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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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import Cocoa
//: Types to make my typing life simpler
typealias Cell = Int
typealias Board = [Cell]
typealias CellPosition = Int
typealias PackedBoard = Int64
typealias AddNeighbours = (Board, CellPosition) -> Cell
typealias SwapNeighbours = (Board, CellPosition) -> Board
typealias Mutator = (add:AddNeighbours, swap:SwapNeighbours)
typealias Operation = (origin:CellPosition, mutator:Mutator)
//: Factories for functions
func mutatorWithOffset(offset:CellPosition) -> Mutator {
let add:AddNeighbours = { board, position in
return board[position] + board[position + offset]
let swap:SwapNeighbours = { (var board, position) in
let neighbourPosition = position + offset
let temp = board[position]
board[position] = board[neighbourPosition]
board[neighbourPosition] = temp
return board
return (add, swap)
//: Functions for accessing cells
let right = mutatorWithOffset(1)
let down = mutatorWithOffset(3)
//: Valid ranges the cell accessors can operate over
let rightValidRange = [0,1,3,4,6,7]
let downValidRange = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
let rightOps:[Operation] = {($0, right)}
let downOps:[Operation] = {($0, down)}
let combinedOps:[Operation] = rightOps + downOps
//: The target board
let TargetBoard:Board = [
//: Lets have a look at what values they fetch over valid ranges just
//: to check the seem to be working
// {
// right.add(TargetBoard, $0)
// {
// down.add(TargetBoard, $0)
//: Some helper functions
func prime(n:Int) -> Bool {
// Dealing with a limited set so lets cheat
return contains([2,3,5,7,11,13,17], n)
func permutations(board:Board, ops:[Operation]) -> [Board] {
let validOps = ops.filter {prime($0.mutator.add(board, $0.origin))}
return {$0.mutator.swap(board, $0.origin)}
//: Lets see what permuting the target board looks like. In theory this
//: is the start of generating all possible valid combinations
permutations(TargetBoard, combinedOps)
func rightDownPermutations(board:Board) -> [Board] {
return permutations(board, combinedOps)
//: For laziness and to avoid writing comparitors, I'll just store a packed
//: representation of the board in a 64 bit value which can then be stuffed
//: into a set. This is what we'll check when looking to see if we've visited
//: a board before
func packBoard(board:Board) -> PackedBoard {
// var x:PackedBoard = 0
// x |= Int64(board[0]) << (4 * 8)
// x |= Int64(board[1]) << (4 * 7)
// x |= Int64(board[2]) << (4 * 6)
// x |= Int64(board[3]) << (4 * 5)
// x |= Int64(board[4]) << (4 * 4)
// x |= Int64(board[5]) << (4 * 3)
// x |= Int64(board[6]) << (4 * 2)
// x |= Int64(board[7]) << (4 * 1)
// x |= Int64(board[8]) << (4 * 0)
// return x
// return (Int64(board[0]) << (4 * 8)) |
// (Int64(board[1]) << (4 * 7)) |
// (Int64(board[2]) << (4 * 6)) |
// (Int64(board[3]) << (4 * 5)) |
// (Int64(board[4]) << (4 * 4)) |
// (Int64(board[5]) << (4 * 3)) |
// (Int64(board[6]) << (4 * 2)) |
// (Int64(board[7]) << (4 * 1)) |
// (Int64(board[8]) << (4 * 0))
return board.reduce(PackedBoard(0)) { (var packed, cell) in
let maskedCell = PackedBoard(0xf & cell)
packed |= maskedCell
packed <<= 4
return packed
//: Give it a whirl. A nice property of the packing algorithm is that when
//: viewed as hex, the board values are pretty straightforward
//let packed = packBoard(TargetBoard)
//NSString(format:"0x%llx, %llu", packed, packed)
//: Check the cunning plan for storing visited boards works
//var visited = Set<PackedBoard>();
//: Now lets try to solve a test problem
let TestBoard1:Board = [
let TestBoard2:Board = [
func solve(board:Board) -> Int {
let packedTarget = packBoard(TargetBoard)
var step = 0
var visited = Set<PackedBoard>()
var solved = false
func unvisitedPermutations(board:Board) -> [Board] {
let all:[Board] = rightDownPermutations(board)
return all.filter { !visited.contains(packBoard($0)) }
func markVisited(boards:[Board]) {
for board in boards {
if visited.contains(packedTarget) {
// Check if initial board was the final board
return step
var boards = unvisitedPermutations(board)
while boards.count > 0 {
if visited.contains(packedTarget) {
// Solved
solved = true
var nextLevel:[Board] = []
for board in boards {
let unvisited = unvisitedPermutations(board)
nextLevel = nextLevel + unvisited
boards = nextLevel
return solved ? step : -1
func x(block: () -> ()) -> CFTimeInterval {
let start = CACurrentMediaTime()
let end = CACurrentMediaTime()
return end - start
//print("Testing 3 boards: 0, 6, —1\n")
//let t1 = x { solve(TargetBoard) }
//let t2 = x { solve(TestBoard1) }
//let t3 = x { solve(TestBoard2) }
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