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Created August 27, 2013 01:35
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Sample angular service using CoffeeScript class.
class ThumbService
constructor: (@$log, @$q, @$resource, @mainService) ->
console.log "ThumbService: constructor called"
@url = @mainService.url(true)+"rest/thumbs/:value/:count"
@thumbs_url = @$resource @url
@sf = []
@lines = []
@thumbs = []
@thumb_size = 150
@max_thumbs = 200
formatValue: (value) ->
if value instanceof Date
y = value.getFullYear()
m = value.getMonth()+1
m = `m > 9 ? m : "0"+m`
d = value.getDate()
d = `d > 9 ? d : "0"+d`
v = y + '-' + m + '-' + d + " 23:59:59"
v = value
get: (value,@max_thumbs,@thumb_size) ->
defer = @$q.defer()
value = @formatValue(value)
@$log.log "should read thumbs from server here..."
@thumbs_url.get {value,count:@max_thumbs}, (results) =>
@thumbs = results.thumbs
@$log.log 'thumbService.get success', results
# watch(@thumbs,debugger)
defer.resolve results.thumbs
, (results) ->
@$log.error 'thumbService.get error', results
defer.reject results
rescale: (@thumb_size,@line_width) ->
console.log "init sf"
@sf = []
len = @thumbs.length
j = 0
while j < len
i = j
w = @_width(i++)
while i < len
ww = w + @_width(i)
break if ww > line_width
w = ww
f = line_width / w
# console.log "f,line_width,w:", f, line_width, w
@lines.push (i - j)
while j < i
@sf[j] = f
_size: (index) ->
thumb = @thumbs[index]
# size is the value sent to thumbnailer.
# In theory, size == min(width,height).
# If Width or Height == 0, return size.
# console.log "thumb.Portrait: ", thumb.Portrait
[w, h] = if thumb.Portrait
[thumb.Height, thumb.Width]
[thumb.Width, thumb.Height]
# console.log('w * size / h:',w * size / h,w,size,h)
[w,h] = if h>0 && w>0
[w * @thumb_size / h, @thumb_size]
[@thumb_size, @thumb_size]
_width: (index) ->
[w,h] = @_size(index)
scaledSize: (index) ->
[w, h] = @_size(index)
sf = @sf[index]
[w * sf, h * sf]
dropFirstLine: ->
n = @lines.shift()
for i in [1..n] by 1
.service('thumbService', ['$log', '$q', '$resource', 'mainService', ThumbService])
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