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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Here are some really shotty install instructions.

pip install virutalenv
pip install virtualenvwrapper
brew install mysql

git clone
cd rva-screening
source ~/.base_profile
mkvirtualenv rva-screening

Install all dependencies from requirements.txt with

pip install -r requirements.txt

Start MySQL and create a new database named rva_screening

mysql> CREATE DATABASE rva_screening

Find virtualenvs postactivate folder for the rva-screening application:

vim $HOME/.virtualenvs/rva-screening/bin/postactivate

and paste the following in your postactivate file, which sets up the DATABASE_URL for your local install and automatically navigates to your directory when you want to develop.

export DATABASE_URL='mysql://root@localhost/rva_screening'
cd ~/path/to/rva-screening

Start virtualenv with

workon rva-screening

Start application with

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