string') {
return [];
// Generate a selector for the current node
const nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
const idSelector = ? `#${}` : '';
const classSelectors = node.className
.split(' ')
.map((cls) => (cls ? `.${hashForClass(cls)}` : ''))
const currentSelector = `${nodeName}${idSelector}${classSelectors}`;
// Build the complete selector for the current node
const completeSelector = selector ? selector + ' > ' + currentSelector : currentSelector;
// Generate selectors for the child nodes
const childSelectors = Array.from(node.children).flatMap((child) =>
generateSelectors(child, completeSelector),
// Return the selector for the current node, along with the selectors for the child nodes
return [completeSelector].concat(childSelectors);
// Usage:
const selectors = generateSelectors(document.body);
function frequencyMapForSelectors(selectors) {
const frequencyMap = {};
for (const selector of selectors) {
if (selector in frequencyMap) {
frequencyMap[selector].count += 1;
} else {
const nestedChildren = selectors.filter((k) => k.startsWith(selector) && k !== selector);
frequencyMap[selector] = {
count: 1,
depth: selector.split('>').length,
children: nestedChildren.length,
let selectorWithMaxChildren = '';
let maxChildren = 0;
Object.keys(frequencyMap).forEach((key) => {
const ref = frequencyMap[key];
if (ref.children < 1) {
delete frequencyMap[key];
if (ref.count <= 2) {
delete frequencyMap[key];
Object.keys(frequencyMap).forEach((key) => {
const ref = frequencyMap[key];
if (ref.children > maxChildren) {
maxChildren = ref.children;
selectorWithMaxChildren = key;
const selector = selectorWithMaxChildren
.map((cls) => {
const c = parseInt(cls);
return Object.keys(classes).find((key) => classes[key].index === parseInt(c));
.filter((cls) => cls !== undefined)
return '.' + selector;
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