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Advice from #djangocon 2010 Django-in-Journalism open-session
Suggestions from the 11 hackers at the table:
* Use connection pooling (pgpool).
* Don't expect reporters to get excited until you can show them something. (Find a way to appeal to reporters interests.)
* Only update what's changed. (e.g. on election results: show changes, not raw numbers)
* Use the AP's "dbready" format for election results.
* Use CSV for everything.
* Use pdb with runserver for debugging.
* Beware circular imports when using Haystack.
* Make the case for building news apps with government data. (Niran will provide numbers showing that people look at it.)
* Let's not reinvent the wheel. (Open source code.)
* Use a logger. Make using it part of your nromal development practice.
* Make your testing/deploying process automated so that you can't deploy bad code at 4am.
* Use git.
* Verify your query counts. Make sure you know what Django is doing.
* Use Varnish.
* Use flot.
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