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Created January 4, 2015 09:11
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By episode 3, Janet and Larry's relationship remains obscure.

STEVE is a skink. JANET is a sparrow. LARRY is a beaver.

STEVE and JANET enter, continuing a conversation. LARRY is eating a sandwich.

Steve: Oh, that's Larry. Don't mind him, he's a child pornography enthusiast.

Larry (correcting him): Pedophile.

STEVE makes a "what's the difference?" motion.

Janet (taken aback): What??

Larry: Hey, it's not illegal yet, it's 1985.


Larry EXITS, eating sandwich.

Janet shakes her head, looks down at the iPhone in her hand. For a moment, she is far away. Bewildered,

Janet: What fucking year is it?



LARRY is standing in front of a corkboard labeled "/board/". He is in the process of tacking something to it, but it is obscured by boxy censorship pixels.

Janet (approaching, agitated): Jesus, Larry! You can't post that here!

Larry is frozen. LAUGHTER

Janet (deliberately): You can't post that anywhere, Larry.

Janet (pinching her temples, softly): Jesus, Larry.

Janet (almost to herself): Jesus.


(some time later)

JANET is on the old-fashioned corded phone.

Janet: ...well I know it's not illegal but...

LARRY enters

JANET hangs up the phone with a satisfying cthunk.

Larry: Listen Janet, I know we don't know each other very well.

JANET just smiles

Larry: So it's weird to have to tell you this, but Mr. Mendoza told me to tell you that this is actually my office now, because it's bigger than the one I have.

Larry: Aaand you're a woman. Sooo...

JANET is shocked. Simultaneously, LAUGHTER

Janet: That isn't funny at all!

Larry: Nope. But the fact that I make 30% more than you is. 1985!!

Even more LAUGHTER


Larry: I know right, lol


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