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Created December 8, 2013 21:21
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Save na-ka-na/7863949 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Search for higher level topological patterns in the secondary structure of RNA.
(ns iiit
[ Writer File OutputStream FileOutputStream BufferedReader BufferedWriter FileReader FileWriter]
[java.util Collections])
[clojure stacktrace]
[clojure.set :only (union intersection difference)]
[clojure.contrib repl-utils trace pprint str-utils (io :only (spit append-spit make-parents delete-file))]
[ :only (sh)]))
(println "Starting to load name-space iiit ..")
;(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defrecord Residue [^String name ^String type ^String chain ^int id])
; The RNA graph is represented as (Adjacency list rep - persistent) :
; 1. nodes : Map of Node names => Nodes
; 2. cbond-edges : Map of Node names => Tuple of nodes (prev cbond, next cbond)
; 3. hbond-edges : Map of Node names => Set of Node names
(defrecord RNAAsGraph [nodes cbond-edges hbond-edges])
(defn res-id [RAG r] (:id ((:nodes RAG) r)))
(defn cbond-edges [RAG r] ((:cbond-edges RAG) r))
(defn hbond-edges [RAG r] ((:hbond-edges RAG) r))
(defn convert-atoms-pdb-to-res-seq
"Forms a sequence of residues from the Atoms PDB file.
The information taken out is: res-type, res-num & chain
Each residue has a unique name: R_<chain><res_num>
Additionally each residue has a unique id.
Returns a sequence of Residue records (nodes) having the following keys:
name (R_<chain><res_num>), type (A,U,G,C), chain, id"
[^String atom-pdb-file-name]
(with-open [rdr (BufferedReader. (FileReader. atom-pdb-file-name))]
(let [residues
(filter (comp not nil?)
(map (fn [l]
(when (> (count l) 30)
(let [res-type (re-gsub #"\s+" "" (subs l 17 20))
res-name (re-gsub #"\s+" "" (subs l 21 26))
chain (subs res-name 0 1)]
{:name (str "R_" res-name) :type res-type :chain chain})))
(line-seq rdr))))]
(loop [residue-seq []
res-seq (seq residues)
id 0]
(if res-seq
(let [r (first res-seq)
R (Residue. (:name r) (:type r) (:chain r) id)]
(recur (conj residue-seq R) (next res-seq) (inc id)))
;(count (convert-atoms-pdb-to-res-seq "C:\\Docs\\ramsagar\\Input"))
;(count (convert-atoms-pdb-to-res-seq "C:\\Docs\\ramsagar\\1VQO-min.coor"))
(defn form-residue-graph-with-cbonds
"Gets list of residues from the atom-pdb-file by calling convert-atoms-pdb-to-res-seq.
Returns the -
1. Mapping from Node names => Nodes
2. Cbond-Edges as : Map of Node names => Tuple of nodes [prev_cbond, next_cbond]
Residue with id k, is convalently bonded to residue with id k-1, k+1
unless the residue is at the beginning/end of the chain."
[^String atom-pdb-file-name]
(letfn [(f [residues prev-res nodes cbond-edges]
(if-let [curr-res (first residues)]
(let [curr-id (:name curr-res)
new-nodes (assoc nodes curr-id curr-res)
(let [prev-id (:name prev-res)
chains-match? (= (:chain prev-res) (:chain curr-res))
(assoc cbond-edges prev-id (conj (cbond-edges prev-id) (if chains-match? curr-id nil)))
(assoc new-cbond-edges curr-id [(if chains-match? prev-id nil)])]
(recur (next residues) curr-res new-nodes new-cbond-edges))
(let [new-cbond-edges
(assoc cbond-edges (:name prev-res) (conj (cbond-edges (:name prev-res)) nil))]
(list nodes new-cbond-edges))))]
(let [residues (convert-atoms-pdb-to-res-seq atom-pdb-file-name)]
(if-let [r (first residues)]
(f (next residues) r (assoc {} (:name r) r) (assoc {} (:name r) [nil]))
(list nil nil)))))
(defn form-hbond-edge-map
"Takes the hbonds file produced by the program as input.
