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Created July 12, 2019 13:01
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Spark Schema DSL
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql._
object SchemaDsl {
case class ScalaToSparkType[ScalaType](sparkType: DataType, isNullable: Boolean = false) {
def toField(name: String) = StructField(name = name, dataType = sparkType, nullable = isNullable)
implicit val stringType: ScalaToSparkType[String] = ScalaToSparkType(StringType)
implicit val intType: ScalaToSparkType[Int] = ScalaToSparkType(IntegerType)
implicit val longType: ScalaToSparkType[Long] = ScalaToSparkType(LongType)
implicit def optionType[A](implicit ev: ScalaToSparkType[A]): ScalaToSparkType[Option[A]] =
ev.copy(isNullable = false)
implicit class ColumnDsl(s: String) {
def ofType[A](implicit ev: ScalaToSparkType[A]): StructField = ev.toField(s)
implicit class DataFrameReaderExtension(reader: DataFrameReader) {
def withSchema(fields: StructField*) = reader.schema(StructType(fields))
object SchemaDslTest {
import SchemaDsl._
def read(path: String)(implicit spark: SparkSession) = {
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