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Created July 18, 2018 14:57
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defmodule SearchWorker do
use GenServer
@idle_timeout_ms 10 * 60 * 1000
# client api
def touch(pid) do
GenServer.cast(pid, :touch)
@impl GenServer
def init(_opts) do
state = touch_idle_timer(%{})
{:ok, state}
@impl GenServer
def handle_cast(:touch, state) do
state = touch_idle_timer(state)
{:noreply, state}
# we got our idle timeout let's clean it up
def handle_info({:idle_timeout, idle_timeout_ref}, %{idle_timeout_ref: idle_timeout_ref} = state) do
# do whatever you want to do to cleanup your process tree
{:noreply, state}
# we have an old timeout coming through, we should just ignore it
def handle_info({:idle_timeout, _ref}, state), do: {:noreply, state}
defp touch_idle_timer(state) do
idle_timeout_ref = make_ref()
# send ourselves a message after 10 seconds and cleanup the proc tree when we get this
idle_timer = Process.send_after(self(), {:idle_timeout, idle_timeout_ref}, @idle_timeout_ms)
%{state | idle_timer_ref: idle_timer_ref}
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