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Last active June 8, 2018 09:16
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Enabling sbt plugins from the command line in any sbt project
% sbtx dependencyGraph
... blah blah ...
[info] *** Welcome to the sbt build definition for Scala! ***
[info] Check for more information.
[error] Not a valid command: dependencyGraph
[error] Not a valid project ID: dependencyGraph
% sbtx -Dplugins=graph dependencyGraph
... blah blah ...
[info] +---------------+
[info] | scalap |
[info] |org.scala-lang |
[info] |2.12.0-SNAPSHOT|
[info] +---------------+
[info] |
[info] v
[info] +------------------+
[info] |scala-compiler [S]|
[info] | org.scala-lang |
[info] | 2.12.0-SNAPSHOT |
[info] +------------------+
[info] | | | |
[info] ------------------ | | --------------------------
[info] | | | |
[info] v | | |
[info] +--------------+ | | |
[info] | ant | | | |
[info] |org.apache.ant| | | |
[info] | 1.9.4 | | | |
[info] +--------------+ | | |
[info] | ---------------- | |
[info] ------------- | | |
[info] | | | |
[info] v v v v
[info] +--------------+ +-----------------+ +----------------------+ +----------------------+
[info] | ant-launcher | |scala-reflect [S]| | scala-asm | | scala-xml_2.12.0-M5 |
[info] |org.apache.ant| | org.scala-lang | |org.scala-lang.modules| |org.scala-lang.modules|
[info] | 1.9.4 | | 2.12.0-SNAPSHOT | | 5.1.0-scala-1 | | 1.0.5 |
[info] +--------------+ +-----------------+ +----------------------+ +----------------------+
% sbtx -Dplugins=graph,coursier dependencyGraph
... blah blah ...
100.0% [##########] 2.3 KiB (3.2 KiB / s)
100.0% [##########] 1.5 KiB (1.7 KiB / s)
100.0% [##########] 2.1 KiB (2.1 KiB / s)
[ ] 0 B (0 B / s)
[ ] 0 B (0 B / s)…
[ ] 0 B (0 B / s)…
[ ] 0 B (0 B / s)
// This file is at $HOME/.sbt/0.13/plugins/plugins.sbt
lazy val isEnabled: Set[String] = sys.props.getOrElse("plugins", "").split(",").map(_.trim).toSet
def maybeEnable(pair: (String, ModuleID)): Seq[Setting[_]] =
if (isEnabled(pair._1)) addSbtPlugin(pair._2) else Seq()
Seq[(String, ModuleID)](
"aether" -> "no.arktekk.sbt" % "aether-deploy" % "0.17",
"coursier" -> "io.get-coursier" % "sbt-coursier" % "1.0.0-M12",
"graph" -> "net.virtual-void" % "sbt-dependency-graph" % "0.8.2",
"impact" -> "com.updateimpact" % "updateimpact-sbt-plugin" % "2.1.1",
"jmh" -> "pl.project13.scala" % "sbt-jmh" % "0.2.10",
"pgp" -> "com.jsuereth" % "sbt-pgp" % "1.0.0",
"psp" -> "org.improving" % "sbt-psp" % "61521d8859be70ba566f5e776d6e68f06d062cec",
"scalafmt" -> "com.geirsson" %% "sbt-scalafmt" % "0.2.5",
"scoverage" -> "org.scoverage" % "sbt-scoverage" % "1.3.5",
"sonatype" -> "org.xerial.sbt" % "sbt-sonatype" % "1.1",
"unused" -> "com.hanhuy.sbt" % "sbt-unused" % "0.1",
"updates" -> "com.timushev.sbt" % "sbt-updates" % "0.2.0"
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