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Created April 30, 2017 21:27
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Binary to BCD conversion algorithms (benchmark on AVR)
// Simple binary to BCD conversion algorithms
// Copyright (C) 2017 Marcin 'Malcom' Malich <>
// Released under the MIT License.
// This file contains simple benhmark for AVR microcontrollers
#include <stdio.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include "avr-tick-counter.h"
#include "bcd.h"
void UartInit() {
constexpr auto Baud = 9600;
constexpr auto BaudRate = (F_CPU) / (Baud * 16UL) - 1;
UBRRH = (BaudRate >> 8);
UBRRL = BaudRate;
UCSRB |= (1 << TXEN);
UCSRC |= (1 << URSEL) | (1 << UCSZ0) | (1 << UCSZ1);
void UartSend(char c) {
while (!(UCSRA & (1 << UDRE)))
UDR = c;
void UartPrint(const char* format, ...) {
char buf[128];
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
int n = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, args);
const char* b = buf;
const char* e = buf + n;
while (b != e)
#define UartPrintLn(...) \
UartPrint(__VA_ARGS__); \
UartSend('\r'); \
UartSend('\n'); \
template<typename T>
struct TestData { };
#define DefineData(T, ...) \
template<> \
struct TestData<T> { \
constexpr static const char* name = #T; \
constexpr static const T data[] = { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
}; \
constexpr const T TestData<T>::data[] \
template<typename T>
constexpr auto Max = IntegralTraits<T>::Max;
#define DefineDataAproxMax(T) \
DefineData(T, 0, Max<T>/16, Max<T>/8, Max<T>/4, Max<T>/2, Max<T>)
template<typename T>
void PrintTestData() {
typedef TestData<T> Data;
UartPrint(" %s", Data::name);
for (const uint32_t& bin : Data::data)
UartPrint("\t%lu", bin);
#define PrintData() \
UartPrintLn("Test data:"); \
PrintTestData<uint8_t>(); \
PrintTestData<uint16_t>(); \
PrintTestData<uint32_t>(); \
template<typename T, typename F>
void TestFunction(F func) {
typedef TestData<T> Data;
UartPrint(" %s", Data::name);
uint8_t bcd[Digits<T>];
for (const auto& bin : Data::data) {
func(bin, bcd, sizeof(bcd));
UartPrint("\t%lu", GetTicks());
#define Test(func) \
UartPrintLn(#func":"); \
TestFunction<uint8_t>(func<uint8_t>); \
TestFunction<uint16_t>(func<uint16_t>); \
TestFunction<uint32_t>(func<uint32_t>); \
UartPrintLn(""); \
// Emulate hardware ALU div by mul for approximation.
// It's only for calc used cycles when ALU has hardware div!
template<typename T>
struct HardwareDiv {
static T div10(T n, uint8_t& r) {
r = n * 10;
return n * r;
template<typename T>
inline void HardwareDivBCD(T n, uint8_t* digits, size_t count) {
return DivideBCD<HardwareDiv, T>(n, digits, count);
int main() {
UartPrintLn("Starting test...");
UartPrintLn("Stop test...");
while (true)
return 0;
// Simple binary to BCD conversion algorithms
// Copyright (C) 2017 Marcin 'Malcom' Malich <>
// Released under the MIT License.
// Definition of traits and helpers used by algorithms
#include <algorithm>
#include <type_traits>
#include <limits>
#include <boost/integer.hpp>
using std::max;
using std::min;
template<typename T>
struct IntegralTraits {
using UnsignedType = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
static constexpr T Min = std::numeric_limits<UnsignedType>::min();
static constexpr T Max = std::numeric_limits<UnsignedType>::max();
static constexpr T Bits = std::numeric_limits<UnsignedType>::digits;
static constexpr T Digits = std::numeric_limits<UnsignedType>::digits10 + 1;
using BiggerType = typename boost::uint_t<Bits + 1>::least;
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits.h>
template<class T>
inline constexpr const T max(const T& left, const T& right) {
return left < right ? right : left;
template<class T>
inline constexpr const T min(const T& left, const T& right) {
return right < left ? right : left;
template<int Least>
struct RequiredBits {
enum {
value =
Least <= 8 ? 8 :
Least <= 16 ? 16 :
Least <= 32 ? 32 :
template<int bits> struct Integer;
template<> struct Integer <8> { typedef uint8_t type; };
template<> struct Integer<16> { typedef uint16_t type; };
template<> struct Integer<32> { typedef uint32_t type; };
template<> struct Integer<64> { typedef uint64_t type; };
// valid for unsigned only!
