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Last active November 12, 2021 18:22
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SO moderator timeline, from a template by Najib Idrissi. See
\documentclass[tikz]{standalone} % last update March 2016
\title{Moderator chart}
% 1 horizontal unit = 1 month, 0 = january 2010
% "present" = 65 = May 2016 (two months into the future)
\foreach \i in {1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37}
\fill[color=rows] (0,\i+1) rectangle (103,{\i+2});
\foreach \i in {6,9,16,17,18,19,22,23,24,28,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38}
% for cosmetic reasons I extended beyond present with a gradient for
% current moderators
% this has to be drawn BEFORE the black lines
\shade [left color=myblue, right color=white] (92,\i) rectangle (95,{\i+1});
\foreach \mod/\mtha/\yra/\mthb/\yrb/\i in
{Marc Gravell/6/10/11/15/1, Tim Post/3/13/11/15/8, Adam Lear/1/12/11/15/12,
animuson/3/15/11/15/25, bluefeet/6/15/11/15/26}
\shade [left color=mypurple, right color=white] (92,\i) rectangle (95,{\i+1});
% format : moderator name/month start/year start/month end/year end
% months start at 1, year 0 = 2000
\foreach \mod/\mtha/\yra/\mthb/\yrb/\i in
{Marc Gravell/6/10/3/16/1, Tim Post/3/13/3/16/8, Adam Lear/1/12/3/16/12,
animuson/3/15/3/16/25, bluefeet/6/15/3/16/26}
({\mtha + 12*(\yra-8.5) - 1}, \i) rectangle
({\mthb + 12*(\yrb-8.5) - 1}, {\i+1});
\draw (0, \i) -- (103, \i);
\foreach[count=\i] \mod/\mtha/\yra/\mthb/\yrb in
{Marc Gravell/5/9/6/10,
Bill the Lizard/5/9/4/15,
Jonathan Sampson/2/10/3/13,
Michael Myers/7/10/3/16, % continuing
Tim Post/2/11/3/13,
Robert Harvey/2/11/3/16, %
Lasse V. Karlsen/5/11/3/13,
Adam Lear/11/11/1/12,
BoltClock/11/11/3/16, %
Brad Larson/6/12/3/16, %
ThiefMaster/6/12/3/16, %
George Stocker/6/12/3/16, %
Andrew Barber/3/13/3/15,
Flexo/3/13/3/16, %
ChrisF/3/13/3/16, %
minitech/5/13/3/16, %
Bohemian/2/14/3/16, %
Jeremy Banks/4/15/11/15,
meagar/4/15/3/16, %
Martijn Pieters/4/15/3/16, %
Matt/6/15/3/16, %
Jon Clements/6/15/3/16, %
Ed Cottrell/11/15/3/16, %
josilber/11/15/3/16, %
Madara Uchiha/11/15/3/16, %
Undo/3/16/3/16, %
TheLostMind/3/16/3/16 %
} %
\draw (5, {\i+0.5}) node {\mod};
\draw (98, {\i+0.5}) node {\mod};
({\mtha + 12*(\yra-8.5) - 1}, \i) rectangle
({\mthb + 12*(\yrb-8.5) - 1}, {\i+1});
\draw (0, \i) -- (103, \i);
\foreach \txt/\x in
{May 2009/10, May 2010/22, May 2011/34, May 2012/46, May 2013/58,
May 2014/70, May 2015/82}
\draw (\x, 0) node {|} node[below=0.3cm] {\txt};
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