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Created October 18, 2022 08:30
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convert wrapper to use pdftoppm in pdfsandwich
# Convert wrapper for pdfsandwich, to avoid using imagemagick's convert for PDF to PBM conversion, as it relies on GS under the hood,
# and GS security settings disallow such conversion on most distros.
# Instead of ImageMagick's convert, we then rely on poppler-utils' pdftoppm
# To be invoked with 'pdfsandwich -convert .../'
# By using this I figured out the options passed
# convert -verbose $*
# which are of the form
# -units PixelsPerInch -type Bilevel -density 300x300 -verbose "/tmp/pdfsandwich_tmp743704/pdfsandwich_inputfile86bb3e.pdf[1]" /tmp/pdfsandwich_tmp743704/pdfsandwichcdbaf6.pbm
# Extract first "file + page" arg
pdffile="${@: -2:1}"
# Calculate the page
page=$(echo $pdffile | sed -e 's/[^\[]*\[//' -e 's/\]//')
page=$(expr $page + 1)
# cleanup the PDF filename
pdffile=$(echo $pdffile | sed -e 's/\[.*//')
# The script is invoked twice : for PDF to PBM conversion and later. Only the first one is diverted
if [ "${pdffile: -4}" == ".pdf" ]; then
pdftoppm -singlefile -f $page -l $page "$pdffile" "${@: -1}"
mv "${@: -1}".ppm "${@: -1}"
convert $*
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