template<typename T>
struct IntegralTraits {
static constexpr T Min = 0;
static constexpr T Max = static_cast<T>(~0);
static constexpr T Bits = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(T);
static constexpr T Digits = (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(T) * 301L / 1000) + 1;
using BiggerType = typename Integer<RequiredBits<Bits + 1>::value>::type;
// helpers
template<typename T>
constexpr size_t Bits = IntegralTraits<T>::Bits;
template<typename T>
constexpr size_t Digits = IntegralTraits<T>::Digits;
// Brute force algorithm
template<typename T>
void BruteForceBCD(T n, uint8_t* digits, size_t count) {
// look-up table for decimal points
static const uint32_t SubVal[] = {
constexpr uint32_t SubValSize = sizeof(SubVal) / sizeof(SubVal[0]);
static_assert(SubValSize == Digits<uint32_t>, "incorrect SubVal content for uint32_t");
count = ::min<size_t>(count, Digits<uint32_t>);
for (size_t i = count - 1; i > 0; i--) {
uint8_t& dig = digits[i];
const T& sub = SubVal[i];
dig = 0;
while (n >= sub) {
n -= sub;
dig += 1;
digits[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(n);
// Double-Dabble (Shift and Add-3) algorithm
template<typename T>
void DoubleDabbleBCD(T n, uint8_t* digits, size_t count) {
count = ::min<size_t>(count, Digits<uint32_t>);
size_t smax = count > 2 ? 2 : 0; // speed optimization
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
digits[i] = 0;
for (size_t i = Bits<T>; i > 0; --i) {
// This bit will be shifted in on the right.
int shifted_in = (n & (1 << (i - 1))) ? 1 : 0;
// Add 3 everywhere that digits[k] >= 5.
for (size_t j = 0; j < count; ++j)
digits[j] += (digits[j] >= 5) ? 3 : 0;
// Shift digits to the left by one position.
if (digits[smax] >= 8 && smax < count)
smax += 1;
for (size_t j = count - 1; j > 0; --j) {
digits[j] <<= 1;
digits[j] &= 0xF;
digits[j] |= (digits[j - 1] >= 8);
// Shift in the new bit from arr.
digits[0] <<= 1;
digits[0] &= 0xF;
digits[0] |= shifted_in;
// Algorithm based on divide by 10
template<template<typename> class F, typename T>
void DivideBCD(T n, uint8_t* digits, size_t count) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
n = F<T>::div10(n, digits[i]);
// Version based on native divide operation
template<typename T>
struct NativeDiv {
static T div10(T n, uint8_t& r) {
r = n % 10;
return n / 10;
template<typename T>
inline void NativeDivBCD(T n, uint8_t* digits, size_t count) {
return DivideBCD<NativeDiv, T>(n, digits, count);
// Divide emulated by aproximation and reciprocal multiplication
// Version used native multiplication
template<typename T>
struct ApproxMul {
static T div10(T n, uint8_t& r) {
using Trait = IntegralTraits<T>;
constexpr T Trunc = Trait::Max / 10;
typename Trait::BiggerType x = n;
T q = (x * Trunc) >> Trait::Bits;
r = n - 10 * q;
if (r >= 10) {
q += 1;
r -= 10;
return q;
template<typename T>
inline void ApproxMulBCD(T n, uint8_t* digits, size_t count) {
return DivideBCD<ApproxMul, T>(n, digits, count);
// Divide emulated by aproximation and reciprocal multiplication
// Version used shift operation
template<size_t Bits, size_t End = 0, bool stop = Bits == End>
struct shift_for {
template<typename V>
static V iterate(V q) {
V x = shift_for<Bits / 2, End>::iterate(q);
return (x >> Bits) + x;
template<size_t Bits, size_t End>
