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Created May 17, 2020 18:33
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Generate Codenames board in Google Sheets
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import random
import copy
import argparse
import oauth2client.service_account
import apiclient.discovery
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--clear', action='store_const', const=True)
parser.add_argument('--redfirst', action='store_const', const=False, dest='bluefirst')
parser.add_argument('--bluefirst', action='store_const', const=True, dest='bluefirst')
args = parser.parse_args()
SCOPES = ['']
WORDS = "Africa", "Agent", "Air", "Alien", "Alps", "Amazon", "Ambulance", "America", "Angel", "Antarctica", "Apple", "Arm", "Atlantis", "Australia", "Aztec", "Back", "Ball", "Band", "Bank", "Bar", "Bark", "Bat", "Battery", "Beach", "Bear", "Beat", "Bed", "Beijing", "Bell", "Belt", "Berlin", "Bermuda", "Berry", "Bill", "Block", "Board", "Bolt", "Bomb", "Bond", "Boom", "Boot", "Bottle", "Bow", "Box", "Bridge", "Brush", "Buck", "Buffalo", "Bug", "Bugle", "Button", "Calf", "Canada", "Cap", "Capital", "Car", "Card", "Carrot", "Casino", "Cast", "Cat", "Cell", "Centaur", "Center", "Chair", "Change", "Charge", "Check", "Chest", "Chick", "China", "Chocolate", "Church", "Circle", "Cliff", "Cloak", "Club", "Code", "Cold", "Comic", "Compound", "Concert", "Conductor", "Contract", "Cook", "Copper", "Cotton", "Court", "Cover", "Crane", "Crash", "Cricket", "Cross", "Crown", "Cycle", "Czech", "Dance", "Date", "Day", "Death", "Deck", "Degree", "Diamond", "Dice", "Dinosaur", "Disease", "Doctor", "Dog", "Draft", "Dragon", "Dress", "Drill", "Drop", "Duck", "Dwarf", "Eagle", "Egypt", "Embassy", "Engine", "England", "Europe", "Eye", "Face", "Fair", "Fall", "Fan", "Fence", "Field", "Fighter", "Figure", "File", "Film", "Fire", "Fish", "Flute", "Fly", "Foot", "Force", "Forest", "Fork", "France", "Game", "Gas", "Genius", "Germany", "Ghost", "Giant", "Glass", "Glove", "Gold", "Grace", "Grass", "Greece", "Green", "Ground", "Ham", "Hand", "Hawk", "Head", "Heart", "Helicopter", "Himalayas", "Hole", "Hollywood", "Honey", "Hood", "Hook", "Horn", "Horse", "Horseshoe", "Hospital", "Hotel", "Ice", "Ice Cream", "India", "Iron", "Ivory", "Jack", "Jam", "Jet", "Jupiter", "Kangaroo", "Ketchup", "Key", "Kid", "King", "Kiwi", "Knife", "Knight", "Lab", "Lap", "Laser", "Lawyer", "Lead", "Lemon", "Leprechaun", "Life", "Light", "Limousine", "Line", "Link", "Lion", "Litter", "Loch Ness", "Lock", "Log", "London", "Luck", "Mail", "Mammoth", "Maple", "Marble", "March", "Mass", "Match", "Mercury", "Mexico", "Microscope", "Millionaire", "Mine", "Mint", "Missile", "Model", "Mole", "Moon", "Moscow", "Mount", "Mouse", "Mouth", "Mug", "Nail", "Needle", "Net", "New York", "Night", "Ninja", "Note", "Novel", "Nurse", "Nut", "Octopus", "Oil", "Olive", "Olympus", "Opera", "Orange", "Organ", "Palm", "Pan", "Pants", "Paper", "Parachute", "Park", "Part", "Pass", "Paste", "Penguin", "Phoenix", "Piano", "Pie", "Pilot", "Pin", "Pipe", "Pirate", "Pistol", "Pit", "Pitch", "Plane", "Plastic", "Plate", "Platypus", "Play", "Plot", "Point", "Poison", "Pole", "Police", "Pool", "Port", "Post", "Pound", "Press", "Princess", "Pumpkin", "Pupil", "Pyramid", "Queen", "Rabbit", "Racket", "Ray", "Revolution", "Ring", "Robin", "Robot", "Rock", "Rome", "Root", "Rose", "Roulette", "Round", "Row", "Ruler", "Satellite", "Saturn", "Scale", "School", "Scientist", "Scorpion", "Screen", "Scuba Diver", "Seal", "Server", "Shadow", "Shakespeare", "Shark", "Ship", "Shoe", "Shop", "Shot", "Sink", "Skyscraper", "Slip", "Slug", "Smuggler", "Snow", "Snowman", "Sock", "Soldier", "Soul", "Sound", "Space", "Spell", "Spider", "Spike", "Spine", "Spot", "Spring", "Spy", "Square", "Stadium", "Staff", "Star", "State", "Stick", "Stock", "Straw", "Stream", "Strike", "String", "Sub", "Suit", "Superhero", "Swing", "Switch", "Table", "Tablet", "Tag", "Tail", "Tap", "Teacher", "Telescope", "Temple", "Theater", "Thief", "Thumb", "Tick", "Tie", "Time", "Tokyo", "Tooth", "Torch", "Tower", "Track", "Train", "Triangle", "Trip", "Trunk", "Tube", "Turkey", "Undertaker", "Unicorn", "Vacuum", "Van", "Vet", "Wake", "Wall", "War", "Washer", "Washington", "Watch", "Water", "Wave", "Web", "Well", "Whale", "Whip", "Wind", "Witch", "Worm", "Yard"
FIELDS = ','.join([
def make_service(cred_data):
''' Create a Google service account instance from credentials object.
