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Oskar oskarrough

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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am oskarrough on github.
  • I am oskarr ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASC-EI4Sv7gToVrZzQ9UE85P9wwT3IfY2bSA1xekIVnhgQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

oskarrough / index.html
Created December 23, 2020 20:07
<button onClick="generate()">Generate</button>
<slay-map rows="10" columns="6"></slay-map>
// numeronym('internationalisation')
// returns 'i18n'
function numeronym(text) {
return text[0] + (text.length - 2) + text[text.length - 1]
oskarrough / lovefingers-org.html
Created June 22, 2019 09:15
backup, just in case..
<BODY bgcolor="white" text="#999999" link="#339999" vlink="#339999">
<TABLE border="0" cellpadding = "14"><tr><td valign="top">

How to build a JSON API with Elixir & Phoenix

Welcome! In this guide we'll go step by step to build an API with Elixir and the Phoenix Framework.

Note, i wrote this around 2017/18 so things might have changed. Also it's incomplete. Hopefully still useful. Yadayada.

Here's the plan:

  • Install Elixir
  • Create a new Phoenix project

The ecosystem of Radio4000

This is community overview of projects related to Radio4000. Feel free to edit.

oskarrough / useful-web-audio
Last active March 18, 2024 08:01
A list of useful audio tools and experiments for the web
## Packages
oskarrough / index.html
Last active May 26, 2018 10:09
Standalone emergency player for Radio4000 -->,output
<div id="ytplayer"></div>
1. yarn add critical --dev
2. copy paste this npm script
"scripts": {
"critical-css": "cat dist/index.html | critical --base dist/ --inline --minify > index.tmp && mv index.tmp dist/index.html"
<div style=height:100% id=r4-loader><div style=background-color:#e6e6e4;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;position:fixed aria-label=Loading…><svg height=158 style=color:#888;fill:currentcolor;display:inline-block;max-width:100%;height:72px;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;margin:auto viewBox="0 0 369 158"width=369><g fill-rule=evenodd><path d="M352.606 44.05c-2.15-18.698-10.6-26.05-24.53-26.05C311.796 18 303 28.045 303 54.513c0 22.92 4.88 33.9 14.097 38.01 2.37 13.442 10.667 20.192 21.873 21.767 15.523 2.18 25.3-5.713 28.964-31.782 3.023-21.513-2.416-34.74-15.328-38.458zm0 0c.363 3.158.547 6.64.547 10.463 0 30.773-8.796 40.02-25.077 40.02-4.154 0-7.82-.6-10.98-2.01-.91-5.176-.944-11.346.075-18.595 3.295-23.443 16.257-32.83 31.78-30.648 1.278.18 2.497.436 3.656.77z"/><path d="M291.52 32.57c-4.616-19.75-14.395-27.276-28.855-26.518-18.844.987-28.31 15.136-26.43 51.01 1.545 29.483 7.413 44.122 17.376 49.822 3.845 7.714 10.166 11.895 17.982 13.133 16.105 2.55 30.037-8.75 35.216-41.445 4.063-25.657-2.777