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Created September 6, 2012 09:05
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UTF8 encode array/object structure in PHP
function utf8_encode_deep(&$input) {
if (is_string($input)) {
$input = utf8_encode($input);
} else if (is_array($input)) {
foreach ($input as &$value) {
} else if (is_object($input)) {
$vars = array_keys(get_object_vars($input));
foreach ($vars as $var) {
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Hi Oscar. I have interested in use this function in my project, but I find any example with this function. Can you help me? thanks

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I think he has a good example here...

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Excelente Aporte, les agradezco mucho.

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Excelente, muchas gracias

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PaliSick commented Aug 4, 2015

Great! Thx!

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Great Man!! Thanks!

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Hi there, i have optimized the code a bit so I am at this point now:

But I have a big problem with XML of simplexml_load_string() since this works only with UTF8, but this Code does not work for xml. Any Ideas?

final class Tools
     * UTF8 de- oder en-codes a total Object/Array.
     * WARNING: De-/Encodes Only the Values, not the keys!
     * @version 17.07.2015 NS:  Created
     * @version 17.02.2016 NS:  html_entity_decode/preg_replace, $b_entity_replace inserted!
     *                          -> Now undefined ISO characters get replaced by its entities when decoding UTF-8 and vice versa.
     * @version 01.03.2016 NS: WARNING: This function does not work for SimpleXMLElement's
     * @param mixed $input          The Input (Array/Object/String-Mix)
     * @param bool  $b_encode           enocde or decode?
     * @param bool  $b_entity_replace   New parameter to define, whether its ok to replace entities.
     *                                  -> There is barely no reason to set this to FALSE except it does not work or takes too much time, no errors found, yet.
     * @return mixed    The de-/encoded Object-/Array-/String- value.
    static function utf8_code_deep($input, $b_encode = TRUE, $b_entity_replace = TRUE)
        if (is_string($input))
                $input = utf8_encode($input);

                //return Entities to UTF8 characters
                //important for interfaces to blackbox-pages to send the correct UTF8-Characters and not Entities.
                    $input = html_entity_decode($input, ENT_NOQUOTES/* | ENT_HTML5*/, 'UTF-8'); //ENT_HTML5 is a PHP 5.4 Parameter.
                //Replace NON-ISO Characters with their Entities to stop setting them to '?'-Characters.
                    $input = preg_replace("/([\304-\337])([\200-\277])/e", "'&#'.((ord('\\1')-192)*64+(ord('\\2')-128)).';'", $input);

                $input = utf8_decode($input);
        elseif (is_array($input))
            foreach ($input as &$value)
                $value = self::utf8_code_deep($value, $b_encode, $b_entity_replace);
        elseif (is_object($input))
            $vars = array_keys(get_object_vars($input));

            if(get_class($input) == 'SimpleXMLElement')
                //DOES NOT WORK!
                return '';

            foreach ($vars as $var)
                $input->$var = self::utf8_code_deep($input->$var, $b_encode, $b_entity_replace);

        return $input;

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tipochka commented Mar 4, 2016


final class Tools
static function utf8_code_deep($input, $b_encode = TRUE, $b_entity_replace = TRUE)
if (is_string($input))
$input = utf8_encode($input);

            //return Entities to UTF8 characters
            //important for interfaces to blackbox-pages to send the correct UTF8-Characters and not Entities.
                $input = html_entity_decode($input, ENT_NOQUOTES/* | ENT_HTML5*/, 'UTF-8'); //ENT_HTML5 is a PHP 5.4 Parameter.
            //Replace NON-ISO Characters with their Entities to stop setting them to '?'-Characters.
                $input = preg_replace("/([\304-\337])([\200-\277])/e", "'&#'.((ord('\\1')-192)*64+(ord('\\2')-128)).';'", $input);

            $input = utf8_decode($input);
        return $input;
    elseif (is_array($input))
        foreach ($input as &$value)
            $value = self::utf8_code_deep($value, $b_encode, $b_entity_replace);
        return $input;
    elseif (is_object($input))
        foreach ($input as $k=>$val)
            $input->$k = self::utf8_code_deep($input->$val, $b_encode, $b_entity_replace);


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Thanks for the idea, tipochka, but it still does not work. Here is an example for non-working code, since I got no idea how to change the different -Elements. In the follwing example for the line "foreach ($input as $k=>$val)" $k is twice 'bar'. That occurs errors. And foreach by reference is not possible here (Fatal-Error).

$xml_string = "<?xml version='1.0'?><foo><bar><bar_string><![CDATA[example1ÄÖÜ]]></bar_string></bar><bar><bar_string><![CDATA[example2ÄÖÜ]]></bar_string></bar></foo>"

//must be UTF8 to work fine with this function.
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_string);

//Now I cannot decode.
$xml_utf8_decoded = Tools::utf8_code_deep($xml, FALSE);

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thanks :)

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