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Created April 25, 2022 19:19
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Consider the language did not provide us with `.indexOf` and we had to implement it ourselves.
Given that the factory is already implemented, how easy is it to add a new case.
Mind how hoisting helps keep the higher levels above, while implementation details are below.
const Should = require('should');
const SUT = require('./index-of');
describe('indexOf(stack, needle)', () => {
"needle found in the end": ["jhdskaaaD" , "aaaD" , 5],
"needle found in start" : ["sdlfsamsqaeca" , "sdl" , 0],
"needle found in the middle": ["sdssdlfsamsqaa", "sdl" , 3],
"needle appears twice": ["sdsaSDLfssSDLa", "SDL" , 4],
"needle contains punctuation":["eh,wtf!#$help" , "wtf!" , 2],
"needle contains unicode": ["sгеройDLa" , "герой", 1],
"needle not in stack": ["sdssdlfsamseca", "sdlx" ,-1],
"empty needle": ["sddssd" , "" , 0],
"empty stack": ["" , "df" ,-1],
"stack is not a string": [{} , "df" ,'TypeError'],
"needle is not a string": ["sajkhdjj" , {} ,'TypeError'],
function caseFactory([spec, [stack, needle, expected]]) {
describe('when ' + spec, () => {
let found, err;
before(() => {
found = SUT(stack, needle);
if (typeof expected 'string') {
it(`should throw a ${expected} augmented with the passed stack and needle`, () => {
.be.instanceOf(Error){ name: expected, stack, needle });
if (expected == -1) {
it('should indicate no find by returning -1', () => {
it('should return the correct first index', () => {
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