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Last active March 14, 2023 18:15
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Reactive browser console
const setWm = (wm, obj, v) => {
wm.set(obj, Object.assign(wm.get(obj), { internal: v }))
const bindWm = (wm, obj, ref, f) => {
wm.set(obj, {
listener: () => {},
listen: function(listener) { this.listener = listener },
internal: ref,
const bindConsole = (obj, str, ref, f) => {
const wm = new WeakMap()
const pattern = {
get() { return wm.get(this).internal },
set(v) { setWm(wm, this, v) }
bindWm(wm, obj, ref, f)
Object.defineProperty(obj, str, pattern)
export default bindConsole
// this is actually a svelte component
// .html is just for syntax highlight
import bindConsole from './bindConsole'
let myProp = 10 // svelte state = {} // assign global variable app = myProp // assign myProp (not reactive yet)
// tada!
bindConsole(, 'myProp', myProp, (newVal) => { myProp = newVal })
// global app.myProp is now reactive with internal svelte variable myProp
<h1> myProp: {myProp} </h1>
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