Takes following info from the file -
1. Donor residue num, chain
2. Acceptor residue num, chain
*Note: do not change the format of the file as returned by*
Returns -
1. Hbond-Edges as : Map of Node names => Set of Node names
(letfn [(put-hbonds [hbond-edges seq-strs]
(if seq-strs
(let [line (first seq-strs)
tokens (re-split #"\s+" line)]
(if (= 1 (count(nth tokens 3)))
(let [first-res-id (str "R_" (nth tokens 5) (nth tokens 4) )
second-res-id (str "R_" (nth tokens 10) (nth tokens 9))
(assoc hbond-edges first-res-id
(if (contains? hbond-edges first-res-id)
(conj (hbond-edges first-res-id) second-res-id)
(assoc new-hbond-edges second-res-id
(if (contains? new-hbond-edges second-res-id)
(conj (new-hbond-edges second-res-id) first-res-id)
(recur new-hbond-edges (next seq-strs)))
(recur hbond-edges (next seq-strs))))
(put-hbonds {} (filter #(not= % "") (re-split #"\n" (slurp hbonds-file))))))
(defn form-RNA-graph
"Forms the RNA graph taking an options map with the following 2 keys -
1. atoms-pdb-file-name
2. hbonds-file-name (Generated by
The RNA graph is represented as (Adjacency list rep. - persistent) :
1. nodes : Map of Node names => Nodes
2. cbond-edges : Map of Node names => Tuple of nodes (prev cbond, next cbond)
3. hbond-edges : Map of Node names => Set of Node names"
(let [{:keys [atoms-pdb-file-name hbonds-file-name]} opts
[nodes cbond-edges] (form-residue-graph-with-cbonds atoms-pdb-file-name)
hbond-edges (form-hbond-edge-map hbonds-file-name)]
(RNAAsGraph. nodes cbond-edges hbond-edges)))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; UTILITY ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defn get-hbonds-seq
"Returns a sequence of all hbonds in the RAG.
The single argument version returns all hbonds (undirected)
The two argument version returns distinct directed hbonds"
(mapcat (fn [r] (map #(vector r %) (hbond-edges RAG r))) (keys (:hbond-edges RAG))))
([RAG one-dir?]
(filter (fn [[r1 r2]] (< (res-id RAG r1) (res-id RAG r2))) (get-hbonds-seq RAG))))
; (count (get-hbonds-seq RAG))
; (count (get-hbonds-seq RAG true))
(defn get-cbonds-seq
"Returns a sequence of all cbonds in the RAG.
The single argument version returns all cbonds (undirected)
The two argument version returns distinct directed cbonds"
([RAG ]
(filter (comp not nil?)
(mapcat (fn [r] (map #(when (not (nil? %)) (vector r %)) (cbond-edges RAG r))) (keys (:cbond-edges RAG)))))
([RAG one-dir?]
(filter (fn [[r1 r2]] (< (res-id RAG r1) (res-id RAG r2))) (get-cbonds-seq RAG))))
; (count (get-cbonds-seq RAG))
; (count (get-cbonds-seq RAG true))
(defn get-RNA-graph-stats
"Returns a map containing the following keys -
- Number of Residue nodes
- Number of Directed CBond edges
- Number of Directed HBond edges"
{"Number of Residue nodes" (count (:nodes RAG))
"Number of Directed CBond edges" (count (get-cbonds-seq RAG true))
"Number of Directed HBond edges" (count (get-hbonds-seq RAG true))})
(defn print-RNA-graph-to-file
"Prints a RAG in a file named by fileName. The file is overwritten every time.
