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Created July 14, 2010 15:47
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WebGUI 8 Migration Guide
The information contained herein documents the API changes that have occurred in the WebGUI 8 development effort and how to migrate your code to accomodate the new APIs.
WebGUI::Config->new has a new API. Its WebGUI root parameter has been eliminated. It now only accepts a config file as either an absolute path, or a path relative to WebGUI's etc directory.
my $config = WebGUI::Config->new($filename);
WebGUI::Session->open has a new API. Its WebGUI root parameter has been eliminated. The config file it is given can be either an absolute path, or a path relative to WebGUI's etc directory.
my $session = WebGUI::Session->open($configFile);
perldoc WebGUI::Session for more details about the arguments.
WebGUI::Session::Env has been moved into WebGUI::Session::Request. A listing of replacements and equivalents follows:
$session->env->getIp => $session->request->address
WebGUI::Cache has been completely rewritten. If you were using the cache API in the past, you'll need to update your code to reflect the changes. NOTE: you can get a cached reference to the cache object from WebGUI::Session, which will be substantially faster than instantiating the object yourself.
my $cache = $session->cache;
The Asset API has been changed in small, but significant ways. You'll need to make a few changes to your asset subclasses to support these changes.
You must migrate your asset to use the new WebGUI::Definition::Asset class instead of the definition() method. This executes several orders of magnitude faster, but is different in a few ways.
1) You define your definition using property and define calls, as well as standard Moose syntax.
2) You no longer have a reference to $session, so you'll need to make sub routine refs to to method calls. However, you cannot use sub refs on any attributes or the following property elements: tableName.
3) You no longer have the "customDrawMethod" element. You must make custom form controls.
4) You no longer have filters. Instead, each property has a method called propertyName (so a property called 'title' would be title()). You can override that to achieve the same result. You can see examples of this in, look at the url and title properties.
5) Because you don't have a reference to $session, you can't internationalize right in the definition. So property elements like "label" and "hoverHelp" are just i18n identifiers and will automatically be run through internationalization on calling the getFormProperties() method. To specify
an i18n identifier, place the label and namespace in an arrayref, like this:
label => ['i18n key', 'namespace'],
6) Definition's are now rigid. This means that every property needs to be defined in the definition, and it must at least have a "fieldType" element. If the field is to be displayed (ie: it doesn't have a noFormPost=>1 element) then it must also at minimum have label elements. In addition, you must specify assetName, tableName, and properties defines at minimum. Anything less is invalid.
7) The properties attribute must be an array reference of properties. No more Tie::IxHash.
8) The autoGenerateForms has been removed. All edit forms are autogenerated in WebGUI 8.
9) You no longer have the "visible" element. It was a duplicate of "noFormPost", so use "noFormPost" instead.
10) You no longer have the "displayOnly" element. Make a custom form control instead.
11) Defaults for properties are set by the default key in the property. This sets form defaults as well. This means that newly created
Assets always have sane defaults. Unless specifically overridden, any property can be set to undef. This takes care of the long
standing problem with sticky titles and other fields.
12) You no longer have the "allowEmpty" element. However, you can now specify an initial value in the "value" element, and set "default" to undef if you want to have an initial value but allow the field to become empty or undef.
Here's an example.
use WebGUI::Definition::Asset;
extends 'WebGUI::Asset';
define assetName => 'Gadget';
define tableName => 'gadget';
define uiLevel => 5;
define icon => 'gadget.gif';
property urlToJavascript => (
fieldType => 'url',
label => ['URL to Javascript Class','Asset_Gadget'],
hoverHelp => ['URL to Javascript Class help','Asset_Gadget'],
property foo => (
fieldType => 'text',
noFormPost => 1,
property bar => (
fieldType => 'codearea',
uiLevel => 9,
label => ['Bar','Asset_Gadget'],
hoverHelp => ['Bar help','Asset_Gadget'],
builder => '_bar_builder', ##Set default using Moose's builder and lazy method
lazy => 1,
sub _bar_builder {
my $self = shift;
return $self->callSomeMethod;
property baz => (
fieldType => 'checkboxList',
label => ['Baz','Asset_Gadget'],
hoverHelp => ['Baz help','Asset_Gadget'],
default => 1,
options => \&_baz_options, ##method called when getFormProperties called, automatically lazy
sub _baz_options {
my ($self, $property_meta_object, $property_name) = @_;
my $session = $self->session;
my $i18n = WebGUI::International->new($session, 'Asset_Gadget');
tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash';
%options = (
one => $i18n->get('one'),
two => $i18n->get('two'),
three => $i18n->get('three'),
return \%options;
Asset Instanciators
Moose does not allow a dynamic class to be passed into ->new. Trying to access an asset from the database like this:
WebGUI::Asset->new($session, $assetId, 'WebGUI::Asset::Template');
will give you back an object with class WebGUI::Asset, with some of the data from the Template.
You have two options to deal with this:
1) Brute force method
my $class = WebGUI::Asset->loadModule($asset_module_name);
my $asset = $class->new($session, $assetId);
2) Use newById
newById replaces the older, and longer, newByDynamicClass method.
my $asset = WebGUI::Asset->newById($session, $assetId);
->new itself will either lookup an asset in the database and return you an object, or build you
an object without storing the data into the database, depending on how it's called.
WebGUI::Asset::SomeClass->new($session, $assetId, $revisionDate) will try to look up the requested object
of type SomeClass, populated with information from the database.
WebGUI::Asset::SomeClass->new($propertyHashRef) will return you an object of type SomeClass populated
with the properties you have passed in. Missing properties will have default set from the definition.
All Asset instanciators, new, newById, newByUrl, newPending, newByPropertyHashRef throw exceptions instead
of returning undef to indicate an error. You should wrap any call to an instanciator in an eval, and catch
any exceptions that are thrown and deal with them.
my $asset = eval { WebGUI::Asset->newById($session, $assetId); };
if (my $exception = Exception::Class->caught() ) {
##Log or handle the exception. Exceptions can also be rethrown to be passed farther up the call chain.
Removed Methods
assetDbProperties - Simply instantiate the asset if you want it's properties.
assetExists - Simply instantiate the asset if you want to know if it exists.
getValue - Use get() or the individual property accessors instead.
fixTitle - The title() method does what this used to do as the title is set.
fixUrlFromParent - This functionality is built into fixUrl, so that all fixes happen and can't cause breakages.
fixId - Never assign the asset anything other than a GUID.
Asset API
->get will still work, but will be slightly slower since inside it calls the direct Moose accessor. Similarly,
getId is slightly slower than ->assetId.
Object properties are no longer written to the database when an object is created from scratch. The write method needs
to be called.
Since create is now really new, there is no way to create an address book for an arbitrary userId. To work around this,
update the address book with the new userId after it has been created.
Object properties are no longer written to the database when an object is created from scratch. The write method needs
to be called.
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