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Panamanian presidential elections 2014
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<descripcion>BOCAS DEL TORO</descripcion>
<descripcion>CHIRIQUÍ GRANDE</descripcion>
<descripcion>LA PINTADA</descripcion>
<descripcion>SANTA ISABEL</descripcion>
<descripcion>SAN LORENZO</descripcion>
<descripcion>SAN FÉLIX</descripcion>
<descripcion>LAS MINAS</descripcion>
<descripcion>LOS POZOS</descripcion>
<descripcion>SANTA MARÍA</descripcion>
<descripcion>LAS TABLAS</descripcion>
<descripcion>LOS SANTOS</descripcion>
<descripcion>LA CHORRERA</descripcion>
<descripcion>SAN CARLOS</descripcion>
<descripcion>SAN MIGUELITO</descripcion>
<descripcion>LA MESA</descripcion>
<descripcion>LAS PALMAS</descripcion>
<descripcion>RÍO DE JESÚS</descripcion>
<descripcion>SAN FRANCISCO</descripcion>
<descripcion>SANTA FE</descripcion>
<descripcion xml:space="preserve"> </descripcion>
<descripcion>NOLE DÜIMA</descripcion>
<descripcion>SANTA CATALINA O CALOVÉBORA (BLEDESHIA)</descripcion>
<descripcion xml:space="preserve"> </descripcion>
<descripcion xml:space="preserve"> </descripcion>
1 BOCAS DEL TORO 0 BOCAS DEL TORO 9.3333333 -82.25 Bocas del Toro, Panamá
1 BOCAS DEL TORO 1 CHANGUINOLA 9.4540539 -82.5077593 Changuinola, Panamá
1 BOCAS DEL TORO 2 CHIRIQUÍ GRANDE 8.95 -82.12 Chiriquí Grande, Panamá
2 COCLÉ 0 AGUADULCE 8.24 -80.54 Aguadulce, Panamá
2 COCLÉ 1 ANTÓN 8.4018641 -80.2711588 Antón, Panamá
2 COCLÉ 2 LA PINTADA 8.5933178 -80.4465594 La Pintada, Panamá
2 COCLÉ 3 NATÁ 8.33 -80.52 Natá, Panamá
2 COCLÉ 4 OLÁ 8.4232203 -80.6479524 Olá, Panamá
2 COCLÉ 5 PENONOMÉ 8.5186111 -80.3552778 Penonomé, Panamá
3 COLÓN 0 COLÓN 9.3333333 -79.9 Colón, Panamá
3 COLÓN 1 CHAGRES 9.121446 -80.1205256 Chagres, Panamá
3 COLÓN 2 DONOSO 9.149554 -80.306168
3 COLÓN 3 PORTOBELO 9.55 -79.65 Pertobelo, Panamá
3 COLÓN 4 SANTA ISABEL 9.535121 -79.183006 Santa Isabel, Panamá
4 CHIRIQUÍ 0 ALANJE 8.4 -82.54 Alanje, Panamá
4 CHIRIQUÍ 1 BARÚ 8.404451 -82.864609 Chiriquí, Panamá
4 CHIRIQUÍ 2 BOQUERÓN 8.4929047 -82.5645687 Boquerón, Panamá
4 CHIRIQUÍ 3 BOQUETE 8.78 -82.44 Boquete, Panamá
4 CHIRIQUÍ 4 BUGABA 8.48 -82.62 Bugaba, Panamá
4 CHIRIQUÍ 5 DAVID 8.3930884 -82.3289111 Chiriquí, Panamá
4 CHIRIQUÍ 6 DOLEGA 8.5662901 -82.4129729 Dolega, Panamá
4 CHIRIQUÍ 7 GUALACA 8.53 -82.29 Gualaca, Panamá
4 CHIRIQUÍ 8 REMEDIOS 8.2310546 -81.8279011 Remedios, Panamá
4 CHIRIQUÍ 9 RENACIMIENTO 8.7457913 -82.7994194 Renacimiento, Panamá
4 CHIRIQUÍ 10 SAN LORENZO 8.3057463 -82.1019854 San Lorenzo, Panamá
4 CHIRIQUÍ 11 TOLÉ 8.25 -81.66 Tolé, Panamá
4 CHIRIQUÍ 12 SAN FÉLIX 8.2970411 -81.8716058 San Felíx, Panamá
5 DARIÉN 0 CHEPIGANA 8.301866 -78.054047 Chepigana, Panamá
5 DARIÉN 1 PINOGANA 8.139347 -77.6727219 Pinogana, Panamá
6 HERRERA 0 CHITRÉ 7.9666667 -80.4333333 Chitré, Panamá
6 HERRERA 1 LAS MINAS 7.8 -80.74 Las Minas, Panamá
6 HERRERA 2 LOS POZOS 7.7862146 -80.6451779 Los Pozo, Panamá
6 HERRERA 3 OCÚ 7.94 -80.78 Ocú, Panamá
6 HERRERA 4 PARITA 8 -80.51 Parita, Panamá
6 HERRERA 5 PESÉ 7.9069409 -80.6128175 Pesé, Panamá
6 HERRERA 6 SANTA MARÍA 8.1166667 -80.6666667 Santa María, Panamá
7 LOS SANTOS 0 GUARARÉ 7.82 -80.27 Guararé, Panamá
7 LOS SANTOS 1 LAS TABLAS 7.7666667 -80.2833333 Las Tablas, Panamá
7 LOS SANTOS 2 LOS SANTOS 7.93233 -80.416074
7 LOS SANTOS 3 MACARACAS 7.73 -80.54 Macaracas, Panamá
7 LOS SANTOS 4 PEDASÍ 7.55 -80.0166667 Pedasí, Panamá
7 LOS SANTOS 5 POCRÍ 7.6589921 -80.1191296 Pocrí, Panamá