It prints in order :
* Residue Nodes (1 per line)
* CBond edges (1 residue's per line)
* Hbond edges (1 residue's per line)
[RAG ^String fileName]
(with-open [w (BufferedWriter. (FileWriter. fileName))]
(.write w "===================== Residue Nodes =====================\n")
(doseq [k (sort (:nodes RAG))] (.write w (str k "\n")))
(.write w "\n===================== CBond Edges =====================\n")
(doseq [k (sort (:cbond-edges RAG))] (.write w (str k "\n")))
(.write w "\n===================== HBond Edges =====================\n")
(doseq [k (sort (:hbond-edges RAG))] (.write w (str k "\n")))))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; N-Lets ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(declare nlets-non-distinct nlets-distinct)
(defn nlets-non-distinct
[RAG n]
(if (<= n 1)
(if (= n 2)
(get-hbonds-seq RAG)
(fn [n-1let]
(fn [r]
(filter (comp not nil?)
(fn [h]
(when-not (some #{h} n-1let) (conj n-1let h)))
(hbond-edges RAG r))))
(nlets-distinct RAG (dec n))))))
(defn nlets-distinct
"Returns all nlets of length 'n'
Definition of nlet:
A set of N connected (by hbonds) nodes.
Each nlet is just a list of nodes
[RAG n]
(set (map sort (nlets-non-distinct RAG n))))
(def nlets-distinct (memoize nlets-distinct))
; (dotimes [i 34] (println (+ 2 i) "," (count (nlets-distinct RAG (+ 2 i)))))
; (doseq [l (take 10 (nlets-distinct RAG 3))] (println l))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; STEMS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defn stem
"Forms a stem if possible of len:max-len starting from the first hbond in vec-s, vec-t"
[RAG vec-s vec-t dir-s dir-t curr-len max-len]
(let [last-s (vec-s (dec (count vec-s)))
last-t (vec-t (dec (count vec-t)))
next-s ((cbond-edges RAG last-s) dir-s)
next-t ((cbond-edges RAG last-t) dir-t)]
(when (and next-s next-t)
(let [is-hbond? (contains? (hbond-edges RAG next-s) next-t)]
(when is-hbond?
(let [max-s (if (= 1 dir-s) next-s (vec-s 0))
min-t (if (= 1 dir-t) (vec-t 0) next-t)]
(when (< (res-id RAG max-s) (res-id RAG min-t))
(let [new-len (inc curr-len)
new-vec-s (conj vec-s next-s)
new-vec-t (conj vec-t next-t)]
(if (= max-len new-len)
[new-vec-s new-vec-t]
(recur RAG new-vec-s new-vec-t dir-s dir-t new-len max-len))))))))))
(defn stems
"Get all stems of length len.
Definition of a stem of length n:
A set S of two sets S1, S2 of equal number of 'n'nodes such that,
S1 = {r1, r2, ... } with ri covalently bonded to both ri-1 and ri+1 ;
S2 = {t1, t2, ... } with ti covalently bonded to both ti-1 and ti+1 ;
additionally each ri and ti form hydrogen bonds.
Returns the sequence of stems. Each stem is a tuple. First elem is one side, second element the other side.
[RAG len]
(let [hbonds (get-hbonds-seq RAG true)]
(filter (comp not nil?)
(mapcat (fn [h] (list (stem RAG [(h 0)] [(h 1)] 0 1 1 len))) hbonds))))
(def stems (memoize stems))
; (doseq [s (stems RAG 13)] (println s))
; (dotimes [i 25] (println (+ 2 i) "," (count (stems RAG (+ 2 i)))))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; STEM LOOPS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defn get-next-residues-from
"Gets next residues in the chain starting from from-res and looks ahead num-res"
[RAG from-res num-res]
(loop [i num-res, s-loop [], prev-r from-res]
(if (> i 0)
(when-let [next-r ((cbond-edges RAG prev-r) 1)]
(recur (dec i) (conj s-loop next-r) next-r))
(defn is-sloop-devoid-of-hbonds-among-itself?
