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Created June 24, 2009 10:40
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# ruby beginner elevator program
# We might break this stuff up into more classes as the need to separate state and
# behaviour of different entities emerges, for now we keep it simple and imagine
# the state to be that of the building as a whole.
# new code added by calvin... work in progress, still figuring how to make it all work
class Building
USER_FLOOR = gets.chomp # MM: You're using a constant here, did you mean to?
attr_reader :elevator_on_floor
attr_accessor :elevator_target_floor, :new_floor
def initialize
@elevator_on_floor = GROUND_FLOOR
@elevator_target_floor = GROUND_FLOOR
@new_floor = USER_FLOOR # MM: I'd look at passing this value into initialize instead
def call_elevator_to_floor( new_floor )
# Check that the call floor is legal (in a real elevator you wouldn't have buttons for illegal floors but this elevator isn't real!
# If the new floor is different to the current floor, tell the elevator where to go
x = 10 # In this case the number of floors in the building doesn't change
# but is, any way, a feature of the building and not the method
# Consider whether this should be a constant in the class
puts "The elevator does not go to that floor" if x > 10
if x < 10
puts "going to floor #{x}"
# MM: The logic of the above statements looks confused to me. You have two
# MM: independent 'if' tests of the same variable, consider if..else instead
# MM: This method should also set the state in response to calling the elevator
# MM: shouldn't it?
# MM: This very much suggests to me that the Elevator itself is a separate entity
# MM: which should have it's own state & behaviour. Maybe you should break out
# MM: Elevator into a new class that the Building class makes use of.
def time_passes
# Is the elevator on the floor it has been called to?
# If not move it one floor towards the target floor
# If the elevator has reached it's target floor, print a message
if @new_floor == @elevator_target_floor
puts "elevator has arrived at your floor"
def output_state
# print out where the elevator is
# if the elevator isn't at it's target floor print out whether it's heading up or down
puts "floor " + 0.to_s + " is where the elevator is at"
if @elevator_on_floor != @new_floor
puts "elevator is going up" # MM: but what if it's going down?
my_building =
# This part is the "game"
# On each move you can either call the elevator to a floor by typing in the floor number
# or simply allow the elevator to carry on its journey. Use ^d to exit (do you know why that
# works?)
while line = gets
if line =~ /d+/
puts my_building.call_elevator_to_floor( line.to_i )
puts time_passes
puts output_state # MM: since both of these methods use 'puts' to output to the console
# MM: you don't need the puts here. Just call the methods
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