7 LOS SANTOS 6 TONOSÍ 7.4 -80.44 Tonosí, Panamá
8 PANAMÁ 0 ARRAIJÁN 8.95 -79.65 Arraiján, Panamá
8 PANAMÁ 1 BALBOA 8.95 -79.5666667 Balboa, Panamá
8 PANAMÁ 2 CAPIRA 8.75 -79.87 Capira, Panamá
8 PANAMÁ 3 CHAME 8.5843146 -79.8828828 Chame, Panamá
8 PANAMÁ 4 CHEPO 9.17 -79.1 Chepo, Panamá
8 PANAMÁ 5 CHIMÁN 8.7183656 -78.632781 Chimán, Panamá
8 PANAMÁ 6 LA CHORRERA 8.8792 -79.7822 La Chorrera, Panamá
8 PANAMÁ 7 PANAMÁ 8.9833333 -79.5166667 Panamá
8 PANAMÁ 8 SAN CARLOS 8.4833333 -79.95 San Carlos, Panamá
8 PANAMÁ 9 SAN MIGUELITO 9.033 -79.5 San Miguelito, Panamá
8 PANAMÁ 11 TABOGA 8.7871912 -79.5575342 Isla de Taboga, Panamá
9 VERAGUAS 0 ATALAYA 8.0401232 -80.9249212 Atalaya, Panamá
9 VERAGUAS 1 CALOBRE 8.32 -80.84 Calobre, Panamá
9 VERAGUAS 2 CAÑAZAS 8.32 -81.21 Cañazas, Panamá
9 VERAGUAS 3 LA MESA 8.15 -81.1833333 La Mesa, Panamá
9 VERAGUAS 4 LAS PALMAS 8.1366823 -81.455364 Las Palmas, Panamá
9 VERAGUAS 5 MONTIJO 7.9922222 -81.0544444 Montijo, Panamá
9 VERAGUAS 6 RÍO DE JESÚS 7.9819727 -81.166481 Río de Jesús, Panamá
9 VERAGUAS 7 SAN FRANCISCO 8.2393822 -80.9539475 San Francisco, Panamá
9 VERAGUAS 8 SANTA FE 8.5106415 -81.0782253 Santa Fé, Panamá
9 VERAGUAS 9 SANTIAGO 8.1 -80.9666667 Santiago, Panamá
9 VERAGUAS 11 SONÁ 8.0166667 -81.3166667 Soná, Panamá
9 VERAGUAS 12 MARIATO 7.2166667 -80.8833333 Punta Mariato, Panamá
10 COMARCA KUNA YALA 0 9.2403674 -78.2703951 Guna Yala, Panamá
11 COMARCA EMBERA 0 CÉMACO 8.428904 -77.611771
11 COMARCA EMBERA 1 8.014356 -78.217392
12 COMARCA NGÄBE-BUGLÉ 0 KANKINTÚ 8.845022 -81.812872 Ngäbe-Buglé, Panamá
12 COMARCA NGÄBE-BUGLÉ 1 KUSAPÍN 9.187853 -81.889057 Ngäbe-Buglé, Panamá
12 COMARCA NGÄBE-BUGLÉ 2 BESIKO 8.551146 -82.085838 Ngäbe-Buglé, Panamá
12 COMARCA NGÄBE-BUGLÉ 3 MIRONÓ 8.435017 -81.842079 Ngäbe-Buglé, Panamá
12 COMARCA NGÄBE-BUGLÉ 4 MÜNA 8.451997 -81.646385 Ngäbe-Buglé, Panamá
12 COMARCA NGÄBE-BUGLÉ 5 NOLE DÜIMA 8.446564 -81.790581 Ngäbe-Buglé, Panamá
12 COMARCA NGÄBE-BUGLÉ 6 ÑÜRUN 8.54164 -81.386948 Ngäbe-Buglé, Panamá
12 COMARCA NGÄBE-BUGLÉ 7 JIRONDAI 8.733077 -82.082062 Ngäbe-Buglé, Panamá
13 C.KUNA DE MADUNGANDI 0 9.0917381 -78.3842227 Madugandí, Panamá
14 COMARCA KUNA DE WARGANDI 0 8.8615188 -77.973865 Wargandí, Panamá
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<div class="alert alert-info" >El <strong>tamaño</strong> de las burbujas representa el número de votantes, el <strong>color</strong> representa el ganador.<br/>
<em>The <strong>size</strong> of bubbles represents number of voters, the <strong>color</strong> represents the winner.</em><br/>
escrutado/counted: 95%</div>
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<svg height="20" width="20"><circle cx="10" cy="10" r="10" fill="#800080"></svg> Varela<br/>
<svg height="20" width="20"><circle cx="10" cy="10" r="10" fill="#20B2AA">></svg> Arias<br/>
<svg height="20" width="20"><circle cx="10" cy="10" r="10" fill='#00F'></svg> Navarro
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$.getJSON( "pa_president_2014.json", function (data) {
$.each(data.votes, function (index, value) {
description = "<strong>" + value.district + "</strong> (" + value.population + ")<br>";
tuples = [];
for (var key in value.votes) {
tuples.sort(function(a, b) {
a = a[1];
b = b[1];
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description += + ': ' + tmp + '% (' + v.value + ' hlasů)<br>';
sum += parseInt(v.value)
tmp = Math.round((parseInt(value.population) - sum) / parseInt(value.population) * 1000) / 10;