"A complicated condition for the loop in a stem to be devoid of hbonds"
[RAG max-s s-loop min-t]
(let [S-loop (concat [max-s] s-loop [min-t])
(for [r1 S-loop, r2 S-loop
:when (and (< (res-id RAG r1) (res-id RAG r2))
(not= r2 ((cbond-edges RAG r1) 1))
(contains? (hbond-edges RAG r1) r2)
(not (and (= r1 max-s) (= r2 min-t))))]
[r1 r2])))]
(if (= 2 (count s-loop))
(and intra-h-bonds-absent? (not (contains? (hbond-edges RAG (s-loop 0)) (s-loop 1))))
(defn connect
"Try to connect low residue with high residue with num-res nodes"
[RAG low high num-res]
(let [connection (get-next-residues-from RAG low num-res)
is-connected? (and (not (nil? (seq connection)))
(= ((cbond-edges RAG high) 0) (connection (dec (count connection)))))]
(when is-connected?
(defn stem-is-stem-loop
"Checks if a stem is a stem loop with num-in-loop nodes in the loop"
[RAG stem num-in-loop]
(let [max-s ((stem 0) 0)
min-t ((stem 1) 0)
s-loop (connect RAG max-s min-t num-in-loop)
is-s-loop-ok? (and s-loop (is-sloop-devoid-of-hbonds-among-itself? RAG max-s s-loop min-t))]
(when is-s-loop-ok?
(defn stem-loops ;aka hair-pin loops
"Get stemLoops of length lenStem and numInLoop residues in the loop. A.k.a hairPinLoops
Definition of a stemLoop :
Stem loops are stems of length lenStem with an additional property that r1 and t1 are on the same chain
connected through a series of small number of nodes bonded covalently, i.e. L = {l1, l2, ... li, ... }
is a set of numInLoop nodes with li covalently bonded to both li-1 and li+1 ;
l1 is covalently bonded to r1 and lk is covalently bonded to t1.
Additionally their should be no hydrogen bonds among L (except possibly among neighbors).
Thus the set L forms the loop of the stem-loop {S1, S2, L}.
Returns a sequence of stem-loops. Each stem-loop is a tuple. First element in a stem, second the loop.
[RAG len-stem num-in-loop]
(filter (comp not nil?)
(map (fn [stem] (when-let [s-loop (stem-is-stem-loop RAG stem num-in-loop)]
[stem s-loop]))
(stems RAG len-stem))))
(def stem-loops (memoize stem-loops))
; stem-loops query
(doseq [l (range 1 20)]
(doseq [s (range 1 15)]
(let [c (count (stem-loops RAG s l))]
(if (> c 0) (println s l c))))))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; KISSING LOOPS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defn kissing-loops
"Returns all kissing-stem-loops.
Definition of a kissing-stem-loop :
* Two stem loops kiss when their loop sets interact via hydrogen bonds.
Returns a 3-ple with first two elems the two stem loops, third elem the hydrogen bond forming nodes in the 2nd stem-loop"
[RAG len-stem-1 num-in-loop-1 len-stem-2 num-in-loop-2]
(let [stem-loops-1 (stem-loops RAG len-stem-1 num-in-loop-1)
stem-loops-2 (stem-loops RAG len-stem-2 num-in-loop-2)]
(filter (fn [k] (> (count (k 2)) 0))
(for [sl-1 stem-loops-1, sl-2 stem-loops-2
:when (let [t-sl-1 ((sl-1 0) 1)
s-sl-2 ((sl-2 0) 0)
max-t-sl-1 (t-sl-1 (dec (count t-sl-1)))
min-s-sl-2 (s-sl-2 (dec (count s-sl-2)))]
(< (res-id RAG max-t-sl-1) (res-id RAG min-s-sl-2)))]
(let [sloop-sl-1 (sl-1 1)
sloop-sl-2 (sl-2 1)
hbonds-sl-1 (apply union (map #(hbond-edges RAG %) sloop-sl-1))]
[sl-1 sl-2 (intersection hbonds-sl-1 (set sloop-sl-2))])))))
(def kissing-loops (memoize kissing-loops))
; kissing loops query
(doseq [s1 (range 2 20)]
(doseq [l1 (range 1 20)]
(doseq [s2 (range s1 20)]
(doseq [l2 (range l1 20)]
(let [kl (kissing-loops RAG s1 l1 s2 l2)
c (count kl)]
(when (> c 0)
(println s1 l1 s2 l2 c))))))))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BULGES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defn two-stems-bulge
"Checks if two stems have a buldge"
[RAG s-1 s-2 bulge-len]
(let [s-1-left (s-1 0)
s-2-left (s-2 0)
left-matches? (= ((cbond-edges RAG (s-2-left 0)) 1) (s-1-left (dec (count s-1-left))))]
(when left-matches?
