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Created February 25, 2014 00:58
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import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Monoid
import Text.Printf
data Attributed m w a = Attributed (m a) w
instance Functor m => Functor (Attributed m w) where
fmap f (Attributed m w) = Attributed (fmap f m) w
instance (Monoid w, Applicative m) => Applicative (Attributed m w)
pure a = Attributed (pure a) mempty
Attributed f v <*> Attributed a w =
Attributed (f <*> a) (v <> w)
infixr 0 #
vs # attr = Attributed attr (mconcat vs)
assert p err = if p then [] else [err]
type Command a = Attributed IO [String] a
minLength :: String -> Int -> String -> [String]
minLength name n str =
assert (length str >= n) $
printf "%s %s: Min-length is %d" name str n
addUserCommand :: String -> Command ()
addUserCommand user =
[ minLength "Username" 5 user ]
# printf "Added user %s\n" user
setPasswordCommand :: String -> String -> Command ()
setPasswordCommand user pwd =
[ minLength "Password" 7 pwd ]
# printf "Set password for user %s to '%s'\n" user pwd
newUserCommand user pwd =
addUserCommand user *> setPasswordCommand user pwd
addUsers :: [String] -> Command ()
addUsers users =
for_ users $ \userName ->
case userName of
's':_ -> addUserCommand userName
_ -> pure ()
run :: Command a -> IO ()
run (Attributed command w) = case w of
[] -> void command
errors -> for_ errors $ \e -> printf "error: %s\n" e
run_unsafe (Attributed m w) = m
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