tmp2 = value.population - sum;
description += "Ostatní: " + tmp + '% (' + tmp2 + ' hlasů)';*/
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{"colors": {"genaro-lopez-r": "#F00", "juan-jovane": "#888", "esteban-del-pueblo-rodriguez": "#888", "gerardo-el0chiricano-barroso": "#888", "jose-domingo-arias": "#20B2AA", "juan-carlos-navarro": "#00F", "juan-carlos-varela": "#800080"}, "people": ["JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "JOSE DOMINGO ARIAS", "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "GENARO LOPEZ R.", "ESTEBAN DEL PUEBLO RODRIGUEZ", "JUAN JOVANE", "GERARDO EL CHIRICANO BARROSO"], "votes": [{"lat": "8.9833333", "district": "PANAM\u00c1, PANAM\u00c1", "id": 8.7, "lng": "-79.5166667", "votes": [107169, 146282, 154416, 1846, 204, 4022, 208], "population": 414147, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "9.033", "district": "SAN MIGUELITO, PANAM\u00c1", "id": 8.9, "lng": "-79.5", "votes": [39783, 65698, 60319, 921, 88, 1607, 86], "population": 168502, "winner": "JOSE DOMINGO ARIAS", "winner_class": "jose-domingo-arias"}, {"lat": "8.95", "district": "ARRAIJ\u00c1N, PANAM\u00c1", "id": 8.0, "lng": "-79.65", "votes": [25728, 37938, 42165, 497, 45, 997, 64], "population": 107434, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "9.3333333", "district": "COL\u00d3N, COL\u00d3N", "id": 3.0, "lng": "-79.9", "votes": [22048, 29364, 42494, 540, 61, 837, 61], "population": 95405, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.8792", "district": "LA CHORRERA, PANAM\u00c1", "id": 8.6, "lng": "-79.7822", "votes": [21697, 31429, 35023, 310, 68, 588, 78], "population": 89193, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.3930884", "district": "DAVID, CHIRIQU\u00cd", "id": 4.5, "lng": "-82.3289111", "votes": [24221, 24167, 30666, 235, 28, 355, 84], "population": 79756, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.1", "district": "SANTIAGO, VERAGUAS", "id": 9.9, "lng": "-80.9666667", "votes": [17462, 14748, 19121, 196, 33, 232, 38], "population": 51830, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.5186111", "district": "PENONOM\u00c9, COCL\u00c9", "id": 2.5, "lng": "-80.3552778", "votes": [14094, 12648, 22318, 249, 34, 132, 53], "population": 49528, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "9.4540539", "district": "CHANGUINOLA, BOCAS DEL TORO", "id": 1.1, "lng": "-82.5077593", "votes": [14965, 12307, 11190, 973, 81, 147, 54], "population": 39717, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "8.48", "district": "BUGABA, CHIRIQU\u00cd", "id": 4.4, "lng": "-82.62", "votes": [8583, 11666, 17489, 83, 19, 99, 35], "population": 37974, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "7.9666667", "district": "CHITR\u00c9, HERRERA", "id": 6.0, "lng": "-80.4333333", "votes": [7596, 7642, 17266, 52, 10, 74, 8], "population": 32648, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.4018641", "district": "ANT\u00d3N, COCL\u00c9", "id": 2.1, "lng": "-80.2711588", "votes": [6779, 7689, 14930, 222, 22, 87, 20], "population": 29749, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.24", "district": "AGUADULCE, COCL\u00c9", "id": 2.0, "lng": "-80.54", "votes": [4689, 8629, 12465, 76, 14, 146, 12], "population": 26031, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.75", "district": "CAPIRA, PANAM\u00c1", "id": 8.2, "lng": "-79.87", "votes": [6041, 8098, 9343, 102, 70, 49, 