(let [s-1-right (s-1 1)
s-2-right (s-2 1)
right-connection (connect RAG (s-1-right (dec (count s-1-right))) (s-2-right 0) bulge-len)]
(defn bulges
"Returns all bulges.
Definition of bulge:
Bulges are two stems {{r1, r2, ...} {t1, t2, ...}} (length N1) and {{u1, u2, ...} {v1, v2, ...}} (length N2)
* such that rN1 is covalently bonded to u1
* and tN1 and v1 are on the same chain connected through a series of small number of nodes bonded covalently,
i.e. L = {l1, l2, ... li, ...} is a set of \91K\92 nodes with li covalently bonded to both li-1 and li+1 ;
l1 is covalently bonded to tN1 and lk is covalently bonded to v1.
Thus {{{r1, r2, ... } {t1, t2, ...}} {{u1, u2, ...} {v1, v2, ...}} {l1, l2, ... li, ...}} (N1, N2, K) is a bulge.
Each bulge a 3-ple with first two elems the two stems, third elem is the bulge loop.
[RAG stem-len-1 stem-len-2 bulge-len]
(let [stems-1 (stems RAG stem-len-1)
stems-2 (stems RAG stem-len-2)]
(filter (fn [b] ((comp not nil?) (b 2)))
(for [s-1 stems-1, s-2 stems-2]
(vector s-1 s-2 (two-stems-bulge RAG s-1 s-2 bulge-len))))))
(def bulges (memoize bulges))
; buldges query
(doseq [s1 (range 2 16)]
(doseq [s2 (range s1 16)]
(doseq [b (range 1 20)]
(let [bs (bulges RAG s1 s2 b)
c (count bs)]
(when (> c 0)
(println s1 s2 b c)))))))
(def RAG (form-RNA-graph {:atoms-pdb-file-name "C:\\Docs\\ramsagar\\1VQO-min.coor"
:hbonds-file-name "C:\\Docs\\ramsagar\\1VQO-min.coor.out.grepped"}))
(def RAG (form-RNA-graph {:atoms-pdb-file-name "C:\\Docs\\ramsagar\\Input.pdb"
:hbonds-file-name "C:\\Docs\\ramsagar\\Input.pdb.out.grepped"}))
(get-RNA-graph-stats RAG)
(print-RNA-graph-to-file RAG "test")
(dotimes [i 34] (println (+ 2 i) "," (count (nlets-distinct RAG (+ 2 i)))))
(dotimes [i 25] (println (+ 2 i) "," (count (stems RAG (+ 2 i)))))
(doseq [l (range 1 20)]
(doseq [s (range 1 15)]
(let [c (count (stem-loops RAG s l))]
(if (> c 0) (println s l c)))))
(doseq [s1 (range 2 16)]
(doseq [s2 (range s1 16)]
(doseq [b (range 1 20)]
(let [bs (bulges RAG s1 s2 b)
c (count bs)]
(when (> c 0)
(println s1 s2 b c))))))
(doseq [s1 (range 2 20)]
(doseq [l1 (range 1 20)]
(doseq [s2 (range s1 20)]
(doseq [l2 (range l1 20)]
(let [kl (kissing-loops RAG s1 l1 s2 l2)
c (count kl)]
(when (> c 0)
(println s1 l1 s2 l2 c))))))))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; JAVA API Begins ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defn -formRNAGraph
"Forms an instance of RNAGraph
The RNAs graph is represented as (Adjacency list rep. - persistent) :
1. nodes : Map of Node names => Nodes
2. cbond-edges : Map of Node names => Tuple of nodes [prev cbond, next cbond]
3. hbond-edges : Map of Node names => Set of Node names
Forms the RNA graph taking an options map with the following 2 keys -
1. atoms-pdb-file-name
Forms a sequence of residues from the Atoms PDB file. The information taken out is:
1.1 res-type (A, U, G, C)
1.2 res-num (residue number in the pdb file)
1.3 chain (chain in the pdb file)
Each residue has a unique name: R_&#60;chain&#62;&#60;res_num&#62;. Additionally each residue has a unique id.
