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metamn / TypeScript.ts
Last active April 11, 2021 08:30
* TypeScript, after all, helps only during development time.
* Runtime we've left with plain old JavaScript.
export const borderVariants = ["default", "smooth", "edoMenu"]; // This data is available later
export type TBorderVariants = typeof borderVariants[number]; // This data is lost
cs@cs-swift:~/work/pointhacks$ curl 'http://localhost:8000/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php' --data 'page=0&per_page=8&exclude=31325&action=ph_fetch_posts'
{"0":{"image":"<figure class=\"post-featured-image\"><a class=\"link\" href=\"http:\/\/localhost:8000\/platinum-one-benefits-guide\/\" title=\"Is it worth going the extra mile from Platinum to Platinum One status?\"><img src=\"http:\/\/\/2019\/02\/28212904\/Qantas-Status_0.jpg\" class=\"attachment-large size-large wp-post-image\" alt=\"\" srcset=\"http:\/\/\/2019\/02\/28212904\/Qantas-Status_0.jpg 653w, http:\/\/\/2019\/02\/28212904\/Qantas-Status_0-300x175.jpg 300w, http:\/\/\/2019\/02\/28212904\/Qantas-Status_0-286x166.jpg 286w, http:\/\/\/2019\/02\/28212904\/Qantas-Status_0-301x175.jpg 301w, http:\/\/\/2019\/02\/28212904\/Qantas-Status_0-330x192.jpg 330w, http:\/\/\/2019\/02\/28212904\/Qantas-Status_0-381x222.jpg 381w, http:\/\/\/2019\
metamn / post-list-with-ad.php
Created February 5, 2019 14:27
A WordPress post list with ad
* Displays a list of posts with an ad
* @package Pointhacks
$post_list_title = get_query_var( 'post-list-title', 'Post list' );
$post_list_klass = get_query_var( 'post-list-klass', 'post-list--default' );
$post_list_posts = get_query_var( 'post-list-posts', null );
metamn / post-list.php
Created February 5, 2019 14:25
A simple WordPress post list
* Displays a list of posts
* @package Pointhacks
$post_list_title = get_query_var( 'post-list-title', 'Post list' );
$post_list_klass = get_query_var( 'post-list-klass', 'post-list--default' );
$post_list_posts = get_query_var( 'post-list-posts', null );
$post_list_post_format = get_query_var( 'post-list-post-format', '' );
@mixin latest-posts--regrid-for-ad($max-items-to-display-map, $margin-right) {
.dfp-holder {
width: 100%;
height: 90px;
background-color: black;
display: flex;
@include media('<tablet') {
$max-items-to-display: map-get($max-items-to-display-map, mobile);
metamn /
Last active November 15, 2016 14:54



In a nutshell we have:

1. A main Wordpress site where we do the search:

This site will contain our subscription services, our offer, articles, blog posts written by us. Mostly tutorials how to use our platform.

Typography (Responsive)


Responsive typography means two important things:

  1. The HTML <body> gets a default size set in percentage
  2. All other elements (larger and smaller text) are sized relative to 1.) using em instead of px.


  1. I'm trying to write pure and standard HTML, CSS and Javascript code.
  2. I'm trying to separate concerns: data, structure, style, behavior.
  3. When there are no standards and guidelines I do extensive research and pick up those technologies which are not breaking 1. and 2.


This is a short introduction to technologies I use for website development.

"title": "Practically",
"excerpt": "How an ideally perfect website can be designed and developed today.",
"template": "article",
"categories": [
"url": "practically",
"date": "2016-03-25",
metamn / colors.scss
Created May 15, 2015 18:00
Colors KSS
// Colors
// The colors together with the color pairs.
// Colors don't exist alone yet in pairs, like black on white.
// All color pairs have a contrast ratio set for perfect readability using [Lea Verou's contrast checking tool](
// Styleguide colors