47], "population": 23750, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.404451", "district": "BAR\u00da, CHIRIQU\u00cd", "id": 4.1, "lng": "-82.864609", "votes": [6910, 7550, 8771, 129, 41, 77, 29], "population": 23507, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "9.17", "district": "CHEPO, PANAM\u00c1", "id": 8.4, "lng": "-79.1", "votes": [5126, 6272, 9903, 77, 31, 47, 29], "population": 21485, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "7.7666667", "district": "LAS TABLAS, LOS SANTOS", "id": 7.1, "lng": "-80.2833333", "votes": [5711, 6876, 7251, 33, 13, 49, 9], "population": 19942, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "7.93233", "district": "LOS SANTOS, LOS SANTOS", "id": 7.2, "lng": "-80.416074", "votes": [5889, 4346, 8203, 33, 6, 48, 10], "population": 18535, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.0166667", "district": "SON\u00c1, VERAGUAS", "id": 10.1, "lng": "-81.3166667", "votes": [5640, 8386, 4097, 28, 10, 37, 14], "population": 18212, "winner": "JOSE DOMINGO ARIAS", "winner_class": "jose-domingo-arias"}, {"lat": "8.5933178", "district": "LA PINTADA, COCL\u00c9", "id": 2.2, "lng": "-80.4465594", "votes": [3519, 5293, 7615, 143, 20, 21, 16], "population": 16627, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "9.2403674", "district": " , COMARCA KUNA YALA", "id": 10.0, "lng": "-78.2703951", "votes": [5373, 7629, 2633, 80, 15, 41, 18], "population": 15789, "winner": "JOSE DOMINGO ARIAS", "winner_class": "jose-domingo-arias"}, {"lat": "8.301866", "district": "CHEPIGANA, DARI\u00c9N", "id": 5.0, "lng": "-78.054047", "votes": [5152, 3724, 6090, 71, 26, 16, 16], "population": 15095, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.5662901", "district": "DOLEGA, CHIRIQU\u00cd", "id": 4.6, "lng": "-82.4129729", "votes": [4105, 3595, 5590, 18, 7, 42, 14], "population": 13371, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.5843146", "district": "CHAME, PANAM\u00c1", "id": 8.3, "lng": "-79.8828828", "votes": [2765, 3811, 6437, 53, 10, 42, 13], "population": 13131, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.451997", "district": "M\u00dcNA, COMARCA NG\u00c4BE-BUGL\u00c9", "id": 12.4, "lng": "-81.646385", "votes": [8741, 1428, 1506, 188, 97, 12, 46], "population": 12018, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "7.94", "district": "OC\u00da, HERRERA", "id": 6.3, "lng": "-80.78", "votes": [2983, 1573, 7032, 48, 12, 12, 16], "population": 11676, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.4833333", "district": "SAN CARLOS, PANAM\u00c1", "id": 8.8, "lng": "-79.95", "votes": [2739, 2894, 5567, 51, 4, 20, 9], "population": 11284, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.1366823", "district": "LAS PALMAS, VERAGUAS", "id": 9.4, "lng": "-81.455364", "votes": [3567, 2716, 4744, 168, 18, 17, 19], "population": 11249, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.33", "district": "NAT\u00c1, COCL\u00c9", "id": 2.3, "lng": "-80.52", "votes": [2240, 3573, 5308, 34, 5, 34, 11], "population": 11205, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "7.9069409", "district": "PES\u00c9, HERRERA", "id": 6.5, "lng": "-80.6128175", "votes": [1253, 1551, 7330, 7, 3, 9, 5], "population": 10158, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.78", "district": "BOQUETE, CHIRIQU\u00cd", "id": 4.3, "lng": "-82.44", "votes": [3077, 2672, 3975, 45, 13, 49, 9], "population": 