Residue nodes are 'Residue' objects having the following fields: name (R_&#60;chain&#62;&#60;res_num&#62;), type (A,U,G,C), chain, and id.
After this the cbond edges are added to the graph. Residue with id k, is convalently bonded to residue with id k-1, k+1
unless the residue is at the beginning/end of the chain.
2. hbonds-file-name (Generated by
Takes following info from the file -
2.1. Donor residue num, chain
2.2. Acceptor residue num, chain
*Note: do not change the format of the file as returned by*
Adds the hbonds edges to the graph as formed above.
@param opts A hash map containing precisely the two keys - 'atoms-pdb-file-name', 'hbonds-file-name'
@return An immutable iiit.RNAGraph object
@version 0.0.1
@author Sanchay Harneja"
(form-RNA-graph opts))
(defn -getAllResidues
"Get all residues from the RAG.
@param RAG An instance of a RNAGraph
@return Returns a hash map of residue-names (R_&#60;chain&#62;&#60;res_num&#62;)=> Residue objects
@version 0.0.1
@author Sanchay Harneja
(:nodes RAG))
(defn -getAllCBonds
"Get all CBond (undirected) edges from RAG.
@param RAG An instance of a RNAGraph
@return Returns a hash map of residue-names (R_&#60;chain&#62;&#60;res_num&#62;)=> Tuple of Residue names [prev-cbond, next-cbond]
@version 0.0.1
@author Sanchay Harneja
(:cbond-edges RAG))
(defn -getAllHBonds
"Get all HBond (undirected) edges from RAG.
@param RAG An instance of a RNAGraph
@return Returns a hash map of residue-names (R_&#60;chain&#62;&#60;res_num&#62;) => Set of Residue names
@version 0.0.1
@author Sanchay Harneja
(:hbond-edges RAG))
(defn -getRNAGraphStats
"Get stats of an instance of RNAGraph
Returns a map containing the following keys :
- Number of Residue nodes
- Number of Directed CBond edges
- Number of Directed HBond edges
@param RAG An instance of a RNAGraph
@return A map containing the stats of the RNAGraph
@version 0.0.1
@author Sanchay Harneja
(get-RNA-graph-stats RAG))
(defn -printRNAGraphToFile
"Print an instance of RNAGraph to a file
Prints a RAG in a file named by fileName. The file is overwritten every time.
It prints in order :
* Residue Nodes (1 per line)
* CBond edges (1 residue's per line)
* Hbond edges (1 residue's per line)
@param RAG An instance of a RNAGraph
@param fileName Name of the file to which to print the RAG. The file is overwritten every time.
@version 0.0.1
@author Sanchay Harneja
[RAG fileName]
(print-RNA-graph-to-file RAG fileName))
(defn -getNLets
"Get all n-lets
Definition of nlet:
A set of N connected (by hbonds) nodes.
@param RAG An instance of a RNAGraph
@param n The n in n-let
@return The Set of n-lets, each n-let is a sorted list of residues.
@version 0.0.1
@author Sanchay Harneja
[RAG n]
(nlets-distinct RAG n))
(defn -getStems
"Get all stems of length stemLen.