creds = oauth2client.service_account.ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_dict(cred_data, SCOPES)
return'sheets', 'v4', credentials=creds)
with open('code-words-277404-828ee38406e7.json') as file:
cred_data = json.load(file)
service = make_service(cred_data)
def combined(format, text_format):
result = copy.deepcopy(format)
return result
def celldata(string, format):
return {
"userEnteredValue": {'stringValue': string},
"userEnteredFormat": format
white = {"red": 1, "green": 1, "blue": 1, "alpha": 1}
black = {"red": 0, "green": 0, "blue": 0, "alpha": 1}
red = {"red": 0xD0/0xFF, "green": 0x02/0xFF, "blue": 0x1B/0xFF, "alpha": 1}
blue = {"red": 0x4A/0xFF, "green": 0x90/0xFF, "blue": 0xE2/0xFF, "alpha": 1}
gray = {"red": 0xD8/0xFF, "green": 0xD8/0xFF, "blue": 0xD8/0xFF, "alpha": 1}
text_word = {"fontSize": 14}
text_emoji = {"fontSize": 36}
colors_nothing = {"backgroundColor": white, "textFormat": {"foregroundColor": black}}
colors_assassin = {"backgroundColor": black, "textFormat": {"foregroundColor": white}}
colors_redspy = {"backgroundColor": red, "textFormat": {"foregroundColor": white}}
colors_bluespy = {"backgroundColor": blue, "textFormat": {"foregroundColor": white}}
colors_bystander = {"backgroundColor": gray, "textFormat": {"foregroundColor": black}}
if args.clear:
formats = [colors_bystander] * 25
words = [''] * 25
formats = [colors_bluespy if args.bluefirst else colors_redspy]
formats += [colors_redspy] * 8 + [colors_bluespy] * 8
formats += [colors_assassin] + [colors_bystander] * 7
words = random.choices(WORDS, k=25)
resp1 = service.spreadsheets().get(spreadsheetId=args.players).execute()
players_sheet = resp1['sheets'][0]['properties']['sheetId']
resp2 = service.spreadsheets().get(spreadsheetId=args.judges).execute()
judges_sheet = resp2['sheets'][0]['properties']['sheetId']
body1 = {
'requests': [
'updateCells': {
'values': [
celldata(words[index], combined(colors_nothing, text_word))
for index in range(offset, len(words), 5)
for offset in range(5)
"fields": FIELDS,
"range": {
"sheetId": players_sheet,
"startRowIndex": 0,
"endRowIndex": 5,
"startColumnIndex": 0,
"endColumnIndex": 5
if args.bluefirst:
first_color, second_color = colors_bluespy, colors_redspy
first_color, second_color = colors_redspy, colors_bluespy
body2 = {
'requests': [
'updateCells': {
'values': [
celldata(words[index], combined(formats[index], text_word))
for index in range(offset, len(words), 5)
for offset in range(5)
"fields": FIELDS,
"range": {
"sheetId": judges_sheet,
"startRowIndex": 0,
"endRowIndex": 5,
"startColumnIndex": 0,
"endColumnIndex": 5
'updateCells': {
# 'values': [
# celldata('', combined(colors_nothing, text_word))
# for i in range(5)
# ]
'values': [
celldata("\ud83d\udd75\ud83c\udfff", combined(first_color, text_emoji)),
celldata("\ud83d\udd75\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", combined(second_color, text_emoji)),
celldata("\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", combined(colors_bystander, text_emoji)),
celldata("\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", combined(colors_bystander, text_emoji)),
celldata("\u2620\ufe0f", combined(colors_assassin, text_emoji)),
"fields": FIELDS,
"range": {
"sheetId": judges_sheet,
"startRowIndex": 6,
"endRowIndex": 7,
"startColumnIndex": 0,
"endColumnIndex": 5
print(service.spreadsheets().batchUpdate(spreadsheetId=args.players, body=body1).execute())
print(service.spreadsheets().batchUpdate(spreadsheetId=args.judges, body=body2).execute())
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