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Created November 25, 2009 08:31
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describe "Hospital Patient Chart" do
it "should have heart rate information" do
# heart rate information is numeric
# so it should be represented as a number
# it's implied that it's beats per minute
# (unless you're going to be storing it in
# some other format elsewhere) 75 ).heart_rate.should == 75
class HospitalPatientChart
# We don't obviously need a setter so I've used attr_reader.
attr_reader :heart_rate
def initialize(heart_rate)
@heart_rate = heart_rate
# It's a patients chart so likely to be their heart rate
patient_chart = 75 )
puts patient_chart.heart_rate
# Very good, a big improvement.
describe "Hospital Patient Chart" do
it "should have heart rate information" do
patient_vital_signs = 80, 18, 98.6, 120 )
patient_vital_signs.pulse.should == 80
patient_vital_signs.respiration.should == 18
patient_vital_signs.body_temp.should == 98.6
patient_vital_signs.blood_pressure.should == 120
# Now consider the impact of the new stats you've added. You have a constructor with
# 4 values that are not easy to deduce on their own. Look at:
# 80, 18, 98.6, 120 )
# in isolation and see if you can figure out which is heart rate, which blood pressure,
# and so on.
# There are a number of ways to tackle such a situation but I might use a hash for
# initialization, e.g.
class HospitalPatientChart
attr_reader :pulse, :respiration, :body_temp, :blood_pressure
def initialize( vital_signs = {} )
check_vital_signs( vital_signs )
@pulse = vital_signs[:pulse]
@respiration = vital_signs[:respiration]
@body_temp = vital_signs[:body_temp].to_f
@blood_pressure = vital_signs[:blood_pressure]
def check_vital_signs( vital_signs )
missing_keys = vital_signs.keys.reject { |sign| vital_signs.has_key?( sign ) }
raise "Chart is missing vital signs #{missing_keys.join(',')}!" unless missing_keys.empty?
# Make sure you understand what I am doing here and the way that Ruby allows you to pass
# a hash as the last argument to a method call and the rules under which a hash does
# (or does not) require {} surrounding it.
patient_chart = :pulse => 80, :respiration => 18, :body_temp => 98.6, :blood_pressure => 120 )
puts "pulse: #{patient_chart.pulse}, respiration: #{patient_chart.respiration}, body temp: #{patient_chart.body_temp}, blood pressure: #{patient_chart.blood_pressure}"
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