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Last active March 21, 2021 20:17
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matrix path walkthrough: 0's are no, 1's are go
// ABSTRACT: find route or single short diagonal route
// Returns 2d-array filled with falses
function getArrOfFalses( arr ){
let rv = []
arr.forEach( ( row, i ) => {
let rowRv = []
row.forEach( ( col, j ) => {
rowRv.push( false )
} )
rv.push( rowRv )
} )
return rv
// Returns bool if cell exists on a matrix
function isSafe( arr, i, j ){
const rowsNum = arr.length
const colsNum = arr[ rowsNum - 1 ].length
const rv = ( ( ( i >= 0 ) && ( i < rowsNum ) )
&& ( ( j >= 0 ) && ( j < colsNum ) )
return rv
// Returns bool, changes cells arg
function isPath( arr, i, j, visited, cells ){
let rv = false
if( isSafe( arr, i, j )
&& ! visited[ i ][ j ]
// console.log( i, j, visited, visited[ i, j ] )
visited[ i ][ j ] = true
const value = arr[ i ][ j ]
if( 3 == value ){
rv = true
} else if( ( 1 == value ) || ( 2 == value ) ) {
cells[ i ][ j ] = true
let rvStep
rvStep = isPath( arr, i - 1, j, visited, cells )
if( rvStep ){ return true }
rvStep = isPath( arr, i + 1, j, visited, cells )
if( rvStep ){ return true }
rvStep = isPath( arr, i, j - 1, visited, cells )
if( rvStep ){ return true }
rvStep = isPath( arr, i, j + 1, visited, cells )
if( rvStep ){ return true }
return rv
// Takes array[], returns [ bool, array[] ]
function atPath( arr ){
let rv = false
let [ visited, cells, ] = [ getArrOfFalses( arr ), getArrOfFalses( arr ), ]
arr.forEach( ( row, i ) => {
row.forEach( ( col, j ) => {
if( 2 == col ){
rv = isPath( arr, i, j, visited, cells )
} )
} )
return [ rv, cells, ]
// Takes array[], returns bool | Int
function getPath( arr ){
let rv = false
let flag, cellsFrom, cellsTo, atPathRv
const rowLastNum = arr.length - 1
const colLastNum = arr[ rowLastNum ].length - 1
arr[ 0 ][ 0 ] = 2
arr[ rowLastNum][ colLastNum ] = 3
atPathRv = atPath( arr )
flag = atPathRv[0]
cellsFrom = atPathRv[1]
if( flag ){ return true }
arr[ 0 ][ 0 ] = 1
arr[ rowLastNum][ colLastNum ] = 1
arr[ 0 ][ 0 ] = 3
arr[ rowLastNum ][ colLastNum ] = 2
atPathRv = atPath( arr )
cellsTo = atPathRv[1]
arr[ 0 ][ 0 ] = 1
arr[ rowLastNum][ colLastNum ] = 1
if ( flag ){
rv = flag
} else {
rv = findShortDiags( cellsFrom, cellsTo )
return rv;
function findShortDiags( cellsFrom, cellsTo ){
let rv = 0
let[ cellsFromPairs, cellsToPairs ] = [ [], [], ]
cellsFrom.forEach( ( row, i ) => {
row.forEach( ( col, j ) => {
if( col ){
cellsFromPairs.push( [ i, j, ] )
} )
} )
cellsTo.forEach( ( row, i ) => {
row.forEach( ( col, j ) => {
if( col ){
cellsToPairs.push( [ i, j, ] )
} )
} )
cellsFromPairs.forEach( cellFrom => {
const [ iFrom, jFrom, ] = cellFrom
cellsToPairs.forEach( cellTo => {
const [ iTo, jTo, ] = cellTo
const [ iDiff, jDiff, ] = [ iFrom - iTo, jFrom - jTo, ].map( Math.abs )
if( ( 1 == iDiff ) && ( 1 == jDiff ) ){
rv += 2
( ( 2 == iDiff ) && ( 0 == jDiff ) )
( ( 0 == iDiff ) && ( 2 == jDiff ) )
rv ++
} )
} )
if( 0 == rv ){ rv = false }
return rv
// Takes string[], returns bool | Int
function matrixPath( strArr ){
const arr = elem => elem.split( `` ) )
const rv = getPath( arr )
return rv
let rv
rv = matrixPath( ["11100", "10011", "10101", "10011"] )
console.log( rv )
rv = matrixPath( ["11100", "10111", "10101", "10011"] )
console.log( rv )
rv = matrixPath( ["11100", "10011", "10111", "10011"] )
console.log( rv )
rv = matrixPath( ["11000", "11011", "10101", "10011"] )
console.log( rv )
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