struct shift_for<Bits, End, true> {
template<typename V>
static V iterate(V q) {
return q;
template<typename T>
struct ApproxShift {
static T div10(T n, uint8_t& r) {
using Trait = IntegralTraits<T>;
typename Trait::BiggerType x = n;
x = ((x >> 1) + x) >> 1;
// for (size_t i = 4; i <= Trait::Bits / 2; i <<= 1)
// x = ((x >> i) + x);
// unrooling in compile-time
x = shift_for<Trait::Bits / 2, 2>::iterate(x);
x = x >> 3;
T q = static_cast<T>(x);
r = ((q << 2) + q) << 1; // 10 * q
r = n - r; // r = n - 10 * q
if (r >= 10) {
q += 1;
r -= 10;
return q;
template<typename T>
inline void ApproxShiftBCD(T n, uint8_t* digits, size_t count) {
return DivideBCD<ApproxShift, T>(n, digits, count);
// Simple binary to BCD conversion algorithms
// Copyright (C) 2017 Marcin 'Malcom' Malich <>
// Released under the MIT License.
// This file contains unit tests of BCD algorithms
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE BCD test module
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
#include <array>
#include "bcd.h"
template<typename T>
struct Data {
T Input;
std::array<uint8_t, Digits<T>> Output;
template<typename T>
struct TestData { };
struct TestData<uint8_t> {
constexpr static const
Data<uint8_t> data[] = {
{ 0, { 0, 0, 0 } },
{ 1, { 1, 0, 0 } },
{ 127, { 7, 2, 1 } },
{ 255, { 5, 5, 2 } },
struct TestData<uint16_t> {
constexpr static const
Data<uint16_t> data[] = {
{ 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
{ 1, { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
{ 255, { 5, 5, 2, 0, 0 } },
{ 32767, { 7, 6, 7, 2, 3 } },
{ 65535, { 5, 3, 5, 5, 6 } },
struct TestData<uint32_t> {
constexpr static const
Data<uint32_t> data[] = {
{ 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
{ 1, { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
{ 255, { 5, 5, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
{ 65535, { 5, 3, 5, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
{ 2147483647, { 7, 4, 6, 3, 8, 4, 7, 4, 1, 2 } },
{ 4294967295, { 5, 9, 2, 7, 6, 9, 4, 9, 2, 4 } },
template<typename T, std::size_t N>
std::string ArrayContent(const std::array<T, N>& arr) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "{ ";
for (auto n : arr)
oss << static_cast<int>(n);
oss << " }";
return oss.str();
template<typename T, typename F>
void TestFunction(F func) {
for (const auto& data : TestData<T>::data) {
std::array<uint8_t, Digits<T>> digits;
func(data.Input,, digits.size());
digits == data.Output,
"mismatch values for number " << data.Input << "\n"
<< " expected: " << ArrayContent(data.Output) << "\n"
<< " result: " << ArrayContent(digits) << "\n"
typedef boost::mpl::list<uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t> IntegralTestTypes;
#define Test(func) \
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(func##Test, T, IntegralTestTypes) { \
TestFunction<T>(func<T>); \
} \
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Msadr471 commented May 9, 2019

How is it?

unsigned char bcd2bin(unsigned char n)
ld r30,y
swap r30
andi r30,0xf
mov r26,r30
lsl r26
lsl r26
add r30,r26
lsl r30
ld r26,y+
andi r26,0xf
add r30,r26

unsigned char bin2bcd(unsigned char n)
ld r26,y+
clr r30
subi r26,10
brmi bin2bcd1
subi r30,-16
rjmp bin2bcd0
subi r26,-10
add r30,r26

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