9840, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.32", "district": "CA\u00d1AZAS, VERAGUAS", "id": 9.2, "lng": "-81.21", "votes": [3439, 2051, 4075, 159, 28, 10, 13], "population": 9775, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.32", "district": "CALOBRE, VERAGUAS", "id": 9.1, "lng": "-80.84", "votes": [2925, 2604, 3361, 105, 18, 15, 6], "population": 9034, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.4", "district": "ALANJE, CHIRIQU\u00cd", "id": 4.0, "lng": "-82.54", "votes": [3109, 1837, 3707, 64, 3, 13, 9], "population": 8742, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.551146", "district": "BESIKO, COMARCA NG\u00c4BE-BUGL\u00c9", "id": 12.2, "lng": "-82.085838", "votes": [5221, 1037, 2147, 139, 146, 18, 29], "population": 8737, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "8.15", "district": "LA MESA, VERAGUAS", "id": 9.3, "lng": "-81.1833333", "votes": [1938, 2831, 3596, 89, 6, 13, 6], "population": 8479, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.139347", "district": "PINOGANA, DARI\u00c9N", "id": 5.1, "lng": "-77.6727219", "votes": [3214, 2521, 2645, 35, 11, 9, 6], "population": 8441, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "8.5106415", "district": "SANTA FE, VERAGUAS", "id": 9.8, "lng": "-81.0782253", "votes": [3273, 1500, 3287, 249, 39, 13, 17], "population": 8378, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "7.82", "district": "GUARAR\u00c9, LOS SANTOS", "id": 7.0, "lng": "-80.27", "votes": [2302, 2425, 3081, 8, 4, 14, 5], "population": 7839, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.7457913", "district": "RENACIMIENTO, CHIRIQU\u00cd", "id": 4.9, "lng": "-82.7994194", "votes": [2064, 1419, 4049, 39, 24, 20, 19], "population": 7634, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.435017", "district": "MIRON\u00d3, COMARCA NG\u00c4BE-BUGL\u00c9", "id": 12.3, "lng": "-81.842079", "votes": [4705, 851, 1773, 198, 51, 7, 20], "population": 7605, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "7.73", "district": "MACARACAS, LOS SANTOS", "id": 7.3, "lng": "-80.54", "votes": [2455, 1543, 3295, 12, 7, 3, 2], "population": 7317, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.25", "district": "TOL\u00c9, CHIRIQU\u00cd", "id": 5.1, "lng": "-81.66", "votes": [2620, 1404, 3245, 16, 11, 8, 5], "population": 7309, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.4929047", "district": "BOQUER\u00d3N, CHIRIQU\u00cd", "id": 4.2, "lng": "-82.5645687", "votes": [1671, 1697, 3666, 18, 8, 21, 5], "population": 7086, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "7.4", "district": "TONOS\u00cd, LOS SANTOS", "id": 7.6, "lng": "-80.44", "votes": [1777, 1854, 3389, 20, 3, 9, 8], "population": 7060, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.733077", "district": "JIRONDAI, COMARCA NG\u00c4BE-BUGL\u00c9", "id": 12.7, "lng": "-82.082062", "votes": [3311, 1767, 1836, 52, 43, 8, 5], "population": 7022, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "8.2393822", "district": "SAN FRANCISCO, VERAGUAS", "id": 9.7, "lng": "-80.9539475", "votes": [2752, 1749, 2414, 66, 16, 5, 5], "population": 7007, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "8", "district": "PARITA, HERRERA", "id": 6.4, "lng": "-80.51", "votes": [1197, 969, 4623, 4, 1, 10, 2], "population": 6806, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.845022", "district": "KANKINT\u00da, COMARCA NG\u00c4BE-BUGL\u00c9", "id": 12.0, "lng": "-81.812872", "votes": [2805, 