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Created May 20, 2015 20:27
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% This file is a LaTex file for the "beamer" package to create slides for a talk or presentation
% MODIFIED by Pablo Gomez 5/20/2015
% or ...
% or whatever (possibly just delete it)
% or whatever
% or whatever
% Or whatever. Note that the encoding and the font should match. If T1
% does not look nice, try deleting the line with the fontenc.
\title[BF vs NHST] % (optional, use only with long paper titles)
{Statistical Inference}
{Contrasting null hypothesis testing and Bayes factors} % (optional)
\author[Greeson, Gomez] % (optional, use only with lots of authors)
{M.~Greeson\inst{1} \and P.~Gomez\inst{2}}
% - Use the \inst{?} command only if the authors have different
% affiliation.
\institute[DePaul University] % (optional, but mostly needed)
Clinical Program\\
P.S. program\\
% - Use the \inst command only if there are several affiliations.
% - Keep it simple, no one is interested in your street address.
\date[Short Occasion] % (optional)
{\today / For fun}
\begin{frame}{Statistical Inference}
A comparison\dots
\uncover<1->{\item [NHST] We use samples to study populations}
\uncover<2->{\item [Bayes] We use samples to quantify evidence for hypotheses}
\begin{frame}{Sample data I}
A comparison\dots
\uncover<1->{\item [NHST] Sampling error occurs--meaning we expect our sample stats to not be perfect reflection of our population}
\uncover<2->{\item [Bayes] The data \emph{is what it is}}
\begin{frame}{Sample data II}
A comparison\dots
\uncover<1->{\item [NHST] We don't know how right or wrong our sample stats are due to sampling error}
\uncover<2->{\item [Bayes] The data \emph{is what it is}}
\begin{frame}{Hypotheses I}
A comparison\dots
\uncover<1->{\item [NHST] We establish one hypothesis: the null hypothesis}
\uncover<2->{\item [Bayes] We establish several competing hypothesis or models (for example a null and an alternative hypothesis). These hypotheses represent our \emph{prior} beliefs}
\begin{frame}{Hypotheses II}
A comparison\dots
\uncover<1->{\item [NHST] We make assumptions about the behavior (i.e. distribution) of the population of scores under the null hypothesis}
\uncover<2->{\item [Bayes] We make assumptions about the behavior (i.e. distribution) of the population of scores under the competing hypothesis or models (for example a null and an alternative hypothesis)}
\begin{frame}{Hypotheses III}
A comparison\dots
\uncover<1->{\item [NHST] We estimate the probability of getting various sample stats from a random sample taken from that population if the assumptions under the null hypothesis were true}
\uncover<2->{\item [Bayes] We estimate the probabilities of getting various sample stats from a random sample if the assumptions under the different models were true}
\begin{frame}{Data collection}
A comparison\dots
\uncover<1->{\item [NHST] We then collect data from a random sample and calculate sample stats}
\uncover<2->{\item [Bayes] We then collect data from a random sample and calculate sample stats}
\begin{frame}{Inference I}
A comparison\dots
\uncover<1->{\item [NHST] We estimate the probability of getting our data if the assumptions about the null hypothesis were true p(data|Null) }
\uncover<2->{\item [Bayes] Given the data that we have, we estimate the probability of our data coming from the Null and the Alternative models: p(Null| data) \& p(Alt|data)}
\begin{frame}{Inference II}
A comparison\dots
\uncover<1->{\item [NHST] There is a decision rule. If the probability of getting our data if the assumptions about the null hypothesis were true is low enough, we reject that null hypothesis}
\uncover<2->{\item [Bayes] There is no decision rule. We compute the ratio for the p(null|data) / p(alt|data) to quantify the evidece that we have for one model over the other}
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