Definition of a stem of length n:
A set S of two sets S1, S2 of equal number of 'n' nodes such that,
* S1 = {r1, r2, ... rn} with ri covalently bonded to both ri-1 and ri+1 ;
* S2 = {t1, t2, ... tn} with ti covalently bonded to both ti-1 and ti+1 ;
* Additionally each ri and ti for all i=1-to-n form hydrogen bonds.
@param RAG An instance of a RNAGraph
@param stemLen All stems of length stemLen will be returned
@return Returns the sequence of stems. Each stem is a tuple. First elem is one side, second element the other side.
@version 0.0.1
@author Sanchay Harneja
[RAG stemLen]
(stems RAG stemLen))
(defn -getStemLoops
"Get stemLoops of length stemLen and loopLen residues in the loop. A.k.a hairPinLoops
Definition of a stemLoop :
Stem loops are stems of length stemLen with an additional properties
* r1 and t1 are on the same chain connected through a series of small number of nodes bonded covalently,
* i.e. L = {l1, l2, ... li, ... } is a set of loopLen nodes with li covalently bonded to both li-1 and li+1 ;
* l1 is covalently bonded to r1 and lk is covalently bonded to t1.
* Additionally their should be no hydrogen bonds among L (except possibly among neighbors).
Thus the set L forms the loop of the stem-loop {S1, S2, L}.
@param RAG An instance of a RNAGraph
@param stemLen Length of the stem
@param loopLen Length of the loop
@return Returns the sequence of all stemsLoops. Each stem-loop is a tuple. First element in a stem, second the loop.
@version 0.0.1
@author Sanchay Harneja
[RAG stemLen loopLen]
(stem-loops RAG stemLen loopLen))
(defn -getBulges
"Returns all bulges with first stem of length stem1Len, second of stem2Len and the bulge loop of len bulgeLen.
Definition of bulge:
Bulges are two stems {{r1, r2, ...} {t1, t2, ...}} (length stem1Len) and {{u1, u2, ...} {v1, v2, ...}} (length stem2Len)
* such that rN1 is covalently bonded to u1
* and tN1 and v1 are on the same chain connected through a series of small number of nodes bonded covalently,
i.e. L = {l1, l2, ... li, ...} is a set of bulgeLen nodes with li covalently bonded to both li-1 and li+1 ;
l1 is covalently bonded to tN1 and lk is covalently bonded to v1.
Thus {{{r1, r2, ... } {t1, t2, ...}} {{u1, u2, ...} {v1, v2, ...}} {l1, l2, ... li, ...}} (stem1Len, stem2Len, bulgeLen) is a bulge.
@param RAG An instance of a RNAGraph
@param stem1Len Length of the first stem
@param stem2Len Length of the second stem
@param bulgeLen Length of the bulge loop
@return Returns the sequence of all bulges. Each bulge a 3-ple with first two elems the two stems, third elem is the bulge loop.
@version 0.0.1
@author Sanchay Harneja
[RAG stem1Len stem2Len bulgeLen]
(bulges RAG stem1Len stem2Len bulgeLen))
(defn -getKissingStemLoops
"Get all kissing stem loops.
Definition of a kissing-stem-loop :
* Two stem loops kiss when their loop sets interact via hydrogen bonds.
@param RAG An instance of a RNAGraph
@param stem1Len Length of the stem in first stem loop
@param loop1Len Length of the loop in first stem loop
@param stem2Len Length of the stem in second stem loop
@param loop2Len Length of the loop in second stem loop
@return Returns the sequence of all kissing stemsLoops. Each stem-loop is a 3-ple with first two elems the two stem loops, third elem the hydrogen bond forming nodes in the 2nd stem-loop.
@version 0.0.1
@author Sanchay Harneja
[RAG stem1Len loop1Len stem2Len loop2Len]
(kissing-loops RAG stem1Len loop1Len stem2Len loop2Len))
(defn- convert-fn-meta-into-javadoc
[impl-ns prefix mname pclasses rclass is-static?]