1587, 2133, 48, 79, 16, 14], "population": 6682, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "8.446564", "district": "NOLE D\u00dcIMA, COMARCA NG\u00c4BE-BUGL\u00c9", "id": 12.5, "lng": "-81.790581", "votes": [3997, 702, 1466, 234, 51, 15, 28], "population": 6493, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "8.0401232", "district": "ATALAYA, VERAGUAS", "id": 9.0, "lng": "-80.9249212", "votes": [2130, 1777, 2527, 15, 1, 30, 4], "population": 6484, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "9.187853", "district": "KUSAP\u00cdN, COMARCA NG\u00c4BE-BUGL\u00c9", "id": 12.1, "lng": "-81.889057", "votes": [2943, 2178, 1154, 117, 15, 17, 6], "population": 6430, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "8.54164", "district": "\u00d1\u00dcRUN, COMARCA NG\u00c4BE-BUGL\u00c9", "id": 12.6, "lng": "-81.386948", "votes": [3899, 814, 1278, 230, 33, 10, 24], "population": 6288, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "7.7862146", "district": "LOS POZOS, HERRERA", "id": 6.2, "lng": "-80.6451779", "votes": [1411, 764, 4010, 2, 7, 4, 6], "population": 6204, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "9.3333333", "district": "BOCAS DEL TORO, BOCAS DEL TORO", "id": 1.0, "lng": "-82.25", "votes": [2438, 2139, 1341, 82, 34, 17, 3], "population": 6054, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "8.95", "district": "CHIRIQU\u00cd GRANDE, BOCAS DEL TORO", "id": 1.2, "lng": "-82.12", "votes": [2683, 1698, 1571, 54, 13, 15, 11], "population": 6045, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "9.121446", "district": "CHAGRES, COL\u00d3N", "id": 3.1, "lng": "-80.1205256", "votes": [1745, 1811, 2404, 27, 7, 11, 1], "population": 6006, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.1166667", "district": "SANTA MAR\u00cdA, HERRERA", "id": 6.6, "lng": "-80.6666667", "votes": [1695, 1166, 2846, 11, 2, 10, 1], "population": 5731, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "7.8", "district": "LAS MINAS, HERRERA", "id": 6.1, "lng": "-80.74", "votes": [1418, 1012, 3093, 9, 7, 3, 10], "population": 5552, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "9.55", "district": "PORTOBELO, COL\u00d3N", "id": 3.3, "lng": "-79.65", "votes": [1194, 1920, 2311, 34, 17, 18, 5], "population": 5499, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "9.149554", "district": "DONOSO, COL\u00d3N", "id": 3.2, "lng": "-80.306168", "votes": [1942, 1327, 1992, 85, 10, 11, 6], "population": 5373, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.53", "district": "GUALACA, CHIRIQU\u00cd", "id": 4.7, "lng": "-82.29", "votes": [1844, 1170, 2317, 7, 3, 11, 11], "population": 5363, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "7.9922222", "district": "MONTIJO, VERAGUAS", "id": 9.5, "lng": "-81.0544444", "votes": [2003, 1749, 1264, 8, 8, 7, 1], "population": 5040, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "7.9819727", "district": "R\u00cdO DE JES\u00daS, VERAGUAS", "id": 9.6, "lng": "-81.166481", "votes": [1988, 1802, 890, 22, 0, 9, 1], "population": 4712, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "8.4232203", "district": "OL\u00c1, COCL\u00c9", "id": 2.4, "lng": "-80.6479524", "votes": [1250, 1337, 1975, 19, 3, 6, 3], "population": 4593, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.428904", "district": "C\u00c9MACO, COMARCA EMBERA", "id": 11.0, "lng": "-77.611771", "votes": [2185, 1117, 574, 12, 13, 6, 