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Created September 8, 2020 18:06
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Design Systems 101 Materials & Supplies

Design Systems 101 Materials & Supplies

Design Systems 101 Materials & Supplies

The intention for this course’s materials is to be as cost-free and opt-in as possible. You’ll need the ability to design user interfaces and write code, but your choice of hardware and software is up to you.

Required Textbooks

Expressive Design Systems By Yesenia Perez-Cruz

Atomic Design By Brad Frost

Optional but Recommended Reading

Design Systems By Alla Kholmatova

Laying the Foundations By Andrew Couldwell

@components By EightShapes

Front-end Styles Guides By Anna Debenham

Frontend Architecture for Design Systems By Micah Godbolt

Thinking in Systems By Donella Meadows

Building Design Systems By Sarrah Vesselov and Taurie Davis

Design Systems Handbook By Jina Anne, Diana Mounter, Marco Suarez, Roy Stanfield, and Katie Sylor-Miller

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