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Last active June 14, 2016 16:18
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What's wrong with the npm workflow?

Sara Chipps started this awesome thread about bundler vs. npm. You should check it out cause it's highly entertaining.

But I do want to get more info on the workflow problems people experience with npm. It has always been the simplest thing to me. But I'm also fully aware that perceptions are relative. Most ruby folks are totally fine with bundler even though it gives me constant headaches. But the bundler issues are well documented. This seems to be less true for npm. I want to gather some info about people's experiences. I promise I'll try to refrain from the canned "you're doing it wrong" response.

Also, we've already established that npm is network hungry and could do a better job of maintaining an offline cache. Nobody's arguing that. But I'm less concerned about feature requests here. I'm interested in where npm breaks for you.

Here's Ryan Florence.

`rm -rf node_modules && npm cache clean && npm install && npm dedupe` feels almost as reassuring as just `bundle install`

I want to hear about the step before this where something's wrong and a simple npm install doesn't fix it. Messing around with the cache suggests there's something very strange in people's workflows. And messing around with dedupe suggests that the dependency tree that people are trying to achieve is very different from mine. Trashing your whole node_modules folder shouldn't be required. But it's usually an easier step than trying to debug whatever weird state you got yourself into. I believe this is because npm installs don't usually fail and you can just refresh your whole dep tree fairly easily (network permitting).

But these are just my own perceptions. So lets hear it. Why do you hate npm?

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polotek commented Jul 3, 2014

@rockbot what's your understanding of @tomdale's issue? I admit I very rarely get this kind of warning. Is this part of the "peer dependencies" topic? I admit I have avoided that whole thing because it always sounded like a bad idea to me.

In Tom's example, I would prefer to have 2 versions of rsvp installed. On at the root and one under broccoli-sane-watcher. I believe the problem is that if deps for broccoli-sane-watcher are not installed yet, but you do npm install from the root of your project, npm recurses up the dir tree and finds rsvp in the project root. That version doesn't meet the requirements for the broccoli module. But if you run this program and the broccoli module calls require('rsvp') it will get that version, but it's own version is not installed.

That makes sense based on how npm module loading works. What I don't understand is how you end up with broccoli-sane-watcher installed but no rsvp underneath it. Is broccoli checked into version control?

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polotek commented Jul 3, 2014

FYI, here is the bug in npm that will bite you in the ass if you are checking in deps. npm/npm#1341

I submitted it a long time ago and it has a billion +1s. People usually check in their top level deps without second level deps. But when you deploy and run npm install, it will not recurse into them and install their 2nd level deps. npm update will do this. We changed our deploy scripts to run that and haven't been bitten by this problem again. But it should really be the default behavior of npm install as well.

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isaacs commented Jul 4, 2014


A lot of devs put node_modules in their .gitignore and check that in, so if you bundle and that happens, the package can be incomplete (which isn't npm's fault at all, npm just doesn't recursively check already installed dependencies on npm install).

Two errors in that statement.

  1. if you npm install something, and it has a .gitignore file, then one of two things are done with it. First, if there is not a .npmignore file, then it is renamed to .npmignore. (Empirically, people find it surprising when a gitignore'd file is published.) Second, if there already is a .npmignore file, then the .gitignore file is omitted from the package. So, unless you're using a very old version of npm, it should be fine.
  2. When you install a package, and then move things around with npm, and now that packages dependencies are no longer available, then that is npm's fault. It should not allow broken situations without complaining a lot about it in the process, and telling you how to fix it.

In other words, yes, it should be (more) idempotent.

Re npm/npm#1341, the dicey thing there is that we're now saying that "bundledDependencies" is no longer "sacrosanct". Currently, bundling a dependency means that you are
taking 100% responsibility for its contents. npm will not touch it. This makes it possible to float patches, etc.

I'm fine with changing that contract a little bit. But it's a significant version change, and requires a lot of the same work involved with idempotent installs, flatter folder structures, and dedupe-on-install. In all cases, what we need is to do the refactoring that's already in progress to split the install command up into multiple stages.

Thanks for bringing this up. It's useful info :)

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judax commented Jun 14, 2016

I am new to NPM but I coming from other development environments I might be missing something as I do not like some of the workflow have-tos. The simplest example is:

  • I want to work with modules, actually creating most of my functionalities in modules.
  • Some modules depend on other modules. Of course, this is done using devDependencies or dependencies in the package.json.

The biggest hurdle I am facing is:

  • Even though there is the option to reference local modules using the file: mechanism, there is no way (or I haven't been able to find) to use environment variables that would be very helpful for sharing code among different developers that just define their OUR_FRAMEWORK_PATH kind of variable to point to where those modules are.
  • Having to remove and re-install modules when they change is a mess. And npm link does not help much either as it is also a mess both in linux based systems (having to change the prefix or work as root? WTF).
    Then again, it might be my inexperience with the platform but I think not being able to easily share modules with other developers without having to do anything (without using a registry or publishing them) and not having an easy way to work with an evolving/under development module is quite surprising/frustrating.

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