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Created June 11, 2010 07:08
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A JavaScript tracer utility in 2kb
/* tracer.js - A tracer utility in 2kb
* @author Angus Croll
String.prototype.times = function(count) {
return count < 1 ? '' : new Array(count + 1).join(this);
var tracer = {
nativeCodeEx: /\[native code\]/,
indentCount: -4,
tracing: [],
traceMe: function(func, methodName) {
var traceOn = function() {
var startTime = +new Date;
var indentString = " ".times(tracer.indentCount += 4); + methodName + '(' +', ') + ')');
var result = func.apply(this, arguments); + methodName, '-> ', result, "(", new Date - startTime, 'ms', ")");
tracer.indentCount -= 4;
return result;
traceOn.traceOff = func;
for (var prop in func) {
traceOn[prop] = func[prop];
console.log("tracing " + methodName);
return traceOn;
traceAll: function(root, recurse) {
if ((root == window) || !((typeof root == 'object') || (typeof root == 'function'))) {return;}
for (var key in root) {
if ((root.hasOwnProperty(key)) && (root[key] != root)) {
var thisObj = root[key];
if (typeof thisObj == 'function') {
if ((this != root) && !this.nativeCodeEx.test(thisObj)) {
root[key] = this.traceMe(root[key], key);
recurse && this.traceAll(thisObj, true);
untraceAll: function() {
for (var i=0; i<this.tracing.length; ++i) {
var thisTracing = this.tracing[i];
thisTracing.obj[thisTracing.methodName] =
console.log("tracing disabled");
tracer.tracing = [];
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