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Forked from walkermatt/fizzbuzz.clj
Last active September 10, 2017 03:02
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fizzbuzz without conditionals in Perl 6
# fizzbuzz without conditionals in Perl 6
# Simple pattern matching using multi subs
sub fizzbuzz($n) {
multi case($, $) { $n }
multi case(0, $) { "fizz" }
multi case($, 0) { "buzz" }
multi case(0, 0) { "fizzbuzz" }
case $n % 3, $n % 5;
use Test;
is fizzbuzz(1), 1;
is fizzbuzz(3), "fizz";
is fizzbuzz(5), "buzz";
is fizzbuzz(6), "fizz";
is fizzbuzz(7), 7;
is fizzbuzz(15), "fizzbuzz";
# Test from 1 to 100
is-deeply [fizzbuzz $_ for 1..100],
[1, 2, "fizz", 4, "buzz", "fizz", 7, 8, "fizz", "buzz", 11, "fizz", 13, 14, "fizzbuzz",
16, 17, "fizz", 19, "buzz", "fizz", 22, 23, "fizz", "buzz", 26, "fizz", 28, 29, "fizzbuzz",
31, 32, "fizz", 34, "buzz", "fizz", 37, 38, "fizz", "buzz", 41, "fizz", 43, 44, "fizzbuzz",
46, 47, "fizz", 49, "buzz", "fizz", 52, 53, "fizz", "buzz", 56, "fizz", 58, 59, "fizzbuzz",
61, 62, "fizz", 64, "buzz", "fizz", 67, 68, "fizz", "buzz", 71, "fizz", 73, 74, "fizzbuzz",
76, 77, "fizz", 79, "buzz", "fizz", 82, 83, "fizz", "buzz", 86, "fizz", 88, 89, "fizzbuzz",
91, 92, "fizz", 94, "buzz", "fizz", 97, 98, "fizz", "buzz"];
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wanradt commented Sep 7, 2015

If it matters, I like the first (multi) implementation most. It is somehow so elegant and clear use of multi-subs .

Btw, is there some concept of "without conditionals" you are refferring?

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masak commented Sep 7, 2015

@wanradt: Yeah, I think I like the first one too.

A "conditional" is just an if statement. (The original gist used pattern matching rather than if statements. multi dispatch is the closest thing we have to pattern matching in Perl 6.)

The problem, of course, is that a number of things besides if statements could arguably be considered to be "conditionals", or at least "conditionals in disguise". A given/when block is just a fancy kind of if statement, for example. There is a lot of conditional logic inside the multi dispatch. Even a thing like infix:<%> has a bit of a conditional nature, since the remainder can be boolified and we can dispatch differently depending on the result.

It's the curse of "the more you know...". You start to realize that everything is built up from conditional branching structures, and so there's nothing that's truly "without conditionals".

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masak commented Sep 7, 2015

Yet another version, slightly lighter:

sub fizzbuzz($n, $_ = ($n % 3, $n % 5)) {
    when 0, 0 { "fizzbuzz" }
    when 0, * { "fizz" }
    when *, 0 { "buzz" }
    default { $n }

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0racle commented Apr 19, 2016

Just stumbled across this gist today. I too played around with pattern-match style fizzbuzz in p5 and p6 when I saw pattern matching in other languages. Of various implementations, this is one of my favourites... I'm not sure it's lighter, but it's interesting for it's use of the %% operator, and then stringifying the Bools so they can be 'matched' against correctly

sub fizzbuzz ($n) {
    given $n %% 3, $n %% 5 { 
        when ~(True, True ) { "fizzbuzz" }
        when ~(True, False) { "fizz" }
        when ~(False, True) { "buzz" }

The localisation could be moved to the parameters if you wanted.

Like I said, probably not lighter because of the coercion going on, but I like how the True/False relates to the questions being asked (ie. is $n divisible by...). It reads much like the description of the fizzbuzz problem itself.

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mathew-robertson commented Sep 9, 2017

As per "Get Kata" by Keven Henney...

my @fizzes = (("","","Fizz") xx Inf).flat.lazy;
my @buzzes = (("","","","","Buzz") xx Inf).flat.lazy;
my @words = @fizzes Z~ @buzzes;
my @numbers = [1...*];
sub fizzbuzzer($a,$b) { $a ?? $a !! $b }
my @fizzbuzz = zip(@words, @numbers, :with(&fizzbuzzer));
say @fizzbuzz[0..20];

All lazy until say'd.

Could have used "&max", but this sub{} makes it clearer as to the intent of the zip-reduction of first-param over second-param (and not relying on '1' < 'a' ASCII ).

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A variation of the first and seconds examples, but relying on the the type-system and runtime to implement the conditional [ aka: using multi-dispatch subs ].

subset Fizz of Int where { .grep: -> $v { $v %% 3 && $v % 5 } };
subset Buzz of Int where { .grep: -> $v { $v %% 5 && $v % 3 } };
subset FizzBuzz of Int where { .grep: -> $v { $v %% 15 } };
subset Not-a-fizz-buzz of Int where { .grep: -> $v { $v % 3 && $v % 5 } };
multi sub fizzbuzz(Fizz) { say "Fizz" };
multi sub fizzbuzz(Buzz) { say "Buzz" };
multi sub fizzbuzz(FizzBuzz) { say "FizzBuzz" };
multi sub fizzbuzz(Not-a-fizz-buzz $v) { say $v }; 
fizzbuzz($_) for [1..100];

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