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Last active October 9, 2015 22:29
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Make all available options from a demanded list
$sections = [
'bread' => [
'multichoice' => false,
'options' => ['normal','wrap']
'salad' => [
'multichoice' => true,
'options' => ['lettuce','tomatoes', 'corn']
'sauce' => [
'multichoice' => true,
'options' => ['mostard','ketchup']
'protein' => [
'multichoice' => false,
'options' => ['hamburger','tuna', 'smoked salmon']
* Evaluate if it is NOT a multi dimensional array
* @param array $list
* @return bool
function isFlat(array $list)
foreach($list as $element)
return false;
return true;
* Flat multi dimensional arrays into Bi dimensional (max)
* @param array $list
* @return array
function flatToBiDimensionalArray(array $list)
return $list;
$final = [];
foreach($list as $element)
$final[] = $element;
$final = array_merge($final, flatToBiDimensionalArray($element));
return $final;
* Make each element of the array into an array of itself
* @param array $list
* @return array
function eachElementToArray(array $list)
$final = [];
foreach($list as $element)
$final[] = [$element];
return $final;
* Generate all combinations possible without order mattering
* @param array $list
* @return array
function generateAllCombinations(array $list)
if(count($list) === 1)
return $list;
$first = array_pop($list);
$combinations = flatToBiDimensionalArray(generateAllCombinations($list));
$final = [];
$final[] = [$first];
foreach ($combinations as $combination)
$final[] = is_array($combination)
? array_merge([$first], $combination)
: [$first, $combination];
$final[] = $combinations;
$final = array_merge($final, $combinations);
return $final;
* Is similar to generateAllCombinations() but doesn't attempt to flat the arrays
* @param array $sections
* @return array
function mixTogether(array $sections)
if(count($sections) === 1)
$key = key($sections);
$final = [];
foreach(array_pop($sections) as $type)
$final[] = [$key => $type];
return $final;
$sandwiches = [];
$key = key($sections);
$section = array_pop($sections);
$combinations = mixTogether($sections);
foreach($section as $type)
foreach($combinations as $combination)
$combination[$key] = $type;
$sandwiches[] = $combination;
return $sandwiches;
* Script
$iterations = 100000;
$i = 0;
$start = microtime(true);
while($i++ < $iterations)
// generate all combinations for each section
$sectionCombinations = [];
foreach ($sections as $id => $section)
$sectionCombinations[$id] = $section['multichoice']
? generateAllCombinations($section['options'])
: eachElementToArray($section['options']);
$sandwichList = mixTogether($sectionCombinations);
$end = microtime(true);
$totalCombinations = count($sandwichList);
echo "\n\nTotal time for {$iterations} iterations with {$totalCombinations} combinations: " . ($end - $start) . " seconds\n";
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