(let [m (meta (resolve (symbol (str (str impl-ns) "/" prefix (str mname)))))
{:keys [file line doc]} m
arglist (first (filter #(= (count pclasses) (count %)) (:arglists m)))
method-sign (str "public "
(if is-static? "static " "")
(str rclass) " "
(str mname) " ("
(apply str (drop-last (interleave pclasses (repeat " ") arglist (repeat ", "))))
") {}")]
" /**\n"
" * " (str-join "\n * " (re-split #"\n" doc)) "\n"
" * Definition present at " {:file file :line line} "\n"
" */\n "
(defn- generate-javadoc
(let [default-options {:prefix "-" :impl-ns (ns-name *ns*)}
{:keys [name methods prefix impl-ns class-doc]} (merge default-options options-map)
[_ package c-name] (re-matches #"(.+)\.([^\.]+)" name)
javadoc (str
"package " package ";\n"
" /**\n"
" * " (str-join "\n * " (re-split #"\n" class-doc)) "\n"
" */\n "
"public class " c-name "{\n\n")
javadoc (loop [methods methods
javadoc javadoc]
(if-let [[mname pclasses rclass :as msig] (first methods)]
(recur (rest methods)
(str javadoc
(convert-fn-meta-into-javadoc impl-ns prefix mname pclasses rclass (:static (meta msig)))))
javadoc (str javadoc "}\n")]
[package c-name javadoc]))
(defmacro gen-class+javadoc
[& options]
(macroexpand `(gen-class ~@options))
(when *compile-files*
(let [options-map (into {} (map vec (partition 2 options)))
[package c-name javadoc] (generate-javadoc options-map)
path-of-java-file (str (System/getProperty "user.dir") "src"
(.replaceAll package "\\." (str c-name ".java")]
( ( path-of-java-file))
( path-of-java-file javadoc)
(let [cmd (str "javadoc -sourcepath src -d doc " package " > doc/javadoc.out 2> doc/javadoc.err")
javadoc-ret ( "cmd.exe" "/c" cmd :return-map true)]
;(println javadoc-ret)
( path-of-java-file))))))
(println "Before gen-classing iiit.Topos")
:class-doc "
This Class provides a purely stateless, persistent (in the immutable sense) API for - <br>
<li> Forming a graph data structure for a RNA given its residues (nodes) and cbond, hbond (edges) information.</li>
<li> It provides means to extract information out the RAG (RNA as Graph) data structure thus formed.</li>
<li> Additionally it provides implementations to find certain Topological structures like n-lets, stems, stem-loops, bulges, kissing-stem-loops.</li>
This API has been implemented in Clojure. <br><br>
For usage of this API see {@link iiit.ToposDemo iiit.ToposDemo} <br><br>
For anything regarding this API, from understanding, documentation, examples, extension contact me
:name "iiit.Topos"
:methods [
#^{:static true} [formRNAGraph [clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap] iiit.RNAAsGraph]
#^{:static true} [getAllResidues [iiit.RNAAsGraph] clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap]
#^{:static true} [getAllCBonds [iiit.RNAAsGraph] clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap]
#^{:static true} [getAllHBonds [iiit.RNAAsGraph] clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap]
#^{:static true} [getRNAGraphStats [iiit.RNAAsGraph] clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap]
#^{:static true} [printRNAGraphToFile [iiit.RNAAsGraph String] void]
#^{:static true} [getNLets [iiit.RNAAsGraph int] clojure.lang.PersistentHashSet]
#^{:static true} [getStems [iiit.RNAAsGraph int] clojure.lang.LazySeq]
#^{:static true} [getStemLoops [iiit.RNAAsGraph int int] clojure.lang.LazySeq]
#^{:static true} [getBulges [iiit.RNAAsGraph int int int] clojure.lang.LazySeq]
#^{:static true} [getKissingStemLoops [iiit.RNAAsGraph int int int int] clojure.lang.LazySeq]
(println "Done loading iiit")
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