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Last active February 24, 2024 02:37
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Script for Linux to set the next available audio output as the default system output, switching all current streams over to it.
# Switch to the next available audio output device and show a notification with
# all available devices and the one currently selected.
# You may need to edit /etc/pulse/ and change the appropriate line to:
# load-module module-stream-restore restore_device=false
# Heavily modified from:
new_sink=$(pacmd list-sinks | grep index | tee /dev/stdout | grep -m1 -A1 "* index" | tail -1 | cut -c12-)
new_sink_name=$(pactl list sinks | grep -A10 "Sink #$new_sink" | grep Description | cut -c15-)
echo "Setting default sink to: $new_sink: $new_sink_name";
pacmd set-default-sink $new_sink
pacmd list-sink-inputs | grep index | while read line; do
echo "Moving input $(echo $line | cut -f2 -d' ') to sink $new_sink"
pacmd move-sink-input `echo $line | cut -f2 -d' '` $new_sink
all_sinks=$(pactl list short sinks)
while read line; do
sink_num=$(echo $line | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
sink_name=$(pactl list sinks | grep -A10 "Sink #$sink_num" | grep Description | cut -c15-)
if [[ "$(echo $line | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" == "$new_sink" ]]; then
notif_msg="$notif_msg$sep<b>*$(echo $sink_name | tr a-z A-Z)</b>"
notif_msg="$notif_msg$sep $sink_name"
if [[ "$sep" == "" ]]; then
done <<< "$all_sinks"
notify-send --icon=audio-speakers --expire-time=3000 "Audio Output" "$notif_msg"
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