2], "population": 3909, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "9.535121", "district": "SANTA ISABEL, COL\u00d3N", "id": 3.4, "lng": "-79.183006", "votes": [1295, 1032, 1280, 18, 5, 14, 1], "population": 3645, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "8.2970411", "district": "SAN F\u00c9LIX, CHIRIQU\u00cd", "id": 5.2, "lng": "-81.8716058", "votes": [1505, 802, 1288, 9, 5, 3, 4], "population": 3616, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "7.2166667", "district": "MARIATO, VERAGUAS", "id": 10.2, "lng": "-80.8833333", "votes": [1044, 625, 1655, 5, 25, 2, 2], "population": 3358, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "7.55", "district": "PEDAS\u00cd, LOS SANTOS", "id": 7.4, "lng": "-80.0166667", "votes": [779, 1265, 1093, 6, 1, 5, 2], "population": 3151, "winner": "JOSE DOMINGO ARIAS", "winner_class": "jose-domingo-arias"}, {"lat": "8.3057463", "district": "SAN LORENZO, CHIRIQU\u00cd", "id": 5.0, "lng": "-82.1019854", "votes": [902, 638, 1578, 8, 4, 7, 8], "population": 3145, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "7.6589921", "district": "POCR\u00cd, LOS SANTOS", "id": 7.5, "lng": "-80.1191296", "votes": [847, 1126, 1061, 5, 7, 5, 3], "population": 3054, "winner": "JOSE DOMINGO ARIAS", "winner_class": "jose-domingo-arias"}, {"lat": "8.2310546", "district": "REMEDIOS, CHIRIQU\u00cd", "id": 4.8, "lng": "-81.8279011", "votes": [1194, 728, 1003, 13, 3, 4, 5], "population": 2950, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "8.841651", "district": "SANTA CATALINA O CALOV\u00c9BORA (BLEDESHIA), COMARCA NG\u00c4BE-BUGL\u00c9", "id": 12.8, "lng": "-81.214142", "votes": [979, 499, 490, 147, 43, 12, 8], "population": 2178, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "8.7183656", "district": "CHIM\u00c1N, PANAM\u00c1", "id": 8.5, "lng": "-78.632781", "votes": [499, 716, 833, 6, 3, 1, 1], "population": 2059, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}, {"lat": "8.95", "district": "BALBOA, PANAM\u00c1", "id": 8.1, "lng": "-79.5666667", "votes": [644, 764, 498, 21, 1, 4, 3], "population": 1935, "winner": "JOSE DOMINGO ARIAS", "winner_class": "jose-domingo-arias"}, {"lat": "9.0917381", "district": " , C.KUNA DE MADUNGANDI", "id": 13.0, "lng": "-78.3842227", "votes": [674, 711, 370, 12, 5, 4, 3], "population": 1779, "winner": "JOSE DOMINGO ARIAS", "winner_class": "jose-domingo-arias"}, {"lat": "8.7871912", "district": "TABOGA, PANAM\u00c1", "id": 9.1, "lng": "-79.5575342", "votes": [410, 590, 488, 0, 0, 6, 1], "population": 1495, "winner": "JOSE DOMINGO ARIAS", "winner_class": "jose-domingo-arias"}, {"lat": "8.014356", "district": ", COMARCA EMBERA", "id": 11.1, "lng": "-78.217392", "votes": [573, 296, 363, 17, 0, 1, 1], "population": 1251, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-navarro"}, {"lat": "8.8615188", "district": " , COMARCA KUNA DE WARGANDI", "id": 14.0, "lng": "-77.973865", "votes": [364, 116, 427, 14, 1, 0, 2], "population": 924, "winner": "JUAN CARLOS VARELA", "winner_class": "juan-carlos-varela"}]}
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<descripcion>BOCAS DEL TORO</descripcion>
<descripcion>LOS SANTOS</descripcion>
<descripcion>COMARCA KUNA YALA</descripcion>
<descripcion>COMARCA EMBERA</descripcion>
<descripcion>COMARCA NGÄBE-BUGLÉ</descripcion>
<descripcion>C.KUNA DE MADUNGANDI</descripcion>
<descripcion>COMARCA KUNA DE WARGANDI</descripcion>
<descripcion>VOTO EN EL EXTRANJERO</descripcion>
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# python 3.4
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import json
import csv
from slugify import slugify
# import districts
districts = {}
dReader = csv.reader(open('geocoded_pa.csv'))
for row in dReader:
districts[row[0]] = {}
districts[row[0]][row[2]] = {'province_id':row[0],'province_name':row[1],'district_id':row[2],'district_name':row[3],'lat':row[4],'lng':row[5]}
def people2number(name):
return 0
if name == 'JOSE DOMINGO ARIAS':
return 1
if name == 'JUAN CARLOS VARELA':
return 2
if name == 'GENARO LOPEZ R.':
return 3
return 4
if name == 'JUAN JOVANE':
return 5
return 6
colors = {
'jose-domingo-arias': '#20B2AA',
'juan-carlos-varela': '#800080',
'genaro-lopez-r': '#F00',
'gerardo-el0chiricano-barroso': "#888"
tree = ET.parse('results_95.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
for child in root:
if child.tag == 'Table2':
province = child.find('provincia').text
district = child.find('distrito').text
votes = int(child.find('votos').text)
name = child.find('alias').text
districts[province][district]['votes'] = [None] * 7
districts[province][district]['votes'][people2number(name)] = votes
def winner(people,votes):
for i in range(0,7):
if votes[i] == max(votes):
return people[i]
out = {}
out['people'] = people
out['colors'] = colors
#out['votes'] = []
items = []
for key0 in districts:
for key1 in districts[key0]:
district = districts[key0][key1]
item = {
'district': district['district_name'] + ', ' + district['province_name'],
'votes': district['votes'],
'winner': winner(people,district['votes']),
'lat': district['lat'],
'lng': district['lng'],
'winner_class': slugify(winner(people,district['votes'])),
'id': int(key0) + int(key1)/10,
'population': sum(district['votes'])
nothing = 0
out['votes'] = sorted(items, key=lambda k: k['population'], reverse=True)
with open('pa_president_2014.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(out, outfile)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# python 3.4
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import urllib
import json
import csv
outfile = open('geocoded2.csv', 'w')
outwriter = csv.writer(outfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
tree = ET.parse('provinces.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
provinces = {}
for child in root:
province_id = child.find('provincia').text
province_name = child.find('descripcion').text
provinces[province_id] = {'name': province_name, 'id': province_id}
tree = ET.parse('districts.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
districts = []
for child in root:
d_id = child.find('distrito').text
d_prov_id = child.find('provincia').text
d_name = child.find('descripcion').text
d_prov_name = provinces[d_prov_id]['name']
for item in districts:
# print(item['name'] + ', ' + item['province_name'])
string = item['name'] + ', ' + item['province_name']
address = urllib.parse.urlencode({'address':string})
url = "" + address + "&sensor=false&region=pa&language=es"
# print(url)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data = json.loads("utf-8"))
if len(data['results']) > 0:
row = [item['province_id'],item['province_name'],item['id'],item['name'],data['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat'],data['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng'],data['results'][0]['formatted_address']]
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